2nd Half of 2019
DateNumber of transactionsNumber of sharesCapital in €Number of transactionsNumber of sharesCapital in €
TOTAL560277 705927 656,51452288 010932 348,29
02/07/2019125 17711 132,85104 71010 261,40
03/07/201925011 047,1131 0012 152,11
04/07/2019112,15911 70126 608,15
05/07/201963 0016 802,36112,36
08/07/2019112,3562 5015 739,85
09/07/2019152 0014 619,83112,33
10/07/201921 0012 262,2683 0016 877,26
11/07/201948 00118 802,361922 00153 102,36
12/07/2019112,612430 26586 719,36
15/07/2019113,10138 00128 753,10
16/07/2019125 00119 366,9053 99717 588,40
17/07/201962 50110 016,58114,08
18/07/201941 0013 858,90113,90
19/07/201952 0017 724,1272 5019 879,12
22/07/201964 00115 659,0621 5016 086,56
26/07/2019815 00127 301,822215 18145 339,10
29/07/201974 00013 735,0062 98110 520,65
30/07/2019158 05927 349,7097 09319 034,80
31/07/2019135 61519 702,3575 00017 675,00
01/08/201953 00110 603,56102 90810 388,76
02/08/201932 0007 030,00176 21922 269,32
05/08/2019228 50129 613,61357200,49
06/08/201963 00110 153,40113,40
07/08/201941 0013 338,33113,33
08/08/201922 0016 763,321312 00142 068,32
09/08/201995 00118 430,3296 00122 853,70
12/08/201995 97721 568,44113,66
13/08/2019113,5541 4525 302,25
14/08/201973 00110 673,6132 0017 173,61
15/08/2019103 74213 017,03113,53
16/08/2019114 06814 031,30113,50
DateNumber of transactionsNumber of sharesCapital in €Number of transactionsNumber of sharesCapital in €
19/08/201921 0013 403,4041 0983 785,14
20/08/201932 0016 803,48113,48
21/08/201983 40511 396,58113,38
22/08/2019186 33220 965,60113,32
23/08/201985 53017 725,56113,34
26/08/201993451 097,09113,17
27/08/2019236 94621 891,6332 0016 463,23
28/08/2019143 93412 219,9171 8465 776,25
29/08/201963 2309 945,7991 6745 186,36
30/08/2019124 37713 339,8532 0016 123,05
02/09/2019113,0243 0019 223,02
03/09/20192112 50138 053,1025891 825,90
04/09/201964 00112 103,0421 0013 083,04
05/09/201992 6498 027,1042 0016 143,10
06/09/2019149 98029 449,03112,99
09/09/2019112,90138 25825 063,98
10/09/2019239 66928 872,7151 5884 875,16
11/09/2019113,0421 9785 835,19
12/09/201943 0018 912,9723193,72
13/09/2019155 36515 607,631920 56460 723,80
16/09/2019113,053519 28359 272,28
17/09/2019113,51108 00130 058,51
18/09/2019126 00123 228,8162 0017 903,81
19/09/201932 0017 703,872613 00154 393,87
20/09/20191111 00147 679,5021 0014 554,50
23/09/201934 00116 684,26114,26
24/09/201921 0014 004,1021 2014 912,10
25/09/20192312 00147 974,0125172 093,81
26/09/20192516 72962 261,2031 2445 038,15
27/09/201962 77310 051,55227,50
30/09/201963 67213 705,613420 68078 586,69
01/10/2019113,901918 46873 636,56
02/10/201976 00123 364,0121 0013 974,01
03/10/2019199 00134 543,91113,91
04/10/2019102 3269 009,88   
07/10/2019176 76225 535,35113,89
08/10/201952 0017 458,7331 8877 060,12


  • Transactions BOURBON CORP S2 2019 VA