




(for Registered Shareholders in the Hong Kong Branch Register)


To: Genting Hong Kong Limited (the "Company")



(Stock Code: 678)


c/o Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited


17M Floor, Hopewell Centre,


183 Queen's Road East,


Wanchai, Hong Kong SAR

You do NOTneed to complete this form if you have received the documents in the language and means of receipt you want.

倘 閣下收到的文件所採用的語言版本及收取方式符合 閣下的意願,則毋須填寫本表格。

Part A - To receive a printed version of the Interim Report and Circular (collectively, the "Current Corporate Communication"): 甲部 - 收取中期報告及通函(合稱「本次公司通訊」)之印刷本:

(Please mark ONLY ONEXof the following boxes) (請從下列選擇中,僅在其中一個空格內劃上「X」號)

I/We would like to receive a printed English version of the Current Corporate Communication; OR 本人吾等希望收取本次公司通訊之英文印刷本

I/We would like to receive a printed Chinese version of the Current Corporate Communication; OR 本人吾等希望收取本次公司通訊之中文印刷本

I/We would like to receive both printed English and Chinese versions of the Current Corporate Communication. 本人吾等希望同時收取本次公司通訊之中、英文印刷本

Part B To change the choice of language or means of receipt of future Corporate Communication* of the Company (the "CorporateCommunication"):


I/We would like to receive the Company's future Corporate Communication: 關於本公司日後發佈的公司通訊,本人吾等欲:

(Please mark ONLY ONEXof the following boxes) (請從下列選擇中,僅在其中一個空格內劃上「X」號)

to read the Website Version of all future Corporate Communication published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed copies; OR


Email address


(The Company will send to the email address provided above (if any) a notification of the publication of the Corporate Communication on the Company's website in the future. If no email address is provided, a printed notification letter of the publication of the Corporate Communication on the Company's website will be sent by post. Please provide the email address in English Block Lettersand the email address is used for notification of release of Corporate Communication only.)

(本公司日後將發出公司通訊已在公司網站上登載之通知至以上提供之電郵地址(如有)。如未有提供電郵地址,則會郵寄發出公司通訊已 在公司網站上登載的通知信函印刷本予 閣下。請以英文正楷填寫電郵地址,以上電郵地址僅供通知公司通訊已發佈之用。)

to receive printed English version only of all future Corporate Communication; OR 只收取公司通訊之英文印刷本

to receive printed Chinese version only of all future Corporate Communication; OR 只收取公司通訊之中文印刷本

to receive both printed English and Chinese versions of all future Corporate Communication. 同時收取公司通訊之中、英文印刷本






Name(s) of Shareholder(s) in English (Please use BLOCK LETTERS) 股東的英文名稱(請以正楷書寫)

Name(s) of Shareholder(s) in Chinese 股東的中文名稱

Registered address of Shareholder(s) 股東的登記地址

Contact telephone number 聯絡電話號碼





Notes 附註:

  1. Shareholders are entitled to change the choice of language or means of receipt of the Corporate Communication at any time by giving reasonable prior notice in writing or sending such notice by email to the Company c/o the Company's Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar, Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited at (gentinghk.ecom@computershare.com.hk).
  2. By selecting to read the Website Version of all future Corporate Communication published on the Company's website in place of receiving printed copies, you have expressly consented to waive the right to receive the Corporate Communication in printed form. We will send you an email notification of the publication of the Corporate Communication on the Company's website in the future if your email address is provided. Otherwise, a printed copy of the notification will be sent to you by post.
    在選擇瀏覽在本公司網站上登載之所有日後公司通訊之網上版本以代替收取印刷本後, 閣下已明示同意放棄收取公司通訊印刷本的權 利。倘若 閣下提供電郵地址, 本公司將以電郵方式向 閣下寄發公司通訊已在公司網站上登載之通知信函。否則,本公司將以郵寄方式 向 閣下寄發通知信函之印刷本。
  3. Printed versions of all future Corporate Communication of the Company will be available from the Company or its Hong Kong Branch Share Registrar on request. Such Corporate Communication will also be available on the Company's website at (www.gentinghk.com) and the website of The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong Limited at (www.hkexnews.hk).
    (www.gentinghk.com) 及香港聯合交易所有限公司之網站 (www.hkexnews.hk)
  4. If your shares are held in joint names, the shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this form in order to be valid.
  5. For the avoidance of doubt, we do not accept any special instructions written on this form.
  • Corporate Communication means any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for your information or action, including but not limited to (a) the directors' report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditor's report; (b) the interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form.
    公司通訊指本公司發出或將予發出以供 閣下參照或採取行動的任何文件,其中包括但不限於:(a)董事會報告、年度賬目連同核 數師報告;(b)中期報告;(c)會議通告;(d)上市文件;(e)通函;及(f)代表委任表格。



Your supply of Personal Data to Genting Hong Kong Limited and/or the Company's Registrars is on a voluntary basis. "Personal Data" in this statement has the meaning defined under the personal data legislation in Hong Kong, which may include but is not limited to your name, telephone number, address, e-mail address and/or your choice supplied to us in this form. Your Personal Data is collected for the purposes of verifying and recording your choice of language and means of receipt of the Company's corporate communications and the delivery of those corporate communications, and to facilitate the Company's Registrars in providing other share registration services. If you have provided personal data of individuals other than yourself in this form, you confirm that you have informed and sought the requisite consent from those individuals to the collection, use and disclosure of their personal data for the stated purposes. Your Personal Data will be disclosed or transferred to other companies or bodies for the stated purposes, or when it is required to do so by law, for example, in response to a court order or a law enforcement agency's request, and will be retained for such period as may be necessary for verification and record purpose of the Company and/or the Company's Registrars. You have the right to request access to and/or correction of your Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the relevant personal data legislation, any such request for access to and/or correction of your Personal Data should be made in writing by either one of the following means:

閣下向Genting Hong Kong Limited雲頂香港有限公司及╱或本公司的股份過戶登記處提供 閣下的個人資料屬自願性質。「個人資料」在本聲明中 的涵義為香港的個人資料相關法律條例內所定義的涵義,包括但不限於 閣下在此表格中提供 閣下的姓名、電話號碼、地址、電郵地址及╱或 閣 下之選擇等。 閣下的個人資料將被收集作以下用途:核實及記錄 閣下收取本公司通訊語文版本和收取方式的選擇及傳送公司通訊,以及促進本 公司的股份過戶登記處提供其他股份登記服務。如 閣下在此表格提供了除個人以外其他人士的個人資料,即 閣下確認 閣下已通知有關人士就 收集、使用及披露其個人資料作所述用途及已取得其所需同意。 本公司及╱或本公司的股份過戶登記處可就上述用途,或按法例規定(例如應 法庭命令或執法機關的要求),將 閣下的個人資料披露或轉移給其他公司或團體,並將在適當期間內保留該等個人資料作核實及記錄用途。 閣 下有權根據相關的個人資料法律條例中的條款查閱及╱或修改 閣下的個人資料。任何有關查閱及╱或修改個人資料之要求均需以書面方式透過 以下任何一種途徑提出:

By mail to:

Personal Data Privacy Officer




Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

皇后大道東 183 號合和中心

17M Floor, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East,


By e-mail to:

Wanchai, Hong Kong










如在本港投寄毋須貼上郵票,否則請貼上適當的郵票。 Please cut the mailing label and stick this on the envelope to return this form to us.

No postage stamp necessary if posted in Hong Kong,

otherwise please affix an appropriate stamp.


Computershare Hong Kong Investor Services Limited

簡便回郵號碼 Freepost No. 37

香港 Hong Kong


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Genting Hong Kong Limited published this content on 23 September 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 23 September 2019 10:26:05 UTC