Toekenz Collectibles announced that it has secured licenses from global entertainment company, Boat Rocker. Boat Rocker's digital collections will be among the first to debut on the Toekenz platform, including the powerhouse dance series The Next Step and the eagerly awaited, action-packed animated series Daniel Spellbound, which premiered on Netflix on October 27, 2022. Web 3 technologies, including blockchain, decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs), non-fungible and fungible tokens, have seen strong early-adoption and continue to grow in popularity.

Toekenz is unique among NFT platforms in that it is designed from inception to be family and child-focused, offering parental controls and special consideration around access, education, safety and security. Toekenz, an application with Play-to-Collect games, an intergenerational DAO, and metaverse marketplace, will be available to the public in Fourth Quarter 2022 via the Apple and Google app stores.