The Stockholm stock exchange is trading down on Tuesday. Dustin falls on yet another profit warning. AAK goes against the flow after raising its profitability target.

After 29 minutes of trading, the OMXS30 index was down 0.85 percent to 2,491.00. During the day, the index has moved within the range -0.88 percent at its lowest and -0.65 percent at its highest.

The broad OMXSPI was down 0.82 percent.

Share pricePrice changeCommentary
Momentum Group 10,7%Handelsbanken initiates coverage with a Buy recommendation in the short term, Outperform in the long term
Eastnine 9,6%Billion euro deal in Poland
AAK 4,1%Increases profitability target for 2030
Boliden-0,2%Information to Dagens industri that the company has made an offer of EUR 55 million for the Aldermyrberget wind farm
Wyld Networks-0,8%Implements organizational changes and reduces costs
NCC-0,8%Sells property to Platzer for SEK 1,780 million
H&M-1,0%RBC lowers to sector perform from outperform, target price SEK 165
Platzer-1,1%Buys property from NCC for SEK 1,780 million
SCA-1,3%Morgan Stanley initiates coverage with recommendation of equal weight
Stora Enso-2,0%Morgan Stanley lowers to Equal Weight from Overweight, target price EUR 12
Holmen-2,0%Morgan Stanley initiates watch with recommendation of underweight
Nibe-4,2%Morgan Stanley lowers to underweight from equal weight, target price SEK 39
Dynavox-4,3%Handelsbanken lowers to hold from buy in the short term, to marketperform from outperform in the long term
Vimian-4,6%UBS lowers to sell from neutral
Bico-18,6%Reduces revenue and adjusted ebitda. Subsidiary Cellink to cut 20% of employees
Dustin-27,6%Profit warning for the first quarter 2024/2025