Oct 31 (Reuters) - Prices of most nonferrous metals declined on Tuesday, as manufacturing activities in top metals consumer China unexpectedly contracted in October.

China's official purchasing managers' index (PMI) fell to 49.5 in October, an official factory survey showed, casting a cloud over recent indicators that showed a nascent recovery in the world's second-largest economy.

China accounts for more than half of the global consumption of most base metals, which are used widely in the manufacturing sector.

Three-month copper on the London Metal Exchange fell 0.3% to $8,116 per metric ton by 0140 GMT, while the most-traded December copper contract on the Shanghai Futures Exchange edged up 0.1% to 67,330 yuan ($9,203.75) a ton.

LME aluminium fell 0.6% to $2,252 a ton, nickel declined 0.8% to $18,350, zinc edged down 0.3% to $2,458, lead eased 0.2% to $2,117 and tin shed 0.4% to $24,920.

On a monthly basis, both LME copper and nickel contracts were set for their third straight decline. LME zinc was on track for its biggest monthly decline since May and LME aluminium was headed for its steepest monthly drop since June.

SHFE nickel declined 1.3% on Tuesday to 14,410 yuan a ton, zinc shed 1.1% to 21,045 yuan, tin fell 0.8% to 213,020 yuan, lead was almost unchanged at 16,305 yuan, and aluminium rose 0.2% to 19,160 yuan.

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($1 = 7.3155 yuan) (Reporting by Mai Nguyen in Hanoi; Editing by Subhranshu Sahu)