Event video production is a great way to help capture the memories of your special event. Whether you are hosting an intimate gathering or a large conference, live streaming events can be extremely beneficial for businesses. In this blog, we will discuss what those benefits are and why you should consider hiring an event videographer to film corporate events.
What is event video production?

Event video production is the process of filming events such as conferences, trade shows, meetings, and other special corporate or social occasions. Event videographers use specialized equipment to capture the highlights of these events for promo videos, or even provide wide coverage of the entire event to be live-streamed.

This footage can be used to boost brand awareness and promote your company or organization through social media, news networks, or directly on your website. A professionally filmed promotional video of your event can help create positive exposure for your business. It serves as social proof that establishes credibility and instils trust in your brand.

What type of events should you film? Award Ceremonies

Event filming for award ceremonies is a great way to capture the glitz, elegance, and prestige of an event. Award ceremony videos are ideal for promoting your event and keeping a lasting record of the accomplishments of the guests. Nominees and award winners will be able to share this special memory with their clients, friends, and family, widening your online audience and reach.

What's more, if you opt for live event filming, those nominees and award winners who are unable to attend will not miss out and can follow the event as it unfolds, or otherwise check out the footage later.

Open Days or Career Days

Open days for interns or universities allow organizations to open their doors and allow people an opportunity to experience first-hand what being a part of that company or school would be like. Open day event filming enables those who couldn't make it, on that day or are otherwise prevented by restrictions or living internationally to see what it might be like to visit the event.

This can be filmed in several interesting ways, by talking directly to individuals at the event in an interview format and shooting footage of the goings-on and venue, or by moving the camera, as if it were attached to a person at the event, experiencing it through their eyes, or a combination of these approaches.

You might also choose to Livestream the event to help promote and generate a buzz around the activities of that day, encouraging people nearby to stop in at your event.

Conferences and Speaking Events

A professional video of your conference or speaking event can provide a thorough picture of the topics you want to share with those who were unable to attend.

It can also be used to promote your company message to potential future guests, clients, and new audiences. Event video production may even include exclusive interviews with guests and speakers, event photography, video editing for multiple uses, and so on.

Training Presentation

Training presentation event filming enables your company to share educational content and explainer videos internally or externally with potential customers. Whether it's an HSE presentation designed to educate your team, or a product demonstration to help potential customers better understand your offerings, event videography services can help you make the most of your presentation by capturing it on film so you can share it with a wider audience.

Grand Openings and Unveilings

If you are planning an event to promote the grand opening of a new company, an additional branch, showroom, or property then it's definitely an event worth filming. You can use the footage in a PR campaign, by sending it to several media outlets with a story about your event.

You might even want to use it in a social media campaign or advert for your business, to spread your news to as large an audience as possible. Filming this event allows you to capture an important milestone for your company that can be shared internally or with your clients.

Music Festivals

Live event filming for music festivals is a great way to promote your event on your website or social media and generate buzz for your next event. An event videographer can help you create a promotional video that will help you sell tickets for future events by sharing the positive experiences of festival-goers with a new audience and highlighting popular artists at your event.

PR and Publicity Events

When planning a publicity event, you want to ensure that it reaches the largest possible audience. Video is the ideal medium for achieving such exposure. An event videographer can help you share your message in an engaging way that grabs the viewers' attention and holds it there.

Launch Party

Launch party event filming is a great way to share your exciting news on social media or post it on your website. You might even decide to use live event filming to reach as many people as possible with your message the minute it's taking place. An event videographer will help capture supporting footage and interviews that are reflective of your brand and highlight the message you want to convey to viewers.

Sports Events

Sporting events are a huge part of event videography. All the top sporting events are filmed and shared online. This is a great way to share the sport with the fans and drum up support and advertising revenue.

Our team are specialists in sports video production, having built strong relationships with some of the largest sporting organisations in the business, including FIFA, The Scottish FA, World Curling Federation, and The Professional Golfers Association. We produce educational, promotional, and live event filming content on a global scale for some of the biggest sporting events on the planet.


Meetings captured on film are ideal for internal dissemination within your company or as a record for future reference. An event videographer can ensure that all video documentation is clear and attractive.

Sponsored Charity Events

What is your company doing to raise money for charitable causes? Share it with the world through video. Whether you are holding an event to raise money, running a 10k, or taking part in a viral challenge, documenting your fundraising event will help get the word out about the charity and showcase the contributions your company is making to support the cause. It's also a great way to document the event for internal communications.

Team Building and Company Outings

A team-building or company outing video has the potential to broaden the impact of an event throughout your entire organisation. A team-building video highlights reel is also a great way to feature guests and remind them of the benefits of the event long after it has concluded.

Our Video Event Production

Brands can use AVC Immedia's corporate video production services to tell their stories. Our video event production team provides a professional and skilled service throughout the process, whether you need to communicate with employees, other businesses, or simply give your brand a boost.

Why should you consider event filming?

When it comes to planning an event, there is a lot to consider. As a result, you'll need to select a trusted event video production services provider that can accurately reflect your brand, keep a tight timeline, and flawlessly capture your event. You need the filmmaking aspect of your event to run smoothly and effectively if you want to reach as many people as possible with your live stream event, create the ideal impression with a highlights movie, or produce high-quality video content for your social media channels.

1. You'll have access to high-quality footage of the entire event

Event videos make reliving the entire experience of your event possible through cinematic video footage. These videos can be cut and edited to convey specific brand messaging and shared across social channels. They can also be used in digital advertising or as promotional material on your website.

A professional event videographer will capture all the important moments of your event while ensuring that the footage is high quality and properly edited. This way, you'll have a beautiful video to share online that can be enjoyed by anyone who was unable to attend in person.

2. You can bring your event to a virtual audience

Live streaming is a great way to bring your event to a virtual audience. With live event filming, you can share your event with people all over the world in real-time.

An experienced event videographer will set up and manage the live stream so that you can focus on running the event itself. They'll also ensure that high-quality cameras are used to capture the event and the live stream is properly configured.

You can also use event videos to highlight the best moments of your event and bring your virtual audience up-to-date on everything they need to know, even if they weren't able to tune in online at that moment. This way, you'll be able to provide exclusive content about your event in short digestible clips.

3. You can share your message on multiple platforms to reach a wider audience

Once you have the event on film, you can cut splice and edit the clips any way you like to deliver the right message to the right people in the right way.

Video is a flexible form of content that can be used on a variety of platforms, including social media, websites, and digital advertising. It can even be used as PR content or edited down to short clips that can be displayed on digital signage advertising boards. This way you can ensure that your event is reaching the widest possible audience.

An experienced video editor will know how to craft an effective video that communicates your message clearly and leaves a lasting impression on viewers.

4. Protect attendees of your event from Covid-19 by going virtual

You can limit the size of your in-person audience and make more room for social distancing by offering live video footage of your event and sending virtual invitations.

When an event is live-streamed, it becomes available to anyone with internet access. This means that you can invite people from all over the world to watch your event remotely without putting them in any physical danger. By restricting your in-person audience and going virtual, you can reach a much wider audience and gain more exposure.

You can also use this opportunity to film panel discussions, speeches, and other events which would usually be unavailable to a virtual audience including unique reactions and interactions from those watching remotely.

5. It's affordable and worth every penny

Hiring event videographers is a small price to pay for the breadth, scope and quality of content you will receive in return. Organising an event is costly, but we highly recommend investing that little bit extra to capture all the best moments on film. On average hiring an event videographer can cost somewhere in the range of £750 to £1,000, depending on how large the venue is, how long the event while run, whether you need live streaming services, and how much coverage will be required.

What are the benefits of live event filming?

Did you know that 30% of individuals that have watched a live stream of an event said that they would attend that same event, in person the next year?

Live streaming an event doesn't need to be expensive, particularly if your event is casual or informal. There are several low-cost methods available, such as using Facebook Live from a mobile device.

What's more, online users watch live videos for 3x longer and comment 10x more on live content than they do on ordinary videos according to Facebook statistics. If that wasn't enough, here are 4 benefits of live event filming.

Create a buzz

Take users behind the scenes and attract them with sneak peeks of your event through Facebook live streams and stories to help generate a buzz and build anticipation for your event.

Host live streaming events on your event website or social media profiles, peek behind the curtain of your event at the venue or host a Q&A session with a keynote speaker. Audiences will be more engaged if their comments and questions are acknowledged as they become active participants in your event.

Extend your Horizons

In pre-coronavirus days, events involved the gathering of hundreds of people in one location. When the world closed its doors, the events industry was hit hardest but the industry quickly evolved.

All venues have their limits, but live streaming opened up events to an even larger audience beyond the confines of a venue. Now live streaming is more popular, as this became a safe way to participate in events without risking in-person contact.

Although coronavirus restrictions continue to evolve, utilising live streaming gives you an opportunity to widen the scope of your audience and gives people the opportunity to participate wherever they are.

Boost Participation

If you are hosting a large event with multiple stages, stands stalls or activities, then guests will have to choose between things they want to see or do. By live streaming your events, your attendees can experience more of what your event has to offer, by checking in on other activities at your event on their own smart devices.

Engage with your audience

People enjoy watching live video streams, but they enjoy being on camera even more. Consider bringing your audience into your event by asking them to submit questions for your key speakers, or share their thoughts on your event. This is a great way to boost event engagement and participation.

How to live stream events

If you have a small or causal event that you want to share on your social media channels, then it couldn't be easier. Simply log in to your social media account and start a live streaming video. This can be done on Instagram, LinkedIn, and Facebook with minimal effort involved.

If you are looking for professional live event filming and high-quality footage that can be spliced and edited later for promotional use, or you just want to stream professional footage directly to your company website or event page, then we recommend employing an event video production company to do the heavy lifting for you. If you want to know why we believe this is the best route, keep reading.

Why should you hire an event videographer?

There are two main reasons that an event organiser would reach out to an event videographer. The first is that they are looking for a videography agency that can shoot a highlights video to help organizers advertise future events. The second is to capture the event in its entirety so that it may be shared with individuals who couldn't attend on the day.

Recently, as a result of the coronavirus pandemic, many events have been held virtually or with a partially virtual audience. This limits the in-person audience and enables safe social distancing without anyone having to miss out on the event completely. To make the experience available to everyone as it unfolds, live event filming is used.

Event videographers can operate in small teams to capture live footage throughout the event, gathering clips for a highlights video, conducting in-person interviews with attendees and stakeholders to convey the desired message, and they will even edit the video together quickly and professionally so you can share it with your network.

Whole event coverage can be completed using a single camera or a small crew covering a range of angles or locations within your event and broadcasting it live to the internet or to screens in the venue, using streaming technology, such as Dreamstream X.

Using expert video production services relieves you of the tricky, technical aspects of generating your event video, allowing you to concentrate on the event itself.

When it comes to filming events, you've only got one shot to get it right. A competent organisation with a track record of producing high-quality corporate videography will be able to anticipate what is required and prepare according to your project schedule with the latest event filming equipment, talent, and experience at hand.

Although AVC Immedia is based in the UK we also have a videography team in Houston, Texas, and work regularly with international clients around the world. Our skilled crew travels across the Globe to meet our clients' needs. Let us know what you're searching for, and we'll do everything we can to make it happen.

How much does an event videographer cost?

The cost of a quality videographer is determined by a variety of criteria, including the number of hours of raw footage, the size of the video team needed, the amount of editing and retouching, the ultimate length of the movie, and any additional services you desire. In addition, the cost of your service may be affected by your location. Here are a few factors that might influence the cost of event filming.

The duration of the event

The amount of time an event videographer is required to be on-site has an impact on the price of services. The bigger the fee, the longer the event. Furthermore, the higher the charge, the more raw video footage the videographer records and edits. More material equals more editing labour in post-production - and more time overall.

The hourly rate

Some videographers take on the role of director for your film and charge by the hour. Consulting with customers about goals, setting up and filming at events, and completing post-production work such as editing, music overlay, and more could all take-up time on the clock.

Some videographers charge a flat rate for all services, while others charge variable rates for individual services, depending on the amount of experience necessary.

Other videographers shoot the footage, which they then edit with the help of an independent production company. If there are different rates for different jobs, such specifics should be specified in the contract.

The hourly wage of a videographer is determined by their geographical location, as well as their degree, training, and experience. Make sure to do some online research on the video production firm, including reading reviews and looking at their portfolio to see if their aesthetic matches your vision for the end product.


Some videographers have defined charges for covering common events like sporting events, conferences, festivals, and open days, among other things. Because the quantity of recording and editing hours tends to be the same time after time, videographers with more expertise can confidently assess the costs associated with these types of assignments, and often offer videography packages to suit a diverse range of requirements.

Because travel is an unavoidable component of event videography, most pros have a service range beyond which they may charge a travel cost. To avoid losing money on long-distance tasks, a travel charge may encompass both the videographer's time and the expense of transportation.

The project's complexity

Larger events with a more sophisticated vision may necessitate the presence of many cameras and crew personnel on the day of the event. The bigger the scope of the final product, the more equipment required (lighting, green screen, additional filmmaking and audio equipment or props), and the more people on the task.

After determining the client's needs and goals, some video production businesses provide a fixed rate for larger projects. The set rate would cover the whole number of hours expected to be spent on the project, including pre-production, filming, and post-production.

Added expenses

The more elements you desire in your event videography, the more money it will cost you overall.

  • Drone footage
  • Raw video files
  • Photography services
  • Post-production editing or same-day edits
  • Additional shooting hours
  • Additional personnel

Pricing for add-ons will vary by company.

Our final thoughts

Event video production is a great way to capture the memories from your special event. When you hire an event videographer, they will be on hand with all of their equipment and make sure that nothing important is missed. They will also work closely with the venue staff and help them understand what requirements are needed for filming.

Whatever your event and budget, AVC Immedia has a solution to help you ensure these occasions have lasting value. To find out more information, email your inquiries to Info@avcimmedia.com.


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Immedia Group plc published this content on 06 January 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 06 January 2022 12:27:05 UTC.