Slips, trips and falls often take the top position for most common workplace accident or injury - and it's easy to see why, when you look at the lack of health and safety practices in some businesses. Employers and employees should take necessary steps to avoid workplace accidents from happening, not only for the good of the business, but for the welfare of the employees too. So here are some easy ways to prevent trips and slips in your workplace.

  • Always clean up any spills

When you're really busy at work, it can be all too easy to not see the giant puddle on the floor of the kitchen, leading inevitably to a fall. Accidents like these can be avoided by simply remembering to clean up any spills after yourself. It may take an extra two minutes out of a hectic work schedule but by ensuring that the area is clean and tidy once again, you will not only protect yourself but may also save your fellow employees from harm.

Investing in safety signs is a must for any business, but particularly so for firms which involve employees handling dangerous chemicals or operating heavy machinery. To make sure your business is equipped with the necessary safety signs, take a look at our huge range available here at Slingsby and find the best solution for your business. We stock everything from emergency signs to warnings about chemicals and electrics and construction safety practices.

  • Invest in anti-slip matting

Ensure that your employees and your customers are protected to the max with the help of our anti-slip matting. Made from nitrile rubber, they come with an absorbent top which can easily be replaced as and when required to give you and your employees long-lasting protection.

  • Try not to create accidents

Are you known for always forgetting to push your chair under the desk at night; or for leaving your shopping bags in the middle of the corridor while you're in the loo? One of the easiest ways to prevent accidents from occurring is to always be aware of your own actions, as well as those of others around you. By making the effort to put obstacles safely away, you can help to significantly reduce the number of slips and trips in your workplace.

Do you have any further tip for preventing slips and trips at work?

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