Investment Themes
Companies with iconic brands
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Investment Themes

Although the concept of brand is not new, it is becoming an increasingly important part of the criteria for evaluating companies' intangible assets. As brands live in the collective imagination, they can inspire and build loyalty, contributing significantly to the operational success of companies and in turn to the stock market success of stocks.

To get out of the information tsunami to which we are subjected on a daily basis, brands must make relevant and differentiating value propositions. Few brands manage to achieve the feat of being permanently ingrained in our collective mind. The secret of a strong brand lies above all in the clarity of the message sent to the consumer who will associate unique values with the brand. It is by claiming a sufficiently visible asperity (a color code, a signature, a unique benefit, etc.) that a brand can emerge and hold our attention in the hubbub of the market. An iconic brand combines strong awareness with clear, precise and differentiating content. Awareness is the amount of presence in the mind of a brand and measures a recognition rate. Content, on the other hand, refers to the brand's message and territory. In other words, a brand must have something to say and to propose (the famous brand promise) and it must make it known by talking about it. The brands selected here combine a unique and high value proposition while telling a story that makes sense to its customers. A strong brand is an intangible asset that constitutes a moat (or sustainable competitive advantage). Companies with a sustainable competitive advantage are often much more profitable over time because they capitalize on their advantages at lower cost, making their business more efficient. The stocks of these companies tend to outperform their respective markets. This is why the MarketScreener team has created this thematic list of companies with strong brands. We used several parameters to measure brand strength such as international brand awareness, consumer confidence in the brand promise, consumer commitment to carrying, relaying and representing its content, brand awareness and image, and brand market value. This list only includes the top 100 companies with strong brands that meet qualitative investment criteria related to their fundamentals.

Our selection

Name Sector Capi. 1st Jan change
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News of the components

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Calendar of the components

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