En virtud de lo previsto en el artículo 17 del Reglamento (UE) nº 596/2014 sobre abuso de mercado y en el artículo 228 del texto refundido de la Ley del Mercado de Valores, aprobado por el Real Decreto Legislativo 4/2015, de 23 de octubre, y disposiciones concordantes, así como en la Circular 15/2016 del Mercado Alternativo Bursátil (MAB), se pone a disposición del Mercado la siguiente información relativa a EBIOSS Energy, SE:

El Consejo de Administración de la Sociedad, celebrado el 29 de mayo de 2017, ha acordado convocar Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas, que tendrá lugar en Sofía (Bulgaria), Municipio de Stolichna, Distrito Triadiza, 49 Blvd., piso 11º- 12º, el día 30 de junio de 2017 a las 10 horas, en primera convocatoria, o en el mismo lugar y a igual hora, el día 15 de julio de 2017, en segunda convocatoria.

Orden del día

Primero - Aprobación de los estados financieros auditados tanto individuales como consolidados de la Compañía del ejercicio 2016.

Segundo - Aprobar el Informe de actividad de la Compañía del año 2016.

Tercero - Decisión de no distribuir beneficios en virtud del resultado negativo del ejercicio reflejado en las cuentas anuales auditadas del ejercicio 2016.

Cuarto - Aprobación de la gestión de los miembros del Consejo de Administración correspondiente al ejercicio 2016.

W W W . E B I O S S . C O M

Quinto - Nombramiento del auditor oficial para 2017. Sexto - Otros.

Se adjunta a continuación la convocatoria de la Junta General Ordinaria de Accionistas inscrita en el Registro Mercantil de Bulgaria, cuya literalidad en lengua inglesa prevalece sobre la traducción al español en caso de discrepancia.

Quedamos a su disposición para cuantas aclaraciones consideren oportunas.


En Sofía (Bulgaria), 30 de mayo de 2017

W W W . E B I O S S . C O M

D. Jose Óscar Leiva Méndez Presidente de EBIOSS ENERGY, SE





AK1.11110 Hep111Te Ha APy>KeCTBo ,,E6MOC EHEP,Q>IG'I" E,Q, EMK The shareholders of the company "EBIOSS ENERGY" SE, UIC 202356513, CiC Ce,11an111ute III SApec Ha ynpaeneH111e rpSA 202356513, wilh seat and registered address In the city of Sofia Cocj)MR 1404, 6yn.•6'bnrap111R" N2 49, eT. 11-12, 1404, 49 Bulgaria Blvd., 11-12 floors,

npMTe>tIll oceMHSAeceT XMnRAM CTO OCSMAeceT Ill weer) o6MKHOBeHl1,nOHMeHHM 6eJHanM4HM aKI.IMM c npaeo Ha rnac, c HOMl1HanHa CTOHHOCT OT € (eAHO) eepo BCRKS,

npeACTSBnRBautM 100 % (CTO npo4eHTa) OT perMcrpMpSHMJI Kan11Tan Ha "E6MOC EHEP,Q>KM" E,Q, aKI.IMOHepHo

APy>KeCTBO, BnMcaHO e T'bproBCKMR perMCT'bP Ha AreH4MRTa no BOHCBaHl1RTa ODA EVIK 202356513 (Hap114aHO no-Aony

,.,Qpy,K&CTB OTO")

Yealka&MH AaMH " rocnoAa,

C peweHMe OT 29.05.2017 r. C'bBeT Ha AMpeKTOPl1Te Ha

having totally 20918186 (twenty million nine hundred and eighteen thousand, one hundred and eighty-six) common, registered dematerialized voling shares, with face value of 1 (one) Euro each, representing 100 % (one hundred percent) of the registered capital of •EBIOSS ENERGY- SE, a Jolnl stock company registered Into the Commerclal Registry under UJC 202356513 (hereinafter referred to as the "Company")

Dear Madams and Sirs,

By resolution dated 29.05.2017, the Board of Directors of

APy>KeCTBOTo "E6MOC EHEP,Q>KM" AA. aK41110HepHo·Eeloss ENERGY" SE, a Joint stock company having Its seat

APy>KeCTBO C'bC CeAanMute M SApec Ha ynpaeneHMe B rp. CocpMR, CTOnM4Ha 06ut111Ha, paHoH Tp111SAHI.IS, 6yn."6'bnrap111R"

and registered address in the city of Sofia, Stollchna Municipality, Triadiza District, 49 "Bulgaria" Blvd., 11 12th floor,

No 49, eT. 11-12, en111caHo e T'bproecKMR pernCT'bp Ha registered in the commercial regisler kept with the Registry AreHI.IHRTa no enMceaHHRTa noA EVIK 202356513 (Hap1114aHo Agency under UIC: 202356513 (hereinafter referred to as the no-Aony .,Qpy,KaCTBOTo") Ha ocHoeaHMe 4neH 223 oT "Company"), on the grounds of Article 223 of the Commercial

T'bprOBCKl1R 3aKOH B'bB Bp'b3Ka c 4neH 25 OT YCTaea Ha


B rp. Coct,MA, CTOnM'IHa 0611.ll1Ha, paMOH TpM3AMqa, 6yn. "6"bnrapMA" No 49,BT. 11-12 (C1>0TB8THO Ha 15.07.2017 r. e

C"bll.lMR '18C M Ha Cl,11.lOTO MACTO npM nMnca Ha KaopyM Ha C"b6paHMeTO OT 30.06.2017 r ). npH cneAHMR AHeBeH PeA:

Act with reference to Article 25 of the By·laws al the Company hereby convenes an ordinary annual General Meeting of Shareholders In the Company to be held on 30.06.2017, at 10 a.m.,InSofia, Stollchna Municipality,Trladlza District,49 "Bulgaria" Blvd.,11 12th floor (respectively on 15.07.2017,

In the same time and place,if quorum requirements are not met on the meeting from 30.06.2017). The General Meeting shall be held under the following agenda:

  1. np111eMaHe Ha rOAMWHMR MHAMBMAyaneH cj)MHBHCOB 1.

    Approval of the Annual individual Financial Statements

    oT4eT Ha .Qpy>1KOHconMA11paHMR ctJMHaHcoe oT4eT and the consolidated financial statements of the Company for

    38 (pMHaHCOBaTa 2016 r. Ill AOKnSAa Ha OAHTOpa Ha


    npoetro,a,MWHMR 11HA11BMAyaneH ctJMHaHCOB OT4eT 11 KOHC01111AMP8Hl1R cpMHaHCOB OT4eT Ha .Qpy>tHH8HCOBaTa 2016 r. M AOKnSAS Ha

    OA11TOpa Ha.Qpy>KSCTBOTO • "6eliiK'bp THOM KnMTY 11 napTHbOpl1"


    the 2016 financial year and the Audit Report of the auditor of the Company for 2016.

    Draft resolution:"The General Meeting approves the individual Annual Financial Statements and the consolidated financial statements of the Company for the 2016 financial year and the Audit Report of the auditor of the Company -"Baker Tilly Klitou and Partners" OOD."

  2. npMaMaHe HaAo1t11a.qa 3aAeilHDCTTII Ha,Qpy,Mec:nscm, 2. Approving lhe Report on the Acttllity of the Company

lor the year 2016.

npel 2016 r.

npaeKT JI peweH11e: •Ofi111ora ClttipaH1te npMeMa Ao111ta,Qa 311 Drah resolution: "The General Meeting approves the Repart Dn

lhe Activity al Iha Campanylor the year 2016."

ABKHOCTTB Ha py>KKTIIDTO npe3 2016 r.·

  1. Opi1e1.1aHe Ha peueHMe, KoeTO ycraH01111ea nMncara 3. Adopting a decision acknowledglng lhat no prom Is

    t111 ne-1an6a, 011TO AB 01.Ae palnpeAane11a 38 2016 r. np&AIIIA subject to distributionlor the year 2016 wllhview to the nagallve

    tnpMl,laTl!rlHMA ct,MHBHC09 pelylfflll" Ha ,QpyJtcecnioTO 3a Tall!


    la ct,MH8HCOI 2016 r. II AOIU'la,Qa Ha CJAMTopa Ha AP)'lll1!CTBOTO :,a 2016 r.

    npoerr 38 peweHIIB: "061J.10TO ClttlpaHMe ycraHOBIIH nMIICITa HInl!'fan6a, KDIITO Aa filoAB palnpe,11ene11a Ja 2016 r. llpeABMA DTJ)M4IT&l1Hltll q,MHBHCOB pe ynTaT Ha ,[lpy,IC8CT'BOTD Ja TilJII roJIMHa cwnaCHO l'OAIIWHMII cpMHaHCOS Dl'ff!T Ha ,ltppcec:niaTO 38 qlHHattCOUTa 2016 r. 11 ADKIIQJII Ha OAMTOpa a 2016 r.

    financial result of the Companylorlhese years pursuant to the AflnualFlnanc:lal Slataments ol the Companylor the linanclal year 2016 and the Audit Report for 2016 thereon.

    Drah resolution: "The General M11ellng acknowledges that no profit Is available for dlstribullon for the yoar 2016 with viewlo the negative financial result ol the Company for 2016 pursuant to the Annual Flnanclal Slatements ol Iha Company lor 1he financlal year 2016 and Iha AulilReport thereon."

  2. Ocaoe5o"IAaaa11e OT O'lTOBOPHOCf Ha 'UleHOBBTI! Ha

c..aera H Allpl!lmJPIITl!l 38 ABIIHOcna MM npel 2016 r." 4.

Discharging from llablllly the members of the Board ol

npoeltT :ia peweHMe: •Q15UlQTO 1:1ol5paH11e ocao60JKAaaa OT

DTrOIOPHOCT 'U18HOHT9 Ha C'bHT8 Ha A1tpe1CTop1mt il

Aei111ocna MM npe:i 2016 r.•

Directorslor lhelr activityIn 2016."

Dral1resolullon:"Toe General Meeting discharges from llablllty the members ol the Board ol Directors tor their activity in 2016."

5. 11'1:iflop Ha perMCTpllpaH DAIITop :ia 2017 r.;

rlpouT :ia peweHMe: "06ro C1>5paHHB ltl5"pa "6eilln,p

TM1111 Kn11TY II napTH1oopM" OOA. pentcrpMpaH OAlffl>P 11 'l/1eH Ha il1Hcn.ryTa Ha AIIMOMllpaHIITB ein:ntlpT•C'leTODOAlltanll a

6-.nrap1111, anl'ICBHD a n,pl'OICQIIIpen4cn,p Ha AraHIIATa no

an11caat11111Ta "DA ElilK: 131349346, Ja OJIMTDP •

cnellllclnll llpaHO OAKTOpCIIO 11P9Anp11AT11e, KOllTO AB npoaepi1

lllAIIWHl'IR Ha ,Qp)?Klli:ntOTO :ia 2017 r."

6. PaJHII;

l"lpoe11m Ja pewaHue·npe,.C9AaTe.nRT Ha 061110To 1:1o6pa1111e npeAnOllll'I Ol5uloro C'lol5paHHe AB rnacysa l'I 13e1,1e peweHHe OTHOCHO BltflBaHe Ha APY™ Bl,np004 II ,llHellHIIR pe,A Ha Ol51110T0 C1>6pa1111e.•

5. Appointment of a certiffed auditorlor 2017:

Dratt resotullon:"Toe General Meeting appoints "Baker lilly Kll ou and Partners" 000, a certified auditor and a member of the Bulgarian Certified Auditors lnslltule, regis1ered In the commercial register administered by the Registry Agency under UIC No 131349346, as auditor!or certification ol the llnanclal statements ol the Company for 2017."

6. Miscellaneous.

Drah resolution: "Toe Chairman of the General Meeting proposed lo the General Meetinglo vole end lo adopl a resoltJtlon for Inclusion ol other Items In the agenda of the General Meeting".

n11CM&HKT& Mantp11an11, calop3BHM c ,IIH&eHMA peA Ha 05Ul(ITO The written materials related to the agenda are avallable at lhe c-..5paHMe, ca Ha paJncno,ceHMe Ha aoHepMTB a registe,ed oHlce address of the company es follows: cl y ol

Ebioss Energy AD published this content on 30 May 2017 and is solely responsible for the information contained herein.
Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 31 May 2017 06:59:25 UTC.

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