09.04.2015 - bmp media investors BaFin approves restructuring plans

BaFin (Federal Financial Supervisory Authority) has approved the reorganisation of bmp media investors AG (ISIN DE0003304200) into an operational holding company, which falls under the exception of Section 2 Para. 1 No. 1 KAGB (German Investment Code).

The prerequisite for this is the amendment of the company purpose of bmp media investors AG during the Annual Shareholders Meeting in June 2015 and the gradual sale of the existing minority shareholdings. The company will no longer be subject to the additional regulation by the KAGB.

Another shareholding of bmp media investors AG, Freshmilk NetTV GmbH, was sold at above the acquisition price and at current book value. Further shareholdings are expected to be sold in Q2.

At the same time, bmp media investors AG is working on acquiring the majority stake in an existing investment, which will then be the core of the company's future alignment. This is planned for completion in the current quarter.

Corinna Riewe
Tel.: +49 30 2030 5567

bmp media investors AG | Schlüterstraße 38 |10629 Berlin

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