The call came during the annual summit of the 120-member bloc in Uganda.

Here's African Union Commission chair Moussa Faki Mahamat:

"Africa condemns this unacceptable moral, legal and humanitarian failure and demands an immediate end to the unjust war against the Palestinian people and for the immediate implementation of the two-state solution."

The Non-Aligned Movement formed in 1961... made up of countries opposed to joining either of the two major Cold War-era military and political blocs.

Nearly all African countries belong to it -- making up almost half of its members.

Israel launched its offensive in Gaza after the Oct. 7 attack by Islamist militant group Hamas.

Israeli officials say more than 1,200 people were killed and 240 taken hostage.

More than 24,000 Palestinians have been killed during the campaign, according to Gaza health authorities.

Israel has said it's acting in self-defense and has rejected accusations of genocide...

Including in a case brought against it by South Africa at the U.N.'s top court.

At the summit, South African President Cyril Ramaphosa called for the establishment of a quote, "fair and equitable" system of global governance.

He said the war revealed the inadequacy of the United Nations...

And in particular - the Security Council - where the U.S. has vetoed several resolutions critical of Israel.