Highfield Resources Limited announced that the Muga Potash Mine has received from the Government of Navarra the authorisation to build on non-urbanised land" the process plant of the Muga Mine The Company has received authorisation from the Government of Navarra to build Muga's process plant on non-urbanised land within the municipality area of Sangüesa. This Authorisation follows the granting of the construction licence for the mine-gate and declines from the Town hall of Undués de Lerda (Aragón) and the licence for the construction of the electricity line from the main network to the Muga Mine by the Town hall of Sangüesa (Navarra). In line with Navarran Licensing and procedural laws, the Town hall of Sangüesa was required to seek authorisation from the Government of Navarra to officially allow construction of the process plant on non-urbanised land.

This Authorisation consists of a thorough review of the Muga's process plant construction against Sangüesa's urbanistic plan and any other land management legislation as well as confirming there were no potential constraints related to its location. Although the Town hall of Sangüesa still needs to finalise the granting of the process plant construction licence, the authorisation granted by the Government of Navarra is a very important prerequisite and pivotal milestone. To obtain this Authorisation, the Government of Navarra, the Town hall of Sangüesa and the Company maintained significant levels of engagement and will continue to work together to expedite the grant of the process plant construction licence.