Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: ABO Energy GmbH

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: ABO Energy GmbH

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: ABO Energy GmbH

Biomasse Kraftwerk Fechenheim GmbH

Alternative Power Generation

Hanau Netz GmbH

Electric Utilities

Stadtwerke Dreieich GmbH

Electric Utilities

Stadtwerke Hanau GmbH

Electric Utilities

Eisenacher Versorgungs-Betriebe GmbH

Electric Utilities

Gasversorgung Offenbach GmbH

Gas Distributors

Eveline Lemke Consulting

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Electric Utilities6
Alternative Power Generation2
Gas Distributors1
Financial Conglomerates1

Countries of related companies

Logo  ABO Energy GmbH
ABO Energy GmbH & Co. KGaA, formerly, ABO Wind AG, is a Germany-based company engaged in development of wind energy projects both domestically and internally. The Company plans and develops wind farms in Germany, France, Spain, Ireland, the United Britain, Belgium, and Bulgaria. It initiates projects, acquires locations, manages technical and commercial planning, prepares financing, and erects the wind farms. Furthermore, it engages planning and building of biogas plants. The Company, in addition to their own projects, manages wind farms on behalf of international operators. The project portfolio encompasses approximately 400 wind energy turbines with a total capacity of over 700 megawatts (MW), it is the parent company of ABO Wind Group. Within the group, the Company has a minority stake in ABO Invest AG, which is engaged in operation of plants throughout Europe for the power generation from renewable energy sources.
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