Weifa ASA announced earnings results for the fourth quarter and full year 2015. The company had record revenues in the fourth quarter 2015 with increased sales in all categories. Total revenue for the quarter was NOK 97.6 million, representing an increase of 7.9% compared with the year earlier period. EBITDA was NOK 24.4 million, before NOK 2.4 million in the calculated cost of employee options and costs in conjunction with the acquisition of Cederroth AS and the Asan portfolio, corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 25%.

For full-year EBITDA came to NOK 72.9 million before option- and other costs of NOK 7.3 million, corresponding to an adjusted EBITDA margin of 22%.

The company expects full-year 2016 organic revenue growth and improved EBITDA margin.