Listed companies


Private companies



Relation chart of related listed companies: Adani Green Energy Limited

Active Relations

Past Relations

Relationship chart for related private companies: Adani Green Energy Limited

Active Relations

Past Relations

Related private companies: Adani Green Energy Limited

The Institute of Chartered Accountants of India

Other Consumer Services

Adani New Industries Ltd.

Chemicals: Specialty

Adani Power Dahej Ltd.

Electric Utilities

Adani Green Energy Twenty Three Ltd.

Alternative Power Generation

Jio Platforms Ltd.

Wireless Telecommunications

Adani Institute For Education & Research

Adani Tradeline Pvt Ltd

Wholesale Distributors

Adani Power (Mundra) Ltd.

Electric Utilities

Parampujya Solar Energy Pvt Ltd.

Alternative Power Generation

Active Relations

Past Relations

Connection statistics



Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Electric Utilities4
Alternative Power Generation2
Construction Materials2
Wholesale Distributors2
Air Freight/Couriers2
Gas Distributors1
Other Transportation1
Agricultural Commodities/Milling1
Engineering & Construction1

Countries of related companies

Logo Adani Green Energy Limited
Adani Green Energy Limited is an India-based renewable energy company. The Company has a presence across 12 states of India, focusing on solar, wind and hybrid (solar wind) renewable power generation. It operates through two segments: renewable power generation and other related ancillary activities and sale of solar power equipments. The sale of solar power equipments segment comprises of an associate, Mundra Solar Energy Limited. The Company sells renewable power generated from its projects under a combination of long-term power purchase agreements (PPA) and on merchant basis and other ancillary activities. It is also developing solar park at khavda, Gujarat over 19,000 hectares and subleased 6,129 hectares land to its subsidiaries including step down subsidiaries and other related parties. Its locked-in renewable energy portfolio stands at approximately 21,953 megawatt (MW) (10,934 MW operational and 11,019 MW under execution) and another 500 MW of hydro pumped storage project.
More about the company