Level 57, MLC Centre, 19-29 Martin Place

Sydney NSW 2000

+61 2 9238 6865

+61 2 9238 7633 info@kuthenergy.com


ABN | 33 125 694 920

10 October 2013
Company Announcements Platform
ASX Compliance Pty Ltd


KUTh Energy Limited (KUTh) (ASX: KEN) refers to the joint announcement to the ASX of 18
September 2013 relating to the off market takeover bid for KUTh by Geodynamics Limited
KUTh advises that it has today lodged with the ASIC and served upon Geodynamics its Target
Statement in respect of Geodynamics' bid.
Pursuant to item 14 of subsection 633(1) of the Corporations Act, following is a copy of the Target

Statement lodged with the ASIC and served upon Geodynamics today. Yours faithfully,
Justin CLYNE Company Secretary

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