Ruicheng (China) Media Group Limited



Terms of reference of

the Remuneration Committee of the Board of Directors

Ruicheng (China) Media Group Limited


(the "Company" and 「本公司」)


Terms of reference of the Remuneration Committee (the "Committee") of the Board (the "Board") of Directors (the "Directors") of the Company




  1. Constitution
    The Committee is established pursuant to the resolutions of the Board dated 22 October 2019.
  2. Membership



本委員會是按本公司董事會於 20191022 日決議通過成立的。


  1. Members of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board from amongst the members of the Board and shall consist of not less than three members and a majority of which should be independent non-executive Directors of the Company.
  2. The Chairman/ Chairlady of the Committee shall be appointed by the Board and shall be an independent non-executive Director.
  3. The company secretary of the Company shall be the secretary of the Committee. In the absence of the secretary of the Committee, Committee members present at the meeting may elect among themselves or appoint another person as the secretary for that meeting.

委員會成員由董事會從董事會成員 中委任,委員會人數最少三名,而大 部分成員須為本公司的獨立非執行 董事。

委員會主席由董事會委任,而且由獨 立非執行董事出任。

本 公 司 的 公 司 秘 書 為 委 員 會 的 秘 書。如委員會秘書缺席,出席的委員 會成員將在他們當中選出秘書或委 任其他人擔任該會議的秘書。

2.4 The appointment of the members of the Committee may be revoked, replaced or additional members may be appointed to the Committee by resolutions passed by the Board. An appointment of Committee member shall be automatically revoked if such member ceases to be a member of the Board. For the avoidance of doubts, Committee members may be removed from the Committee by the Board at its sole and absolute discretion.

經董事會通過決議,方可委任額外的 委員會的成員、更替或罷免委員會的 成員。如該委員會成員不再是董事會 的成員,該委員會成員的任命將自動 撤銷。為避免疑問,董事會可行使其 全權及絕對酌情權將委員會成員從 委員會中罷免。


3. Proceedings of the Committee


3.1 Notice:


  1. Unless otherwise agreed by all the Committee members, a meeting shall be called by at least seven days' notice. Such notice shall be sent to each member of the Committee, and to any other person invited to attend. Irrespective of the length of notice being given, attendance of a Committee member at a meeting constitutes a waiver of such notice unless the Committee member attending the meeting attends for the express purpose of objecting, at the beginning of the meeting, to the transaction of any business on the grounds that the meeting has not been properly convened.
  2. A Committee member may and, on the request of a Committee member, the secretary to the Committee shall, at any time
    summon a Committee meeting. Notice shall be given to each Committee member in person orally or in writing or by telephone or by email or by facsimile transmission at the telephone or facsimile or address or email address from time to time notified to the secretary by such Committee member or in such other manner as the Committee members may from time to time determine.
  3. Any notice given orally shall be confirmed in writing as soon as practicable and before the meeting.
  4. Notice of meeting shall state the time and place of the meeting. An agenda together with other documents which may be required to be considered by the members of the Committee for the purposes of the meeting should generally be delivered to all Committee members seven days (and in any event not less than three days) before the intended date of the Committee meeting (or such other period as all the Committee members may agree).
  1. 除非委員會全體成員同意,召 開委員會會議的通知期不應少 於七天。該通知應發給每名委 員會成員及其他獲邀出席的人 士。不論通知期長短,委員會 成員出席會議將被視為其放棄 受到足期通知的權利,除非出 席該會議的委員會成員在會議 開始之時表示其目的,以會議 沒有按正確程序召開為理由, 反對會議處理任何事項。
  2. 任何委員會成員或委員會秘書 ( 應委員會 任何成員 的請 求 時)可於任何時候召集委員會 會議。召開會議通告必須親身 以口頭或以書面形式,或以電 話、電子郵件、傳真或其他委
    員會成員不時議定的方式發出 予各委員會成員(以該成員不

號碼、地址或電子郵箱地址為 準)

  1. 以口頭方式作出的會議通知應 儘快(及在會議召開前)以書面
  2. 會議通告必須說明開會的時間 及地點。議程及隨附需委員會 成員就該會議目的而審閱的有 關文件一般在預期召開委員會
    會議前七天(無論如何不少於 三天)(或其他經全體委員會成 員同意的其他時段)送達全體


  1. Quorum: The quorum of the Committee meeting shall be two members of the Committee and a majority of which shall be the independent non-executive Directors.
  2. Frequency: Meetings shall be held at least once every year to set policy on executive Directors' remuneration and to fix the remuneration packages for all Directors.
  3. Meetings may be held in person, or by means of such telephone, electronic or other communication facilities as permit all persons participating in the meeting to communicate with each other
    simultaneously and instantaneously, and participation in such a meeting shall constitute presence in person at such meeting.
  4. No Committee member may vote on any resolution of the Committee regarding his own remuneration.
  5. Any resolution shall be passed by a majority of votes of the Committee members who attend the meetings, and in case of an equality of votes the Chairman/ Chairlady of the Committee shall have a second or casting vote.

4. Written resolutions


兩位委員會成員,而大部分出席的 委員會成員須為獨立非執行董事。


制訂有關執行董事酬金的政策及釐 定各董事的薪酬待遇。

會議可由委員會成員親身出席,或 以電話、電子、或其他可讓出席會 議的人員同時及即時與對方溝通的 方式進行,而以上述方式出席會議 等同於親身出席有關會議。

委員會成員不能就有關其本身的薪 酬的決議案投票。

任何決議案須由出席會議的委員會 成員過半數以上的多數票通過方為 有效,而如出現票數均等之情況, 委員會主席應有權投第二票或決定 票。


4.1 A resolution in writing signed by all the Committee members shall be as valid and effectual as if it had been passed at a meeting of the Committee and may consist of several documents in like form each signed by one or more of the Committee members.

5. Overriding principles

  1. Remuneration levels should be sufficient to attract and retain Directors to run the Company successfully without paying more than necessary.
  2. No Director should be involved in deciding his own remuneration.


經由委員會全體成員簽署通過的書 面決議案與經由委員會會議通過的 決議案具有同等效力,而有關書面 決議案可由一名或以上委員會成員 簽署格式類似的多份文件組成。


所定的薪酬的水平應足以吸引及挽 留董事管好本公司營運,而又不致 支付過多的酬金。

任 何 董 事 不 得 參與 訂 定本 身 的 薪 酬。

5.3 The Committee should consult the chairman/ chairlady of the Board and/or chief executive officer of the Company about their remuneration proposals for other executive Directors. The Committee should have access to independent professional advice if necessary.

  1. Alternate Committee members
    A Committee member may not appoint any alternate.
  2. Authority of the Committee

7.1 The Committee may exercise the following powers:

  1. to review any proposed service contract with any Director or senior management before such contract is entered into and to make recommendation to the Company's human resources department for any changes to the proposed terms of such contract;
  2. to make recommendations regarding the remuneration, bonuses and welfare benefits of the executive Directors and the senior management;
  3. to request the Board to dismiss any employees and/or to convene a shareholders' meeting (if necessary) for purposes of removing any Director if there is evidence showing that the relevant Director and/or employee has failed to discharge his duties properly;
  4. to obtain outside legal or other independent professional advice at the expenses of the Company on any matters within these terms of reference as it considers necessary and to secure the attendance of outsiders with relevant experience and expertise at its meetings, if it considers this necessary;
  5. to have access to sufficient resources in order to perform its duties;


委員會應就其他執行董事的薪酬建 議諮詢董事會主席及/或本公司行 政總裁。如有需要,委員會應可尋 求獨立專業意見。





  1. 在簽訂有關合同前,審閱所有 候任董事及高級管理人員將會 簽訂的服務合同及向本公司的 人力資源部門就變更該等合同 的條款提出建議﹔
  2. 就執行董事及高級管理人員的 薪酬、奬金及福利提供意見﹔
  3. 在有證據顯示該董事及/或僱
    員失職時,要求董事會解僱有 關僱員及/或召開股東大會(
  4. 如委員會覺得有需要,可就涉 及本職權範圍的事宜對外尋求 法律或其他獨立專業意見,由 本公司支付有關費用,以及在 委員會覺得有需要時,確保具 相關經驗及專業才能的外界人 士出席委員會會議;
  5. 可取 得足夠資 源以履行其 職 務﹔
  1. to review annually these terms of reference and their effectiveness in the discharge of its duties and to make recommendation to the Board any changes it considers necessary;
  2. to exercise such powers as the Committee may consider necessary and expedient so that their duties under section 8 below can be properly discharged;
  3. to evaluate and make recommendations on any share award scheme(s), share option scheme(s) or other incentive scheme(s) that has been adopted or may be adopted by the Company from time to time;
  4. to ensure that share options offered by the Company to its Directors or senior management (if any) are in accordance with Chapter 17 of the Rules (the "Listing Rules") Governing the Listing of Securities on The Stock Exchange of Hong Kong
    Limited (the "Stock Exchange"), as applicable; and
  1. 對本職權範圍及履行其職權的 有效性作每年一次的檢討並向 董事會提出其認為需要的修訂 建議;
  2. 為使委員會能恰當地執行其於 第八部分項下的職責,行使其 認為有需要及權宜的權力;
  3. 對本公司不時採納的任何股權 激勵計劃、購股權計劃或其他 激勵 計劃進行 評估及提出 建 議;
  4. 確保本公司向其董事或高級管 理 人員授出的購股權(如有) 乃 按照香港聯合交易所有限 公司 (「聯交所」)證券上市規 則 (「上市規則」)第十七章的 規 定(如適用);及
  1. to administer the Company's share option schemes (if any) or other incentives schemes (if any) as they apply to Directors and/or senior management (subject to compliance with the provisions of the Listing Rules). It shall recommend to the Board the total aggregate amount of any grants to employees (with the specific grants to Directors and/or senior management) and make amendments to the terms of such schemes (subject to the provisions of the schemes relating to amendment).

7.2 The Company should provide the Committee sufficient resources to perform its duties.

  1. 在不違反上市規則的有關規定 下,施行本公司適用於董事及 /或高級管理人員的購股權計 劃(如有)或其他激勵計劃(如 有)。委員會須就對僱員的授 出總額、向董事及/或高級管 理人員具體授出的購股權向董 事會作出建議,並且對該等計 劃的條款作出修改(惟受到與 修改有關的計劃條文所規限)。

本公司應提供充足資源予委員會以履 行其職責。

8. Duties of the Committee


The duties of the Committee shall be:

  1. to make recommendations to the Board on the Company's policy and structure for all
    Directors' and senior management remuneration and on the establishment of a formal and transparent procedure for developing remuneration policy;


  1. 就本公司全體董事及高級管理 人員的薪酬政策及架構,及就 設立正規而具透明度的程序制 訂薪酬政策,向董事會提出建 議﹔


  1. to review and approve the management's remuneration proposals with reference to the
    Board's corporate goals and objectives;
  2. either to determine, with delegated responsibility or to make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration packages of individual executive Directors and senior management, this should include benefits in kind, pension rights and compensation payments, including any compensation payable for loss or termination of their office or appointment;
  3. to make recommendations to the Board on the remuneration of non-executive Directors;
  4. to consider salaries paid by comparable
    companies, time commitment and responsibilities and employment conditions elsewhere in the group;
  5. to review and approve compensation payable to executive Directors and senior management for any loss or termination of office or appointment to ensure that it is consistent with contractual terms and is otherwise fair and not excessive;
  6. to review and approve compensation arrangements relating to dismissal or removal of Directors for misconduct to ensure that they are consistent with contractual terms and are otherwise reasonable and appropriate; and
  7. to ensure that no Director or any of his associates is involved in deciding his own remuneration.


  1. 因應董事會所訂企業方針及目 標而檢討及批准管理層的薪酬 建議;
  2. 獲董事會轉授責任釐定或向董 事會建議個別執行董事及高級 管理人員的薪酬待遇,此應包

括非金錢利益、退休金權利及 賠償金額(包括喪失或終止職 務或委任的賠償)

  1. 就非執行董事的薪酬向董事會 提出建議;
  2. 考慮同類公司支付的薪酬、須 付出的時間及職責以及集團內 其他職位的僱用條件;
  3. 檢討及批准向執行董事及高級 管理人員就其喪失或終止職務 或委任所須支付的賠償,以確 保該等賠償與合約條款一致﹔ 若未能與合約條款一致,賠償 亦須公平合理,不致過多﹔
  4. 檢討及批准因董事行為失當而 解僱或罷免有關董事所涉及的 賠償安排,以確保該等安排與 合約條款一致﹔若未能與合約 條款一致,有關賠償亦須合理 適當﹔及
  5. 確保任何董事或其任何聯繫人 不得參與釐定本身的薪酬。

9. Minutes and reporting procedures


  1. The secretary shall, at the beginning of each meeting, ascertain and record the existence of any conflicts of interest and minute them accordingly. The relevant member of the Committee shall not be counted towards the quorum and he must abstain from voting on any resolution of the Committee in which he or any of his associates has a material interest, unless the exceptions set out in note 1 to Appendix 3 to the Listing Rules apply.
  2. Full minutes of Committee meetings shall be kept by a duly appointed secretary of the meeting (who should normally be the company secretary). Draft and final versions of minutes of the Committee meetings should be sent to all Committee members for their comment and records within a reasonable time after the meeting (generally, meaning within 14 days after the meeting). Once the minutes are signed, the secretary shall circulate the minutes and reports of the Committee to all members of the Board.
  3. The secretary of the Committee shall keep record of all meetings of the Committee held during each financial year of the Company and records of individual attendance of members of the Committee, on a named basis, at meetings held during that financial year.
  1. Reporting responsibilities
    The Committee shall report to the Board after each meeting.
  2. Annual general meeting
    The Chairman/ Chairlady of the Committee or in his/her absence, another member of the Committee or failing this, his/her duly appointed delegate, shall attend the annual general meeting of the Company and be prepared to answer questions at the annual general meeting on the Committee's activities and their responsibilities.


秘書應在每次會議開始時查問是否 有任何利益衝突並記錄在會議紀錄 中。有關委員會成員將不計入法定人 數內,而他必須就他或其任何聯繫人 有 重 大 利 益 的 委 員 會 決 議 放 棄 投 票,除非上巿規則附錄三附註一適 用。

委員會的完整會議紀錄應由正式委 任的會議秘書(通常為公司秘書)保 存。會議紀錄的初稿及最後定稿應在 會議後一段合理時間(一般指會議結 束後的14天內)內先後發送委員會全 體成員,初稿供成員表達意見,最後 定稿作其紀錄之用。會議紀錄獲簽署 後,秘書應將委員會的會議紀錄和報 告交予董事會全體成員傳閱。

委員會秘書應將本公司各財政年度 內 委 員 會 所 有 會 議 的 會 議 紀 錄 存 檔,以及具名記錄每名委員會成員於 該財政年度委員會會議的出席率。


委員會應於每次委員會會議後向董 事會作出彙報。


委員會的主席(或在委員會主席缺席 時由另一名委員會成員(或如該名委 員會成員未能出席,則其適當委任的 代表))應出席本公司的股東周年大

會,並準備在股東周年大會上回應有 關委員會的活動及其職責的問題。

12. Continuing application of the articles of association of the Company

The articles of association of the Company regulating the meetings and proceedings of the Directors so far as the same are applicable and are not replaced by the provisions in these terms of reference shall apply to the meetings and proceedings of the Committee.


本公司章程作出的規範董事會會議 程序的規定,如果也適用於委員會會 議而且並未被本職權範圍條文所取 代,亦應適用於委員會的會議程序。

13. Powers of the Board


The Board may, subject to compliance with the articles of association of the Company and the Listing Rules (including the Corporate Governance Code set out in Appendix 14 to the Listing Rules or if adopted by the Company, the Company's own code of corporate governance practices), amend, supplement and revoke these terms of reference and any resolution passed by the Committee provided that no amendments or supplements to and revocation of these terms of reference and the resolutions passed by the Committee shall invalidate any prior act and resolution of the Committee which would have been valid if such terms of reference or resolution had not been amended, supplemented or revoked.

本職權範圍所有規則及委員會通過 的決議,可以由董事會在不違反公司 章程及上市規則(包括上市規則之附 錄十四《企業管治守則》或公司自行 制定的企業管治常規守則(如被採 用))的前提下隨時修訂、 補充及廢 除,惟有關修訂、補充及廢除,並不 影響任何在有關行動作出前,委員會 已經通過的決議或已經採取的行動 的有效性。

14. Publication of the terms of reference of the Committee

The Committee should make available its terms of reference, explaining its role and the authority delegated to it by the Board by including them on the website of the Company and on the website of the Stock Exchange.

Adopted on 22 October 2019

2019 10 22 日採納


委員會應在本公司的網站及聯交所 的網站公開其職權範圍,解釋其角色 及董事會轉授予其的權力。



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HKEx - Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Ltd. published this content on 11 November 2019 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 10 November 2019 23:09:07 UTC