Photo 1: Executive Board members and managers in discussion (left to right): Dr. Garcia Sanz, Prof. Winterkorn, Prof. Heizmann, Dr. Bross, Mr. Grethe, Dr. Kroos, Prof. Fuhrmann, and Dr. Ritterbach at the start of the VIP tour of the "Automotive PerFORManc

Steel has always ranked as one of the most important materials in automobile manufacturing. With rising demands placed on safety, lightweight construction, efficiency and resource conservation, the properties of this sustainable and versatile material are continuously optimized on a significant scale.

Around 50 large information boards and 30 exhibits are on display at VW and BMW to showcase our current materials developments right through to individual component solutions that verifiably demonstrate their role in improving the performance values in the chassis, suspension and drive application areas on view.

The event was opened by an extensive tour of top management, followed by the opportunity for experts from procurement, production, quality as well as research & development to view the exhibition. In this context, lively discussions and meetings were held with interested visitors at the themed information boards of the Salzgitter Flachstahl products Stroncoat®, SZBS600 / SZBS800 and HSD®.

What are the next steps in using the results and discussion points arising from the event?
The respective experts have agreed activities which are now to be further developed in cooperation. The potential of steel has a long way to go before it is exhausted, which underscores its sustainability.

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