EMBARGO | 10 February 2014 | 5.40 PM

Limited Liability Company

Disclosure in accordance with article 14 of the law of 2 May 2007 Transparency regulation

Pursuant to the law of 2 May 2007 on the disclosure of major shareholdings and following the introduction of a 3% statutory threshold1 in the articles of association of Befimmo SA at the Extraordinary General Meeting of 15 December 2008, Befimmo SA announces that it has received notice by BlackRock Inc., on 6 February 2014, that its share in Befimmo's capital crossed the threshold of 3%.

The full notification is provided in the appendix of this press release and is also available on Befimmo's website under "IR & Finances - IR - Shareholders - Transparency declarations":

Declaration regarding the chain of control of the controlled companies through which the participation is effectively held:

"BlackRock Inc. is the ultimate controller but the legal entities detailed in section 102 above are

the discretionary Investment Managers who hold the shares and excercice the voting rights."

1 For further information, please see the press release of 14 January 2009 on our website .

2 For further information, please see the transparency declaration enclosed to this press release.

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EMBARGO | 10 February 2014 | 5.40 PM

Shareholding of Befimmo SA

Befimmo SA's equity is held by a large number of shareholders. The following table is based on the latest transparency declarations received.

* * *

Befimmo is a Pure Player investor specialising in high quality office buildings located in Brussels, other Belgian city centres and the Grand-Duchy of Luxembourg. Its portfolio currently includes approximately one hundred office buildings for a total surface over 850,000 m² of which a large part is rented long- term to public institutions (>65%).
The fair value of its portfolio as at 30 September 2013 was estimated at €2,173.5 million. The Company strives to enhance its current portfolio and to seize any investment opportunity creating value for its shareholders.
Listed on NYSE Euronext Brussels since its creation and in the BEL 20 index since March 2009, Befimmo applies a purposeful strategy aiming at obtaining optimised results over time. Befimmo bases its strategic prospects on optimal integration of the challenges of sustainable development and conducts its daily activities according to applicable rules of corporate social responsibility.

The annual results 2013 will be published on 20 February 2014 after closing of the stock exchange on Befimmo's website: The Annual Financial Report 2013 will be published on 28 March 2014 on Befimmo's website:

Additional information:

Caroline Kerremans | IR & External Communication Manager | Befimmo SA Tel.: +32 2 679.38.13 | | Email:

C R E A T I N G V A L U E I N R E A L E S T A T E Page 2 of 2



1) Status of the notlflcatlon


2) lssuer

ldenUflcallon n::l!:l::= = - 24_1-1

3) Reason for the notlflcatlon

IAcqul<lon or dlepoeal or vollng aecurltlas or vollng rlghls

4) Notlflcatlon by

lA parent underlaldng or a conln:llllng person

5) Persons subject to the notlflcatlon requlrement


(& legai lorrn lor legai peraons)

Address (lor legai persona)

BlackRock (l..uxllmbourg) S.A.

8D,Roula de Tràvea,SennJngerberg,l-2833, Luxembourg

BlaclcRock Advlaota (UK) Umllad

12 ThRlg1!101100 Avanue,I.Jlndon,EC2N 2Dl, U.K

lllackRock Advlaora,LLC

100 BeUevua Parkway,WDmlngllln,DE 19808, U.SA

BlackRook Aaaet ManagamanlAustralia t.Jmllad

Lavel43,225 George SlnleSydney, Australia

BlaakRock Asaet Managamanr canada Umllad

181 Bay SlnleSulla 2500,Toronlo,Onlatlo M5J 251,Capeda

BlackRock AaaelManagamentlreland Umllad

lnlamalional Flnanclal Servtcee Canini, OUblln 1,treland

BlackRock Fund Advlsors

400 Howard SlnleSan Franclsao, CA 84105,U.SA

BlackRock Fund Managars I.Jmfted

12 Throgmorton Avanue,london,EC2N 2DL, U.K.

...; IIISIIIU1101181 l NSI vompany.NaaonBI

400 HoMrd SiniSan Franclsc:o,CA 84105,U.S.A.

BlackRock lnlamalional Umltad

12 Throgmotton Avenue,london,EC2N 2DL, U.K.

BlackRock lnvestmenlManagement (Australla) Umllad

Level18,120 Colline SlnleMelboume,VIC 3000,Australia

BlackRock lnveatment Management (UK) Umllad

12 Throgmorton Avenue, london. EC2N 2DL, U.K.

BlackRock lnvestmant ManegemenLLC

1Unlveralty Squara Drive,Prlnoeton, NJ 08540,U.S.A.

BlackRock Japan Co., Ud.

24F,Sapla TO'Mir,1-7-12,MaNnouchl,Chlyoda-tw,Tokyo 1DQ.0005,Jepan

BlackRock, lnc.

55 Eaal52nd SlnleNew York, NY 10055,U.S.A.

6) Persons that dispose of, ... votlng rlghts (Only to be fllled In H art. 7 of the Law applles)


(& legai lorrn lor legai persone)

Address (lor legai persone)

7) Date on whlch the threshDid ls crossed

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8) Threshold that ls crossed (In%)


H tha holdlna hM fa!fan below tha IOW!!I !hr!!!hOid, you beve !ha opUpn a! not enter!na anv numben! under !!!!lnt 1o

9) Denominator


""" . ""d!ogm!otW btlp!!l!l!na In l!!lda!l

1O) Notlfled detalls


S1art whb "IKOU!!!" C!f holdlrJ. Ca!CU!A •ubto!all and!IWn ft!Mh wHb !ba I!!!D!RDI

who art •alorwr,

Jhe 1!!1!1• !!l!b!p!alt lnd % w!U ba !!!!d!l!ad C!1!C1 li(!U l9ye cUck!c!!!D


TOTAL (lnrelolloniDIII""P--1

Tbe l!!!al! w!U be upda!ac! C!1!C1 v!l!l baye cUckac! CIO sCALCULATE>


11) Chaln of controlled undertaklngs through whlch the holding ls effectlvely held, lf appllcable

Plegt descrlbe. w loh! a dlaaram In al!acbman!

Blal:kflock. lhe ultimate ccntroller but lhe legai entities datalled In section 10 above ara lhe dlsc:ratiODIIY lnvestment Managans who hofd lhe aharaa and exarclse the voting rights.

12) In case of proxy voting for only one GM

Holder will cease to hold l

----------------------wiU hokl agaln

voting rtghts as al D

13) Addltlonallnformatlon

A) Convarllble bonds end ghls to subece to votlng aacuriUea not yet tssued


Type of flnanclallnalrumant

Explratlon data


Elcardsa/Convaralon pertod or data


l olvotlng rtghta tllal rnay ba acqulredH tlla lnstrument 1s axerclsadlconvartad


Ooneat l12 Th!'O!!morton Avenua ,L.ondon EC2N 2DL. U.K.

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Nama l capactly

leuncan Murrey, VIce Presldant Slgnature

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