Aberdeen International Inc. announced its intention to augment its investment strategy with a larger focus on renewable energies, particularly the hydrogen sector. The company believes that the hydrogen sector is on the verge of a breakthrough due to the clean tech revolution and its economic advantages over incumbent fueling technologies. Hydrogen’s high energy to mass ratio makes it particularly suitable for heavy-duty, long-distance road freight, maritime and aviation applications. Industry analysts forecast demand for hydrogen to grow to 575 million tonnes per year by 2050 in a market worth more than USD 1 trillion. Hydrogen powered vehicles have major advantages over battery electric, gas, and diesel vehicles (driving range, fueling time and cost per mile). Billions of dollars’ worth of hydrogen long haul trucks and cars are expected on the market in next 2-4 years from incumbents and upstarts in the next 36 months. Over 20 countries, collectively representing around 70% of global GDP, are proposing hydrogen strategies or roadmaps as key elements of their decarbonizations plans.