Rémy Cointreau SA at its Combined General Meeting held on 21 July 2022 approved appointment of Alain Li as an independent director for a period of three years, replacing Marc Hériard Dubreuil, who will now represent ORPAR. The appointment of Alain Li will ensure a stronger representation on the Board of Directors of executives with extensive experience in Asia and within the luxury sector. In addition, as part of the long-prepared succession plan, the Board of Directors, meeting following the General Meeting, decided to change the governance of the Rémy Cointreau Group as Appointment of Marie-Amélie de Leusse as Chair of the Board of Directors, replacing Marc Hériard Dubreuil, Appointment of Caroline Bois as Vice-Chair of the Board of Directors, replacing Marie-Amélie de Leusse and Appointment of Jérôme Bosc as non-voting member of the Board of Directors of Rémy Cointreau, replacing Jacques Hérail.

As Marie-Amélie de Leusse can no longer sit on the Appointments and Remuneration Committee in her capacity as Chair of the Board of Directors, and as Gisèle Durand no longer represents Orpar, Caroline Bois and Elie Hériard Dubreuil join the Appointments and Remuneration Committee.