On Thursday, it closed 0.4 percent higher at 17,680.40 points. The market will once again focus on corporate figures. The specialty chemicals group Lanxess, the forklift truck manufacturer Jungheinrich and the television group RTL are among those presenting quarterly reports. The real estate group LEG raised its annual targets due to higher rents and a low vacancy rate.
Investors are also likely to take a closer look at inflation figures in Germany. The Federal Statistical Office presents detailed data on consumer prices in July. According to preliminary figures, inflation picked up: Goods and services increased in price by an average of 2.3 percent compared to the same month last year, following an inflation rate of 2.2 percent in June. Inflation was mainly driven by services in July, while energy became cheaper.
Closing prices in Europe
Share indices and
-futures on Thursday
Dax 17,680.40
Dax future 17,748.00
EuroStoxx50 4,668.74
EuroStoxx50 future 4,687.00
Closing prices of the status Change in
US indices on Thursday Percent
Dow Jones 39,446.49 +1.8%
Nasdaq 16,660.02 +2.9%
S&P 500 5,319.31 +2.3%
Asian indices at 07:00 Change in
Friday clock percent
Nikkei 34,646.92 -0.5%
Shanghai 2,873.47 +0.1%
Hang Seng 17,181.79 +1.7%
(Report by Sabine Wollrab and Christian Götz, edited by XXX. If you have any questions, please contact our editorial team at berlin.newsroom@thomsonreuters.com (for politics and the economy) or frankfurt.newsroom@thomsonreuters.com (for companies and markets).)
- from Lynx Insight Service