Lyxor ETF MSCI Taiwan reported earnings results for the year ended February 29, 2012. For the year, the company reported total investment loss of $5,958,831.13 compared to total investment income of $24,916,005.40, operating loss of $6,701,240.58 compared to operating profit of $24,184,303.91, decrease in net assets attributable to holders of redeemable participating units from operations of $9,528,799.75 compared to increase in net assets attributable to holders of redeemable participating units from operations of $23,112,510.64, net cash inflow from operating activities of $44,639,659.34 compared to net cash outflow from operating activities of $11,640,613.91 for the last year. Net asset value per unit as on February 29, 2012 was $0.99137 compared to $1.0512 as on February 25, 2011.