The European Commission has proposed that the suspension of duties and quotas should continue until June 2025, which the European Parliament's trade committee approved by 26 for to 10 against, with one abstention.

In response to EU farmer protests, the proposal also introduces an "emergency brake" for poultry, eggs and sugar, meaning tariffs would be allowed if imports exceed the average levels of 2022 and 2023.

It is designed to assuage the likes of Polish farmers and truckers, who have blocked Ukrainian border crossings since November and say they have faced unfair competition from cheaper Ukrainian imports.

Poland might widen its national ban on imports of Ukrainian grains to other products.

Kyiv has repeatedly said Ukraine has stopped exporting sensitive agricultural goods to Poland and that about 95% of its agricultural exports go via the Black Sea.

Import duties and quotas on Ukrainian farm produce were lifted in 2022 after Russia's invasion, which disrupted shipments via the Black Sea.

Thursday's vote clears the last effective hurdle. The full parliament is expected to confirm approval for the extension next week before a final endorsement from EU governments, a majority of which have already backed it.

Lawmakers had proposed several amendments, which were rejected, such as to add honey and cereals to the list of products subject to the brake and to include 2021 as a reference year. This was before Russia's invasion, when Ukrainian exports to the EU were curbed by tariffs and quotas.

The amendments were put forward by lawmakers from centre-right parties, notably from Romania and Poland, as well as far-right groups.

Agricultural lobby group COPA-COGECA said lawmakers had failed EU farmers by dismissing potential improvements to the import regime.

The trade committee also voted to approve a similar extension for agricultural imports from Moldova.

(Reporting by Philip Blenkinsop and Bart Meijer; editing by Barbara Lewis)

By Philip Blenkinsop