The Board of Directors of Delta Technologies Nyilvánosan Működő Részvénytársaság (registered office: 1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly körút 70-74; company registration number: 01-10-043483, registered by the Metropolitan Court acting as Company Registry; hereinafter: "Company") convenes the annual ordinary general assembly of the Company (hereinafter: "General Assembly").

Date and time of the General Assembly:

10:00 o'clock on 27 October 2023 (CET)

The registration of shareholders starts at

9:00 o'clock.

Place of the General Assembly:

Sunhill Bistro, H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy str.


Manner of holding the General

attendance in person


Agenda of the General Assembly:

  1. Report of the Board of Directors on the Company's business activities from 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023, on the Company's assets and liabilities (including the remuneration report)
  2. Report of the Supervisory Board on the annual accounts for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 and on the proposal for the appropriation of the profit after tax of the Board of Directors
  3. Report of the Audit Committee on the annual accounts for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 and the Board of Directors' proposal for the appropriation of the profit after tax
  4. The auditor's report on the results of the audit of the annual accounts for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023 and the Board of Directors' proposal for the appropriation of the profit after tax
  5. Adoption of the annual accounts for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
  6. Decision on the appropriation of the profit after tax
  7. Adoption of the Corporate Governance Report for the period 1 July 2022 to 30 June 2023
  8. Evaluation of the Board's activities in the period 1 July 2022 - 30 June 2023; decision to grant discharge
  9. Informative vote on the Company's remuneration policy
  10. Appointment of the auditor
  11. Decision to amend the Articles of Association

Availability of the original and full text of the draft resolutions and documents to be submitted to the General Assembly:

The proposals in connection with the matters on the agenda of the General Assembly, documents and draft resolutions to be submitted to the General Assembly and the cumulative data relating to the number of shares existing on the date of the convocation and relating to the proportion of voting rights will be available on the website of the Company (, on the

1134 Budapest Róbert Károly krt. 70-74.

Tel: +36 1 437 5200

Fax: +36 1 437 5299

website of Budapesti Értéktőzsde Zrt. ( and in the information storage system maintained by the Hungarian National Bank ( latest from 5 October 2023.

Condition of exercising the voting right pursuant to the Company's Articles of Association:

The conditions of exercising the shareholders' rights to participate in and vote at the General Assembly are governed by Articles VI.7 and VIII.9 of the Articles of Association of the Company. As a condition of exercising the voting right at the General Assembly, the name of the shareholder shall be registered in the book of shares on the fifth business day before the starting date of the general assembly (reconvened general assembly), i.e., the shareholder's (nominee's) name shall be registered in the book of shares on the record date of the identification procedure (pursuant to Article VI.7 of the Articles of Association) on the basis of the identification procedure initiated by the Company for 9 October 2023. The Board of Directors will provide the shareholders with voting ballots, which will attest the number of votes that the shareholder has based on the number of his/her shares and evidence the shareholder's right to participate in the General Assembly.

Pursuant to Article VI.7 of the Articles of Association, the name of the shareholder shall be registered in the book of shares by the keeper of the book of shares no later than 18 o'clock on the second business day prior to the date of the general assembly based on the results of the shareholder identification procedure (if such identification procedure pertains to the closure of the book of shares prior to the general assembly (reconvened general assembly)). After this date, the Shareholder cannot register its shareholdings until the first business day after the end of the general assembly (reconvened or not quorate general assembly). Only those shareholders and nominees can attend the general assembly who were registered in the book of shares no later than by 18 o'clock on the second business day prior to the date of the general assembly. Only those can exercise shareholder's rights at the general assembly whose name was registered in the book of shares (at the time of its closure). Transferring the shares prior to the date of the general assembly shall not exclude the rights of the person registered in the book of shares to participate in and exercise shareholder's rights at the general assembly. A shareholder is entitled to exercise shareholder's rights vis-à-vis the Company only if he/she has been registered in the book of shares. No ownership certificate is required to exercise shareholder's rights if such rights have been verified by a shareholder identification procedure.

Information on the quorum and the reconvened general assembly in case the quorum is not met:

The General Assembly shall be quorate if the convocation was proper and shareholders representing at least 30% of the total votes attached to the Company's voting shares are present. In case the General Assembly is not quorate, the reconvened General Assembly shall be quorate

  • only in relation to the matters on the original agenda announced - if shareholders representing at least 10% of the total votes attached to the Company's voting shares are present. Place of the reconvened general assembly: Sunhill Bistro, H-1016 Budapest, Naphegy str. 67. Time and date of the reconvened general assembly: 11:00 o'clock on 27 October 2023 (CET). The registration of shareholders starts at 10:00 o'clock.

1134 Budapest Róbert Károly krt. 70-74.

Tel: +36 1 437 5200

Fax: +36 1 437 5299

Information on the right of requesting information on the agenda and on the right of supplementing the agenda:

Upon written request of any shareholder submitted at least 8 days before the date of the General Assembly, the Board of Directors shall provide the necessary information in connection with the matters on the agenda of the General Assembly, at least 3 days before the date of the General Assembly. The Board of Directors may refuse the provision of information only if - according to its view - the provision of information is violating the Company's business secret, except if it is obliged for the provision of information by the resolution of the general assembly. In the course of exercising the right of requesting information, the shareholders shall be entitled to inspect the Company's books and other business records to the extent allowed by the Board of Directors. The provision of information not including business secret shall be not restricted. The shareholders shall have confidentiality obligation in relation to the Company's business secrets and shall indemnify the Company for the damages arising from the violation of such obligation, pursuant to the provisions of Section 6:519 of the Civil Code.

In case (a) shareholder(s) representing together at least 1% of the votes in the Company propose(s) certain supplement to the agenda or provide draft resolution in connection with an item included or to be included on the agenda, the Board of Directors shall publish a notice on the supplemented agenda and the draft resolutions after the proposal was delivered to it, provided, that such written proposal is delivered to the Company's registered office, addressed to the Board of Directors within eight days following the date of publication of the notice on the convocation of the General Assembly. The matter indicated in the notice shall be construed to have been placed to the agenda.

In connection with the General Assembly, the Company initiates the shareholder identification procedure on the basis of the status of the fifth business day before the General Assembly (19 October 2023).

Budapest, 26 September 2023

Board of Directors of Delta Technologies Nyrt.


  1. Authorisation for an individual
  2. Authorisation for a legal entity

1134 Budapest Róbert Károly krt. 70-74.

Tel: +36 1 437 5200

Fax: +36 1 437 5299

Közzététel a Ptk. 3:272.§ (3) bekezdésének c) pontja alapján

M E G H A T A L M A Z Á S1


(személyazonosító okmány elnevezése és sorszáma: …………………………………………………………………………..

lakcím: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

édesanyja születési neve: ……………………………………………………………, a továbbiakban: "Meghatalmazó")

ezúton meghatalmazza …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….-t

(személyazonosító okmány elnevezése és sorszáma: …………………………………………………………………………..

lakcím: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

édesanyja születési neve: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………), hogy

a Meghatalmazót, mint részvényest teljes jogkörrel képviselje a Delta Technologies Nyrt. (Cg.: 01-10-043483, székhely: 1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt. 40-74.) 2023. július 28. napján tartandó éves rendes közgyűlésén, és az őt megillető részvényesi jogokat (ideértve kifejezetten a szavazati jogot) a Meghatalmazó nevében és képviseletében gyakorolja.

A jelen meghatalmazás alapján a Meghatalmazott a Delta Technologies Nyrt.-ben lévő valamennyi részvénye tekintetében jogosult a Meghatalmazót képviselni.

A jelen meghatalmazás hatálya kiterjed a felfüggesztett közgyűlés folytatásán, és a határozatképtelenség miatt megismételt közgyűlésen való képviseletre is.

A jelen meghatalmazásra a magyar jog az irányadó.

A jelen meghatalmazás 2023. július 31. napjáig érvényes (ezt a napot is beleértve); felfüggesztés

esetén a meghatalmazás a folytatólagos közgyűlés napjáig érvényes (ezt a napot is beleértve).

Kelt: ________________________________________; 2023. ____________________________ hónap; ______ nap


_________________________________________________ (aláírás)


Előttünk, mint tanúk előtt:

[Tanú 1:

Tanú 2







  • A meghatalmazást a Ptk. 3:337. § (3) bekezdése alapján közokiratba vagy teljes bizonyító erejű magánokiratba kell foglalni. Amennyiben a meghatalmazást külföldön írják alá, azt közjegyző előtt kell aláírni és el kell látni apostille-lal vagy felülhitelesítéssel.

Közzététel a Ptk. 3:272.§ (3) bekezdésének c) pontja alapján

M E G H A T A L M A Z Á S2


(cégjegyzékszám/nyilvántartási szám: ……………………………………………………………………………………………….;




……………………..……………………………………………………….; a továbbiakban: "Meghatalmazó")

ezúton meghatalmazza …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….….-t

(személyazonosító okmány elnevezése és sorszáma: …………………………………………………………………………..

lakcím: ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………

édesanyja születési neve: ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………), hogy

a Meghatalmazót, mint részvényest teljes jogkörrel képviselje a Delta Technologies Nyrt. (Cg.: 01-10-043483, székhely: 1134 Budapest, Róbert Károly krt. 40-74.) 2023.július 28. napján tartandó éves rendes közgyűlésén, és az őt megillető részvényesi jogokat (ideértve kifejezetten a szavazati jogot) a Meghatalmazó nevében és képviseletében gyakorolja.

A jelen meghatalmazás alapján a Meghatalmazott a Delta Technologies Nyrt.-ben lévő valamennyi részvénye tekintetében jogosult a Meghatalmazót képviselni.

A jelen meghatalmazás hatálya kiterjed a felfüggesztett közgyűlés folytatására, és a határozatképtelenség miatt megismételt közgyűlésen való képviseletre is.

A jelen meghatalmazásra a magyar jog az irányadó.

A jelen meghatalmazás 2023. július 31. napjáig érvényes (ezt a napot is beleértve); felfüggesztés esetén a meghatalmazás a folytatólagos közgyűlés napjáig érvényes (ezt a napot is beleértve). Kelt: ________________________________________; 2023. ____________________________ hónap; ______ nap


_________________________________________________ (aláírás)




Előttünk, mint tanúk előtt:

[Tanú 1:








  • A meghatalmazást a Ptk. 3:337. § (3) bekezdése alapján közokiratba vagy teljes bizonyító erejű magánokiratba kell foglalni. Amennyiben a meghatalmazást külföldön írják alá, azt közjegyző előtt kell aláírni és el kell látni apostille-lal vagy felülhitelesítéssel.


  • Original Link
  • Original Document
  • Permalink


Delta Technologies plc published this content on 26 September 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 26 September 2023 18:15:49 UTC.