Waterman is pleased to announce its appointment by the United States Department of State to provide multi-disciplinary consultancy services in respect of the new US Embassy in Wandsworth, London.

Our Energy, Environment & Design (EED) team has been commissioned to provide BREEAM advice and to carry out a BREEAM assessment of the new Embassy complex, with the target for the main Embassy building being BREEAM ‘Excellent’ and an aspiration to achieve BREEAM ‘Outstanding’.

In addition, our Transport and Development team has been appointed to develop a coordinated strategy for the procurement of utility services up to the boundary of the Embassy complex.

These appointments build on Waterman EED’s on-going Environmental Impact Assessor role, which began with the Outline Planning Application for the Embassy complex and continues with the supplementary EIA of Reserved Matters submissions.

For further information contact

Jonathan Dosser

Technical Director 

Waterman Energy, Environment & Design 
