According to the ranking, where these two groups have aggressive and credible strategies towards electrification of their entire range, others, such as Ford or Stellantis, have an ambitious phase-out goal but do not have a solid plan to achieve it. BMW, Daimler and Toyota are poor performers in the class, contrary to what we might think. They have low sales of battery electric vehicles (BEVs) to date, no ambitious targets for phasing out gasoline and/or diesel vehicles, no clear industry strategy and an over-reliance on hybrid vehicles, which are only a transition to full EVs.  Volkswagen has been quick to turn the page on Dieselgate, as has Volvo, which is under attack from NGOs for potential non-compliance with Euro 5 standards. These two manufacturers are currently the most credible in their electrification ambitions to face Tesla, which is very aggressive in its entry into the European market.

The ranking of European manufacturers in pictures :

la course au vert automobile volvo

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