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Date: Wednesday, January 01, 2014

Look for Beef Briefs to be delivered the first of each month - your snapshot of beef checkoff news affecting the dairy and beef industries. Editor's note: please feel free to use these news items as space allows in your publication or online content. If you would like to expand on a certain topic, please e-mail Melissa Slagle at

In case you missed it…

… Get the latest updates by "friending" MyBeefCheckoff on Facebook or following @MyBeefCheckoff on Twitter.

… The checkoff's Masters of Beef Advocacy program now has more than 4,500 graduates! Are you one of them?

… Learn more from your checkoff about skillet cooking.

Did you know …

... that beef continues to face a significant health-image issue? While beef's great taste is the No. 1 reason consumers eat beef, health is the No. 1 reason millennials are limiting their beef intake. But there is hope, as research indicates that these consumers' knowledge about beef nutrition is the missing link. In fact, 45 percent of millennials say they would be "very" or "extremely" likely to add more beef meals to their menus after they discover that beef is nutrient-rich, lean, and compares favorably to chicken when it comes to nutrition....

... that consumers in the millennial generation are the ones asking the most questions about how farmers and ranchers raise their food? Unfortunately, the clutter of information in national consumer media and from self-proclaimed online "experts" can be confusing. Many millennials are skeptical about beef's health benefits and are actively researching, reading and talking about beef-production issues. They want information about animal welfare and proof of human treatment of animals. They want to know exactly how cattle are raised and if there's any truth to so-called "factory farming." They want measures of the impact of beef production on the environment. They want specific information about how beef is processed.

... that it's not just the use of digital platforms that is important, but how millennials engage with each other on them. Millennials are more likely to share their experiences widely, especially through social networks, so your checkoff is putting its money where the consumers - and influencers - are. The growth of online platforms is creating more opportunities for the checkoff to engage with this generation, which is at the heart of the decision by producer leaders to convert checkoff advertising to an all-digital platform that seams together our target audience for both demand-building and issues-management in 2014.

... that, based on what millennials say is important to them, your Beef Checkoff Program is working diligently to make real, meaningful connections with these consumers to share the positive, science-based story about beef nutrition and production.

... that the future of the beef industry depends heavily on this next generation of beef eaters, and your checkoff is seeing to it that they have the information they need to increase their confidence in you and your end product to make sure that beef remains "What's for Dinner" for generations to come!

(Click on the ad above, right for a high-res version.)

Gearing Up Moms, Millennials and More

Staff of the American National CattleWomen, a contractor to the Beef Checkoff Program, are ramping up efforts for the 2014 "Moms, Millennials and More" program. That includes in-depth planning for all FY14 face-to-face beef-promotion events, social media activities, education research, and the 2015 National Beef Ambassador Program competition. Planning also is underway for a "New Year" social-media beef blitz and issuance this month of a Request for Proposals for a K-12 research program. Early conversations indicate widespread excitement about the project, including discussions with a potential retail partner, collegiate groups that want to partner for on-campus beef events, CattleWomen who are prepared to host farm/ranch tours, state beef councils who see opportunities to extend the program on regional bases, and beef organizations that want to offer their services to support the program.

Two new checkoff infographics posted to Skillet Cooking on teaches consumers about preparing beef using the skillet-to-oven and indirect grilling cooking methods. This is a response to research that indicates consumer cooking skills are minimal and need engaging and compelling content to increase their confidence in cooking with beef. 3 Simple Steps to Indirect Grilling with Beef and 3 Simple Steps to Skillet-to-Oven Cooking with Beef introduce the nearly million annual visitors to to these convenient cooking methods. Sharing features encourage visitors to promote and share the graphics online and expand the reach of this important information. For more information, visit

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The Beef Checkoff Program was established as part of the 1985 Farm Bill. The checkoff assesses $1 per head on the sale of live domestic and imported cattle, in addition to a comparable assessment on imported beef and beef products. States retain up to 50 cents on the dollar and forward the other 50 cents per head to the Cattlemen's Beef Promotion and Research Board, which administers the national checkoff program, subject to USDA approval. # # #
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