20 December 2012

Limited Liability Company

E X T R A O R D I N A R Y G E N E R A L M E E T I N G OF 20 D EC E M B E R 2 0 1 2 U N A N I M O U S A P P R O V A L O F T H E T R A N S F O R M A T I O N O F B E F I M M O I N T O A L I M I T E D L I A B I L I T Y C O M P A N Y

The Extraordinary General Meeting of the shareholders of Befimmo met this Thursday,
20 December 2012, notably to approve the transformation of the Company structure from a Partnership Limited by Shares (Société en Commandite par Actions) into a Limited Liability Company.
The shareholders present or represented owned all 7,433,262 shares on the date of registration of 6 December 2012, representing a historic high 41% of the total of 18,114,8651 voting rights.
The items on the agenda of the meeting were approved by a very large majority, namely:
1. Approval of a change of control clause in a credit agreement: 97%.
2. Transformation of the Company into a Limited Liability Company: 100%.
3. Adoption of the Articles of Association of the Company in its new form: 100%.
The Assembly then appointed the first Board of Directors of the Company in its new form, as proposed.
Following this meeting, the agreements2 between the Befimmo Sicafi and AG Real Estate entered the implementation phase, namely: