Multiconsult ASA announced executive changes. The new executive management team (EMT) will consist of Grethe Berglya as the CEO, Hans-Jørgen Wibstad as the CFO, Kari Nicolaisen as the EVP HR & Corporate Communications, Johan Arntzen as the COO, Lars Opsahl as the EVP Sales, Kristin Olsson Augestad as the EVP Region Oslo, Leif Olav Bogen as the EVP Regions Norway, Hilde Gillebo as the EVP Energy, Geir Juterud as the EVP Projects, Martha Bergh Lunde as the EVP Architecture (acting). There are four new members of the EMT are Hilde Gillebo comes from the position as Sector Director in Institute for Energy Technoloy (IFE). Kristin Olsson Augestad comes from the position as SVP Building & Properties. Leif Olav Bogen comes from the position as SVP Water & Environment. He has been with Multiconsult since 2008. Geir Juterud is one of Multiconsults project managers and has extensive experience with large and complex projects. He has been with Multiconsult since 1998. The new executive management team will be effective 1 October 2019.