Under Lexmark, a party has standing to bring a statutory cause of action if it demonstrates "(i) an interest falling within the zone of interests protected by the statute and (ii) proximate causation." The Federal Circuit agreed that Lexmark articulates the proper standard for assessing standing under 15 U.S.C. § 1064, but affirmed the Board's decision because there is "no meaningful, substantive difference" between the Empresa Cubana standard and the Lexmark standard. It explained that "the zone-of-interests requirement and the real-interest requirement share a similar purpose and application," i.e. "to foreclose suit only when a plaintiff's interests are so marginally related to or inconsistent with the purposes implicit in the statute that it cannot reasonably be assumed that
Applying Lexmark, the Federal Circuit found that SFM's allegations that the parties marks were substantially similar, used on similar or related products, and likely to cause confusion were sufficient to identify an interest in the proceeding falling within the zone of interests and to establish proximate cause they demonstrated a "reasonable belief of damage."
The Court also agreed that the Board's grant of default judgment was an appropriate sanction for Corcamore's behavior and affirmed the Board's decision cancelling Corcamore's registration.
Originally published by Frankfurt Kurnit Klein & Selz,
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