Page 1
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Note Rm Rm Rm
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 4 8 679 7 678 8 244
Investment properties 24 24 24
Intangible assets 69 78 76
Deferred tax assets 174 -0 274
Loans and long-term receivables 5 41 52 40
Non-current financial assets 10 233 222 193
Investment in associate 6 239 703 534
Investment in joint venture 7 19 903 18 763 20 938
Other investments 8 5 204 5 612 4 210
34 566 33 132 34 533
Current assets
Inventories 423 624 467
Trade and other receivables 9 6 272 6 366 7 825
Taxation 17 112 70
Financial assets 10 823 459 523
Cash and cash equivalents 11 12 082 6 815 9 671
19 617 14 376 18 556
Assets held for sale -0 ( 1) -0
Total assets 54 183 47 508 53 089
Capital and reserves
Ordinary share capital 11 11 11
Share premium 5 213 5 202 5 212
Treasury shares (2 405) (2 405) (2 405)
Other reserves 3 892 3 987 2 915
Retained earnings 34 437 28 661 34 461
- - -
- - -
Equity attributable to equity holders of ARM 41 148 35 456 40 194
Non-controlling interest 3 819 2 844 3 582
- - -
- - -
Total equity 44 967 38 300 43 776
Non-current liabilities
Long-term borrowings 12 795 1 551 1 105
Deferred tax liabilities 3 100 2 527 2 968
Long-term provisions 1 934 2 007 1 883
5,829 6,085 5,956
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 2 132 1 928 1 940
Short-term provisions 490 541 898
Taxation 534 202 155
Overdrafts and short-term borrowings 12 -0 -0 -0
- interest-bearing 50 452 57
- non-interest-bearing 181 - 307
3 387 3 123 3 357
- - -
- - -
- - -
Total equity and liabilities 54 183 47 508 53 089
Page 2
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Note Rm Rm Rm
Revenue 3 7 709 9 813 21,457
Sales 3 7 066 9 046 19,657
Cost of sales (3 670) (4 104) (7,900)
-0 - -
-0 - -
Gross profit 3 396 4 942 11,757
Other operating income 16 870 971 2,378
Other operating expenses (1 361) (1 245) (2,717)
-0 - -
-0 - -
Profit from operations 2 905 4 668 11,418
-0 - -
Income from investments 307 183 487
Finance costs ( 130) ( 131) (329)
Loss from associate 17 -0 ( 87) (260)
Income from joint venture 7 2 387 2 784 7 498
-0 - -
-0 - -
Profit before taxation and capital items 5 469 7 417 18,814
Capital items 13 238 - (9)
-0 - -
Profit before taxation 5 707 7 417 18,805
Taxation 18 (1 074) (1 365) (3,333)
-0 - -
Profit for the period 4 633 6 052 15 472
Attributable to:
Equity holders of ARM
Profit for the period 3,893 4,868 12 626
-0 -0 -0
Basic earnings for the period 3,893 4,868 12 626
Non - controlling interest
Profit for the period 740 1,184 2 846
740 1 184 2 846
Profit for the period 4 633 6 052 15 472
Earnings per share
Basic earnings per share (cents) 14 1 988 2 499 6 464 -0
-0 -0 -0
-0 -0 -0
Diluted basic earnings per share (cents) 14 1 968 2 474 6 399
224 459 224 410 224 453
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income Other Retained earnings Total share holders of ARM Non controlling interest Total
Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm
Six months ended 31 December 2021 (Unaudited)
Profit for the period -0 -0 3 893 3 893 740 4 633
Total other comprehensive income 802 110 -0 912 -0 912
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to the statement
of profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Net impact of revaluation of listed investment 802 -0 -0 802 -0 802
Revaluation of listed investment ¹ 1 033 -0 -0 1 033 -0 1 033
Deferred tax on above ( 231) -0 -0 ( 231) -0 ( 231)
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to the statement
of profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Foreign currency translation reserve movement -0 110 -0 110 -0 110
Total comprehensive income for the period 802 110 3 893 4 805 740 5 545
Six months ended 31 December 2020 (Reviewed)
Profit for the period -0 -0 4 868 4 868 1 184 6 052
Total other comprehensive loss ( 16) ( 116) -0 ( 132) -0 ( 132)
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to the statement
of profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Net impact of revaluation of listed investment ( 16) -0 -0 ( 16) -0 ( 16)
Revaluation of listed investment ¹ ( 20) -0 -0 ( 20) -0 ( 20)
Deferred tax on above 4 -0 -0 4 -0 4
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to the statement
of profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Foreign currency translation reserve movement -0 ( 116) -0 ( 116) -0 ( 116)
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period ( 16) ( 116) 4 868 4 736 1 184 5 920
Year ended 30 June 2021 (Audited)
Profit for the year - - 12,626 12,626 2,846 15,472
Total other comprehensive loss (1 107) ( 161) -0 (1 268) -0 (1 268)
Other comprehensive income that will not be reclassified to the statement
of profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Net impact of revaluation of listed investment (1 107) -0 -0 (1 107) -0 (1 107)
Revaluation of listed investment ¹ (1 426) -0 -0 (1 426) -0 (1 426)
Deferred tax on above 319 -0 -0 319 -0 319
Other comprehensive income that may be reclassified to the statement
of profit or loss in subsequent periods:
Foreign currency translation reserve movement -0 ( 161) -0 ( 161) -0 ( 161)
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the year (1 107) ( 161) 12 626 11 358 2 846 14 204
¹ The share price of Harmony Limited at 31 December 2021 was R66.60, R52.76 at 30 June 2021 and R71.60 at 31 December 2020 per share.
The valuation of the investment in Harmony is based on a level 1 fair value hierarchy level in terms of IFRS.
ARM shareholding at 31 December 2021 was 12.11% (31 December 2020: 12.12%, 30 June 2021: 12.12%).
Other reserves
Financial instruments at fair value through other comprehensive income
Share capital and premium Treasury Share based payments Total Non-
share Retained earnings shareholders controlling
capital Other of ARM interest Total
Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm Rm
Six months ended 31 December 2021 (Unaudited)
Balance at 30 June 2021 5 223 (2 405) 2 237 700 ( 22) 34 461 40 194 3 582 43 776
Total comprehensive income for the period -0 -0 802 -0 110 3 893 4 805 740 5 545
Profit for the period -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 3 893 3 893 740 4 633
Other comprehensive income -0 -0 802 -0 110 -0 912 -0 912
Share options exercised 1 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 1 -0 1
Dividend paid -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 (3 917) (3 917) -0 (3 917)
Dividend declared to non-controlling interests -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 ( 503) ( 503)
Share based payment expense -0 -0 -0 65 -0 -0 65 -0 65
Balance at 31 December 2021 5 224 (2 405) 3 039 765 88 34 437 41 148 3 819 44 967
Six months ended 31 December 2020 (Reviewed)
Balance at 30 June 2020 4 961 (2 405) 3 344 884 139 25 157 32 080 2 028 34 108
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the period -0 -0 ( 16) -0 ( 116) 4 868 4 736 1 184 5 920
Profit for the period -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 4 868 4 868 1 184 6 052
Other comprehensive loss -0 -0 ( 16) -0 ( 116) -0 ( 132) -0 ( 132)
Bonus and performance shares issued to employees 213 -0 -0 ( 325) -0 -0 ( 112) -0 ( 112)
Share options exercised 39 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 39 -0 39
Dividend paid -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 (1 364) (1 364) -0 (1 364)
Dividend declared to non-controlling interests -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 ( 368) ( 368)
Share based payment expense -0 -0 -0 77 -0 -0 77 -0 77
-0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
Balance at 31 December 2020 5 213 (2 405) 3 328 636 23 28 661 35 456 2 844 38 300
Year ended 30 June 2021 (Audited)
Balance at 30 June 2020 4 961 (2 405) 3 344 884 139 25 157 32 080 2 028 34 108
Total comprehensive (loss) / income for the year -0 -0 (1 107) -0 ( 161) 12 626 11 358 2 846 14 204
Profit for the year 30 June 2021 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 12 626 12 626 2 846 15 472
Other comprehensive loss -0 -0 (1 107) -0 ( 161) -0 (1 268) -0 (1 268)
Bonus and performance shares issued to employees 262 -0 -0 ( 332) -0 -0 ( 70) -0 ( 70)
Dividend paid -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 (3 322) (3 322) -0 (3 322)
Dividend declared to non-controlling interests -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 (1 292) (1 292)
Share based payment expense -0 -0 -0 148 -0 -0 148 -0 148
Balance at 30 June 2021 5 223 (2 405) 2 237 700 ( 22) 34 461 40 194 3 582 43 776
Page 5
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Note Rm Rm Rm
Cash receipts from customers 9 413 6,984 17,189
Cash paid to suppliers and employees (4 588) (4,958) (9,387)
-0 -0 -0
-0 -0 -0
Cash generated from operations 19 4 825 2 026 7 802
Interest received 267 160 358
Interest paid ( 24) ( 25) ( 45)
Taxation paid ( 643) (800) (2,291)
4,425 1,361 5,824
-0 - -
Dividends received from joint venture 7 3 500 1 500 4 000
Dividend received from investments - Harmony 20 - 0 82
7,945 2,861 9,906
Dividends paid to non-controlling interest - Impala Platinum ( 391) ( 368) (1 219)
Dividends paid - equity holders of ARM (3,917) (1 364) (3,322)
Net cash inflow from operating activities 3,637 1,129 5,365
31 December 2005 2
Additions to property, plant and equipment to maintain operations ( 485) ( 551) (1 224)
Additions to property, plant and equipment to expand operations ( 368) (292) (433)
Proceeds on disposal of property, plant and equipment - 0 - 0 3
Investment in financial assets ( 555) (216) ( 308)
Proceeds from financial assets matured 241 1,072 1 124
-0 -0 -0
Net cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities (1,167) 13 ( 838)
Proceeds from exercise of share options 1 39 44
Long-term borrowings raised 2 -0 264
Long-term borrowings repaid ( 63) ( 80) ( 461)
Short-term borrowings raised -0 -0 -0
Short-term borrowings repaid (5) ( 97) ( 187)
-0 -0 -0 420
-0 -0 -0
Net cash outflow from financing activities ( 65) ( 138) ( 340)
Net increase in cash and cash equivalents 2 405 1 004 4 187
Cash and cash equivalents at beginning of period 9 655 5,512 5,512
Foreign currency translation on cash balances 6 (31) ( 44)
-0 -0 -0
Cash and cash equivalents at end of period 11 12 066 6 485 9 655
Made up as follows:
- Available 11 164 5 753 8 849
- Cash set aside for specific use 902 732 806
12 066 6 485 9 655
Overdrafts 12 16 330 16
Cash and cash equivalents per the statement of financial position 12 082 6 815 9 671
Cash generated from operations per share (cents) 2 464 1 040 3 994
Note 1
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
The condensed Group interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 December 2021 have been prepared in
accordance with the framework concepts and the measurement and recognition requirements of International Financial Reporting
Standards (IFRS), the South African Institute of Chartered Accountants (SAICA) Financial Reporting Guides as issued by the Accounting
Practices Committee and Financial Pronouncements as issued by the Financial Reporting Standards Council and contains the information
required by IAS 34 - Interim Financial Reporting, requirements of the South African Companies Act and the Listings
Requirements of the Johannesburg Stock Exchange (JSE) Limited.
The condensed Group interim financial statements for the six months ended 31 December 2021 have been prepared on the historical cost basis,
except for certain financial instruments, which include listed investments, and unlisted investments that are fair valued.
shown under comprehensive income. The accounting policies used are consistent with those in the most recent annual financial statements except for those listed
below and comply with IFRS. The condensed group interim financial statements for the period have been prepared under the
supervision of the Finance Director, Miss TTA Mhlanga CA(SA).
The presentation and functional currency is the South African Rand and the Group interim condensed consolidated financial statements are
rounded to the nearest R million.
The Group has adopted the following new and/or revised standards and interpretations issued by the International Financial Reporting
Interpretation Committee (IFRIC) of the IASB during the period under review. The date of initial application for the ARM Group being 1 July 2021.
Standard Subject Effective date
IFRS 9, IAS 39, IFRS 7, IFRS 4 and IFRS 16 Interest rate benchmark reform 1 January 2021
The adoption of the above standards had no significant effect on the Group interim condensed consolidated financial statements.
Health and safety measures are complied with at all operations, measures that have been put in place to reduce the risk of an Covid-19
outbreak include the following:
- Daily screening of all employees
- Compulsory wearing of face masks
- Social distancing throughout the mine
- Installation of hand wash basins and sanitising stations
- Regular disinfection of high risk areas
- Rollout of vaccination programme at all our operations
It is estimated that the negative impact of Covid-19 on all operations is currently minimal.
The following amendments, standards or interpretations have been issued but are not yet effective for the ARM Group. The effective date
refers to periods beginning on or after, unless otherwise indicated.
Standard Subject Effective date
IFRS 3 Business Combinations - Amendment 1 January 2022
IAS 1 Presentation of financial statements - Amendment 1 January 2023
IAS 16 Property, Plant and Equipment - Amendment 1 January 2022
IAS 37 Provisions, Contingent Liabilities and Contingent Assets - Amendment 1 January 2022
IFRS 9 Financial instruments - Amendment 1 January 2022
IFRS 17 Insurance Contracts 1 January 2023
The Group does not intend early adopting any of the above amendments or standards.
ARM continuously evaluates the impact of these standards and amendments, the adoption of which are not expected to have a significant
effect on the Group financial results.
Seg 2021
ARMPlatinum Ferrousmetals Armcoal corpandother
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Primary segmental information
For management purposes the Group is organised into operating divisions. The operating divisions are ARM Platinum (which includes
platinum and nickel), ARM Ferrous, ARM Coal, ARM Corporate (which includes Corporate, Machadodorp Works, gold and other)
in the table below.
ARM Platinum¹ Rm ARM Ferrous² Rm ARM Coal Rm ARM Corporate Rm Total Rm IFRS adjust ment³ Rm Total per IFRS financial statements Rm
2.1 Six months ended 31 December 2021 (Unaudited)
Sales 6 111 9 396 891 64 16 462 (9 396) 7 066
Cost of sales (2 992) (5 795) ( 605) ( 53) (9 445) 5 775 (3 670)
Other operating income ⁴ 120 72 259 443 894 ( 24) 870
Other operating expenses ⁴ ( 480) ( 702) ( 58) ( 823) (2 063) 702 (1 361)
Segment result 2 759 2 971 487 ( 369) 5 848 (2 943) 2 905
Income from investments 62 143 5 240 450 ( 143) 307
Finance cost (32) ( 16) ( 84) ( 14) ( 146) 16 ( 130)
Loss from associate ⁵ -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
Profit from joint venture -0 215 -0 -0 215 2 172 2 387
Capital items before tax ⁶ -0 ( 57) 120 118 181 57 238
Taxation ( 805) ( 849) ( 57) ( 204) (1 915) 841 (1 074)
Profit / (loss) after tax 1 984 2 407 471 ( 229) 4 633 -0 4 633
Non-controlling interest ( 739) -0 -0 ( 1) ( 740) -0 ( 740)
Consolidation adjustment ⁷ -0 ( 20) -0 20 -0 -0 -0
Contribution to basic earnings / (losses) 1 245 2 387 471 ( 210) 3 893 -0 3 893
Contribution to headline earnings / (losses) 1 245 2 428 351 ( 328) 3 696 -0 3 696
Other information
Segment assets including investment in
associate and joint venture 15 196 26 295 3,061 16 024 60 576 (6 393) 54 183
Investment in associate 239 239 239
Investment in joint venture 19 903 19 903
Segment liabilities 2 438 2 586 1 711 1 433 8 168 (2 586) 5 582
Unallocated liabilities - Deferred taxation and taxation 7 441 (3,807) 3 634
Consolidated total liabilities 15 609 (6 393) 9 216
Cash generated from operations 4 194 5 353 52 579 10 178 (5 353) 4 825
Cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities 3 442 4 967 53 (3 358) 5 104 (1 467) 3 637
Cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities ( 998) (1 128) ( 57) ( 112) (2 295) 1 128 (1 167)
Cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities ( 23) ( 10) 2 ( 34) ( 65) -0 ( 65)
Capital expenditure 792 1 070 67 4 1 933 (1 070) 863
- - - - - - -
Amortisation and depreciation 318 566 109 5 998 ( 566) 432
Impairment loss / reversal (gain) before tax - 44 ( 121) ( 118) ( 195) ( 44) ( 239)
Impairment loss / (reversal) - - - - - - -
EBITDA 3 077 3 537 596 (364) 6 846 (3 509) 3 337
There were no significant inter - division sales
¹ Refer note 2.4 for more detail on the ARM Platinum segment.
² Refer note 2.7 and note 7 for more detail on the ARM Ferrous segment.
³ Includes IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements adjustments related to ARM Ferrous.
⁴ Included in ARM Corporate is R365 million re-measurement loss, partially offset with a R259 million re-measurement gain in ARM Coal (refer note 15).
⁵ Includes re-measurement loss on ARM Coal loans of R241 million (refer note 15).
⁶ Refer note 13 for more detail.
⁷ Relates to capitalised fees in ARM Ferrous.
Seg 2020
Armplatinum Ferrousmetals Armcoal corpandother Page 8
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
ARM Platinum¹ Rm ARM Ferrous² Rm ARM Coal Rm ARM Corporate Rm
Total Rm IFRS adjust ment³ Rm Total per IFRS financial statements Rm
2.2 Six months ended 31 December 2020 (Reviewed)
Sales 8 494 10 939 482 70 19 985 (10 939) 9 046
Cost of sales (3 483) (5 295) ( 538) ( 64) (9 380) 5 276 (4 104)
Other operating income 93 53 - 0 834 980 ( 9) 971
Other operating expenses ⁴ ( 691) (1 535) ( 31) ( 523) (2 780) 1 535 (1 245)
Segment result 4 413 4 162 ( 87) 317 8 805 (4 137) 4 668
Income from investments 27 88 6 150 271 ( 88) 183
Finance cost (33) ( 22) ( 83) ( 15) ( 153) 22 ( 131)
Loss from associate ⁵ -0 -0 ( 87) -0 ( 87) -0 ( 87)
Loss from joint venture -0 ( 56) -0 -0 ( 56) 2 840 2 784
Capital items before tax ⁶ -0 ( 171) -0 -0 ( 171) 171 -0
Taxation (1 203) (1 200) 29 ( 183) (2 557) 1 192 (1 365)
Profit / (loss) after tax 3 204 2 801 ( 222) 269 6 052 - 0 6 052
Non-controlling interest (1 183) -0 -0 ( 1) (1 184) -0 (1 184)
Consolidation adjustment ⁷ -0 ( 17) -0 17 -0 -0 -0
Contribution to basic earnings / (losses) 2 021 2 784 ( 222) 285 4 868 -0 4 868
Contribution to headline earnings / (losses) 2 021 2 955 ( 222) 285 5 039 -0 5 039
Other information
Segment assets including investment in
associate and joint venture 12 495 24 930 3 345 12 905 53 675 (6 167) 47 508
Investment in associate 703 703 703
Investment in joint venture 18 763 18 763
Segment liabilities 2 816 2 447 2 018 1 645 8 926 (2 447) 6 479
Unallocated liabilities - Deferred taxation and taxation 6 449 (3,720) 2 729
Consolidated total liabilities 15 375 (6 167) 9,208
Cash generated from operations 2 102 3 293 123 ( 199) 5 319 (3 293) 2 026
Cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities 1 134 2 706 124 (1 629) 2 335 (1 206) 1 129
Cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities ( 724) (1 067) ( 118) 855 (1 054) 1 067 13
Cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities ( 138) ( 10) ( 8) 18 ( 138) -0 ( 138)
Capital expenditure 724 957 195 1 1 877 ( 957) 920
Amortisation and depreciation 316 545 102 3 966 ( 545) 421
Impairment loss before tax - 169 - - 169 (169) -
EBITDA 4 729 4 707 15 320 9 771 (4 682) 5 089
There were no significant inter - division sales
¹ Refer note 2.5 for more detail on the ARM Platinum segment.
² Refer note 2.8 and note 7 for more detail on the ARM Ferrous segment.
³ Includes IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements adjustments related to ARM Ferrous.
⁴ Included in Modikwa is R129 million re-measurement loss, partially offset with a R123 million re-measurement gain in ARM Corporate (refer note 15).
⁵ Includes re-measurement gain on ARM Coal loans of R25 million (refer note 15).
⁶ Refer note 13 for more detail.
⁷ Relates to capitalised fees in ARM Ferrous.
Seg June 2021
Page 9
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
ARM Platinum Rm ARM Ferrous¹ Rm ARM Coal Rm ARM Corporate Rm Total Rm IFRS adjust ment ² Rm Total per IFRS financial statements Rm
2.3 Year ended 30 June 2021 (Audited)
Sales 18 463 24 907 1 058 136 44 564 (24 907) 19 657
Cost of sales (6 687) (11 046) (1 078) ( 93) (18 904) 11 004 (7 900)
Other operating income 293 81 236 1 747 2 357 21 2 378
Other operating expenses (1 611) (2 914) ( 50) (1 056) (5 631) 2 914 (2 717)
Segment result 10 458 11 028 166 734 22 386 (10 968) 11 418
Income from investments 72 245 11 404 732 ( 245) 487
Finance cost ( 95) ( 37) ( 175) ( 59) ( 366) 37 ( 329)
Loss from associate -0 -0 ( 260) - 0 ( 260) -0 ( 260)
Loss from joint venture -0 ( 3) -0 -0 ( 3) 7 501 7 498
Capital items before tax ³ -0 ( 502) - 0 ( 9) ( 511) 502 ( 9)
Taxation (2 925) (3 190) 8 ( 399) (6 506) 3 173 (3 333)
-0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0 -0
Profit / (loss) after tax 7 510 7 541 ( 250) 671 15 472 -0 15 472
Non-controlling interest (2 844) -0 -0 ( 2) (2 846) -0 (2 846)
Consolidation adjustment ⁴ -0 ( 43) -0 43 -0 -0 -0
Contribution to basic earnings / (losses) 4 666 7 498 ( 250) 712 12 626 -0 12 626
Contribution to headline earnings / (losses) 4 666 7 927 ( 250) 721 13 064 -0 13 064
Other information
Segment assets including investment in associate 14 403 27 441 3 085 14 663 59 592 (6 503) 53 089
Investment in associate 534 534 534
Investment in joint venture 20 938 20 938
Segment liabilities 2 644 2 997 1 847 1 699 9 187 (2 997) 6 190
Unallocated liabilities - Deferred taxation and taxation 6 629 (3 506) 3 123
Consolidated total liabilities 15 816 ( 6 503) 9 313
Cash generated from operations 7 758 9 836 197 ( 153) 17 638 (9 836) 7 802
Cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities 4 742 7 255 199 (3 576) 8 620 (3 255) 5 365
Cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities (1 562) (2 345) ( 193) 917 (3 183) 2 345 ( 838)
Cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities ( 313) ( 19) ( 10) ( 17) ( 359) 19 ( 340)
Capital expenditure 1 611 2 221 263 10 4 105 (2 221) 1 884
Amortisation and depreciation 619 1 126 182 8 1 935 (1 126) 809
- - - - - - -
Impairment loss before tax - 500 - 9 509 ( 500) 9
EBITDA 11 077 12 154 348 742 24 321 (12 094) 12 227
There were no significant inter-company sales.
¹ Refer to ARM Ferrous segment note 2.9 and note 7 for more detail.
² Includes IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements adjustments related to ARM Ferrous.
³ Refer note 13 for more detail.
⁴ Relates to fees capitalised in ARM Ferrous and reversed upon consolidation.
Plat 2021+20
Page 10
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Additional information
The ARM platinum segment is analysed further into Nkomati, Two Rivers Platinum Proprietary Limited and ARM
Mining Consortium Limited which includes 50% of the Modikwa Platinum Mine.
Two Rivers Rm Modikwa Rm Nkomati Rm ARM Platinum Rm
2.4 Six months ended 31 December 2021 (Unaudited)
Sales 3 969 2 160 ( 18) 6 111
Cost of sales (1 885) (1 107) -0 (2 992)
Other operating income 45 73 2 120
Other operating expenses ( 287) ( 146) ( 47) ( 480)
-0 -0 -0 -0
Segment result 1 842 980 ( 63) 2 759
Income from investments 32 26 4 62
Finance cost ( 11) ( 7) ( 14) ( 32)
Capital items before tax -0 -0 -0 -0
Taxation ( 521) ( 283) ( 1) ( 805)
Profit / (loss) after tax 1 342 716 ( 74) 1 984
Non-controlling interest ( 617) ( 122) -0 ( 739)
Contribution to earnings / (losses) 725 594 ( 74) 1 245
- - - -
Contribution to headline earnings / (losses) 725 594 ( 74) 1 245
Other information
Segment and consolidated assets 10 192 4 792 212 15 196
Segment liabilities 1 066 681 691 2 438
Cash inflow from operating activities 2 307 1 135 -0 3 442
Cash outflow from investing activities ( 572) ( 398) ( 28) ( 998)
Cash outflow from financing activities ( 8) ( 15) -0 ( 23)
- - - -
Capital expenditure 572 220 -0 792
- - - -
Amortisation and depreciation 244 74 -0 318
Impairment - - - -
EBITDA 2 086 1 054 ( 63) 3 077
2.5 Six months ended 31 December 2020 (Reviewed)
Sales 5 341 1 957 1 196 8 494
Cost of sales (1 699) ( 939) ( 845) (3 483)
Other operating income 52 38 3 93
Other operating expenses ( 388) ( 241) ( 62) ( 691)
Segment result 3 306 815 292 4 413
Income from investments 9 16 2 27
Finance cost (12) ( 7) ( 14) (33)
Taxation ( 936) ( 267) -0 (1 203)
Profit after tax 2 367 557 280 3 204
Non-controlling interest (1 088) ( 95) -0 (1 183)
- - - -
Contribution to basic earnings 1 279 462 280 2 021
Contribution to headline earnings 1 279 462 280 2 021
Other information
- - - -
Segment and consolidated assets 8 274 3 719 502 12 495
Segment liabilities 1 566 453 797 2 816
- - - -
Cash inflow from operating activities 903 207 24 1 134
Cash outflow from investing activities ( 552) ( 172) -0 ( 724)
Cash outflow from financing activities ( 65) ( 73) -0 ( 138)
Capital expenditure 552 172 -0 724
Amortisation and depreciation 244 72 -0 316
EBITDA 3,550 887 292 4,729
Plat Jun 2021
Page 11
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Platinum Two Rivers Rm Modikwa Rm Nkomati¹ Rm ARM Platinum Rm
2.6 For the year ended 30 June 2021 (Audited)
Sales 11 992 4 924 1 547 18 463
Cost of sales (3 533) (1 924) (1 230) (6 687)
Other operating income 180 110 3 293
Other operating expenses ( 952) ( 525) ( 134) (1 611)
Segment result 7 687 2 585 186 10 458
Income from investments 32 34 6 72
Finance cost ( 60) ( 9) ( 26) ( 95)
Taxation (2 156) ( 768) ( 1) (2 925)
Profit after tax 5 503 1 842 165 7 510
Non-controlling interest (2 531) ( 313) -0 (2 844)
Contribution to basic earnings 2 972 1 529 165 4 666
Contribution to headline earnings 2 972 1 529 165 4 666
Other information
Segment and consolidated assets 9 709 4 410 284 14 403
Segment liabilities 1 402 552 690 2 644
Cash generated from operations 5 878 1 765 115 7 758
Cash inflow from operating activities 3 289 1 334 119 4 742
Cash outflow from investing activities (1 182) ( 374) ( 6) (1 562)
Cash outflow from financing activities ( 221) ( 92) -0 ( 313)
Capital expenditure 1 281 330 -0 1 611
Amortisation and depreciation 488 131 -0 619
- - - -
- - - -
EBITDA 8 175 2 716 186 11 077
¹ Nkomati ceased mining operations on 14 March 2021. The mine is currently under care and maintenance.
Fer 2021
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
2 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION continued at 100% basis
Analysis of the ARM Ferrous segment
Iron ore division Rm Manganese division Rm ARM Ferrous Total Rm ARM share Rm IFRS Adjustment ¹ Rm Total per IFRS financial statements Rm
2.7 Six months ended 31 December 2021 (Unaudited)
Sales 12 606 6 187 18 793 9 396 (9 396) -0
Cost of sales (6 532) (5 058) (11 590) (5 795) 5 795 -0
Other operating income 1 101 274 1 375 72 ( 72) -0
Other operating expenses (2 210) ( 427) (2 637) ( 702) 702 -0
Segment result 4,965 976 5,941 2,971 (2,971) -0
Income from investments 282 3 285 143 (143) -0
Finance cost ( 21) ( 12) (33) (16) 16 -0
Profit from joint venture -0 431 431 215 (215) -0
Capital items before tax ² ( 114) -0 (114) (57) 57 -0
Taxation (1,417) (280) (1,697) (849) 849 -0
Profit after tax 3,695 1,118 4,813 2,407 (2,407) -0
Consolidation adjustment ³ (20) 20 -0
Contribution to basic earnings and
total comprehensive income 3 695 1 118 4,813 2 387 -0 2 387
Contribution to headline earnings 3 777 1 118 4,895 2 428 -0 2 428
Other information
Segment assets 34 563 19 670 54 233 26 295 (6 392) 19 903
- -
Segment liabilities 8 156 5 089 13 245 2 586 (2 586) -0
Cash inflow from operating activities ⁴ 2 028 905 2 933 4 967 (4 967) -0
Cash outflow from investing activities (1 125) (1 131) (2 256) (1 128) 1 128 -0
Cash outflow from financing activities ( 20) ( 1) ( 21) ( 10) 10 -0
Capital expenditure 1 152 1 083 2 235 1 070 ( 1 070) -0
Amortisation and depreciation 793 379 1 172 566 ( 566) -0
-0 - - -0
EBITDA 5 758 1 355 7 113 3 537 ( 3 537) -0
Additional information for ARM Ferrous at 100%
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 29 971 (29,971) -0
Investment in joint venture 1 262 (1,262) -0
Other non-current assets 1 443 (1,443) -0
Inventories 763 (763) -0
Current assets
Inventories 5 054 (5,054) -0
Trade and other receivables 6 726 (6,726) -0
Financial assets 157 (157) -0
Cash and cash equivalents 8 855 (8,855) -0
Non-current liabilities
Other non-current liabilities 8 708 (8 708) -0
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 3 463 (3 463) -0
Short-term provisions 617 ( 617) -0
Taxation 254 ( 254) -0
Refer note 2.1 and note 7 for more detail on the ARM Ferrous segment
¹ Includes consolidation and IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements adjustments.
² Refer note 13 for more detail.
³ Includes consolidation adjustment for capitalised fees.
⁴ Iron ore division includes dividend paid amounting to R3.5 billion included in cash flows from operating activities.
Fer 2020
for the six months ended 31 December 2021 Page 13
2 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION continued at 100% basis
Iron ore division Rm Manganese division Rm ARM Ferrous Total Rm ARM share Rm IFRS Adjustment¹ Rm Total per IFRS financial statements Rm
2.8 Six months ended 31 December 2020 (Reviewed)
Sales ² 15 942 5 935 21 877 10 939 (10 939) -0
Cost of sales (5 916) (4 674) (10 590) (5 295) 5 295 -0
Other operating income 657 79 736 53 ( 53) -0
Other operating expenses (2,916) (783) (3 699) (1 535) 1 535 -0
Segment result 7,767 557 8,324 4,162 (4,162) -0
Income from investments 170 6 176 88 (88) -0
Finance cost (24) (20) (44) (22) 22 -0
Loss from joint venture - (112) (112) (56) 56 -0
Capital items before tax - (341) (341) (171) 171 -0
Taxation (2,244) (157) (2,401) (1,200) 1,200 -0
Profit (loss) after tax 5,669 (67) 5,602 2,801 (2,801) -0
Consolidation adjustment ³ (17) 17 -0
Contribution to basic earnings / (losses) and total comprehensive income / (losses) 5,669 (67) 5,602 2,784 - 2,784
Contribution to headline earnings 5,669 274 5,943 2,955 - 2,955
Other information
Segment assets 30 663 20 713 51 376 24 930 (6 166) 18 763
Segment liabilities 7 827 4 933 12 760 2 447 (2 447) -0
Cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities ⁴ 4 713 (2 300) 2 413 2 706 (2 706) -0
Cash outflow from investing activities (1 100) (1 034) (2 134) (1 067) 1 067 -0
Cash outflow from financing activities ( 19) -0 ( 19) ( 10) 10 -0
Capital expenditure 962 1 038 2 000 957 ( 957) -0
Amortisation and depreciation 752 375 1 127 545 ( 545) -0
EBITDA 8 519 932 9 451 4 707 (4 707) -0
Additional information for ARM Ferrous at 100%
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 28 162 (28,162) -0
Investment in joint venture 878 (878) -0
Other non-current assets 1 872 (1,872) -0
Current assets
Inventories 4 919 (4,919) -0
Trade and other receivables 8 769 (8,769) -0
Financial assets 100 (100)
Cash and cash equivalents 6 678 (6,678) -0
Non-current liabilities
Other non-current liabilities 8 365 (8 365) -0
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 2 577 (2 577) -0
Short-term provisions 1 266 (1 266) -0
Taxation 411 ( 411) -0
Financial liabilities 131 (131) -0
Refer note 2.2 and note 7 for more detail on the ARM Ferrous segment
¹ Includes consolidation and IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements adjustments.
² Refer note 13 for more detail.
³ Includes consolidation adjustment for capitalised fees.
⁴ Iron ore division includes dividend paid amounting to R3 billion included in cash flows from operating activities.
Fer Jun 2021
for the six months ended 31 December 2021 Page 14
2 SEGMENTAL INFORMATION continued at 100% basis
Iron ore division Rm Manganese division Rm Total ARM Ferrous Total Rm ARM share Rm IFRS Adjustment ¹ Rm Total per IFRS financial statements Rm
2.9 For the year ended 30 June 2021 (Audited)
Sales 37 621 12 192 49 813 24 907 (24 907) -0
Cost of sales (12 286) (9 807) (22 093) (11 046) 11 046 -0
Other operating income 1 329 168 1 497 81 ( 81) -0
Other operating expenses (5 970) (1 190) (7 160) (2 914) 2 914 -0
Segment results 20 694 1 363 22 057 11 028 (11 028) -0
Income from investments 478 13 491 245 ( 245) -0
Finance cost ( 62) ( 12) ( 74) ( 37) 37 -0
Loss from joint venture -0 ( 7) ( 7) ( 3) 3 -0
Capital items before tax ² ( 49) ( 956) (1 005) ( 502) 502 -0
Taxation (6 065) ( 314) (6 379) (3 190) 3 190 -0
Profit after tax 14 996 87 15 083 7 541 (7 541) -0
Consolidation adjustment (43) 43 -0
Contribution to basic earnings 14,996 87 15,083 7,498 - 7,498
Contribution to headline earnings 15 046 897 15 943 7 927 -0 7 927
Other information
Consolidated total assets 35 662 20 806 56 468 27 441 (6 503) 20 938
Consolidated total liabilities 6 846 6 606 13 452 2 997 (2 997) -0
Cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities ³ 10 477 (3 968) 6 509 7 255 (7 255) -0
Cash outflow from investing activities (2 464) (2 225) (4 689) (2 345) 2 345 -0
Cash outflow from financing activities ( 39) - ( 39) ( 19) 19 -0
Capital expenditure 2 397 2 248 4 645 2 221 (2 221) -0
Amortisation and depreciation 1 561 775 2 336 1 126 (1 126) -
EBITDA 22 255 2 138 24 393 12 154 (12 154) -
Additional information for ARM Ferrous at 100%
Non-current assets
Property, plant and equipment 29 029 (29,029) -
Investment in joint venture 778 (778) -
Other non-current assets 1 851 (1,851) -
Current assets
Inventories 5 131 (5,131) -
Trade and other receivables 11 378 (11,378) -
Financial assets 102 (102)
Cash and cash equivalents 8 198 (8,198) -
Non-current liabilities 8 199 (8 199)
Other non-current liabilities -0
Current liabilities
Trade and other payables 3 511 (3 511) -0
Short-term provisions 1 423 (1 423) -0
Taxation 161 ( 161)
Refer note 2.3 and note 7 for more detail on the ARM Ferrous segment.
¹ Includes consolidation and IFRS 11 - Joint Arrangements adjustments.
² Refer note 13 for more detail.
³ Dividend paid amounting to R4 billion included in cash flows from operating activities.
Corp 2021
Ferrousmetals Armcoal
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
ARM Corporate as presented in the table on page 7 to 9 is analysed further into the ARM
Corporate and other, Gold and Machadodorp.
Machadodorp Works Rm 31 December 2021 Machadodorp Works Rm 31 December 2020 Machadodorp Works Rm 30 June 2021
Corporate and other¹ Rm Gold Rm Total ARM Corporate Rm Corporate and other¹ Rm Gold Rm Total ARM Corporate Rm Corporate and other¹ Rm Gold Rm Total ARM Corporate Rm
2.10 Unaudited (Reviewed) (Audited)
Sales 64 - 64 70 - 70 136 - 136
Cost of sales ( 78) 25 ( 53) ( 90) 26 ( 64) ( 149) 56 ( 93)
Other operating income 2 441 443 5 829 834 7 1 740 1 747
Other operating expenses ( 86) ( 737) ( 823) ( 51) ( 472) ( 523) ( 130) ( 926) (1 056)
Segment result ( 98) ( 271) ( 369) ( 66) 383 317 ( 136) 870 734
Income from investments -0 220 20 240 -0 150 150 -0 322 82 404
Finance cost ( 1) ( 13) ( 14) ( 1) ( 14) ( 15) ( 22) ( 37) ( 59)
Capital item -0 118 118 -0 -0 -0 -0 ( 9) ( 9)
Taxation 8 ( 212) ( 204) 7 ( 190) ( 183) 51 ( 450) ( 399)
(Loss) / profit after tax (91) (158) 20 (229) (60) 329 269 (107) 696 82 671
Non-controlling interest -0 ( 1) ( 1) -0 ( 1) ( 1) -0 ( 2) ( 2)
Consolidation adjustment ¹ -0 20 20 -0 17 17 -0 43 43
- - - - - - - - -
Contribution to basic (losses) / earnings ( 91) ( 139) 20 ( 210) ( 60) 345 285 ( 107) 737 82 712
- - - - - - - - -
Contribution to headline (losses) / earnings ( 91) ( 257) 20 ( 328) ( 60) 345 285 ( 107) 746 82 721
Other information
Segment assets 72 10 979 4 973 16 024 77 7 482 5 346 12 905 151 10 572 3 940 14 663
Segment liabilities 290 1 143 1 433 519 1 126 1 645 298 1 401 1 699
Cash inflow / (outflow) from operating activities 12 (3 390) 20 (3 358) 5 (1 634) (1 629) ( 4) (3 654) 82 (3 576)
Cash (outflow) / inflow from investing activities ( 3) ( 109) ( 112) -0 855 855 ( 1) 918 917
Cash (outflow) / inflow from financing activities -0 ( 34) ( 34) -0 18 18 -0 ( 17) ( 17)
Capital expenditure 3 1 4 -0 1 1 1 9 10
Amortisation and depreciation 1 4 5 -0 3 3 -0 8 8
Impairment (reversal) gain / loss before tax - ( 118) ( 118) -0 - - -0 9 9
EBITDA (97) (267) ( 364) (66) 386 320 (136) 878 742
¹ Relates to fees capitalised in ARM Ferrous and reversed on consolidation.
Note 3 - 6
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
Sales 7,066 9,046 19,657
Made up as follows:
Local sales 6 287 7 495 17 266
Export sales 779 1 551 2 391
Revenue 7 709 9 813 21 457
Fair value adjustments to revenue ( 998) 778 792
Revenue from contracts with customers 8 707 9 035 20 665
Sales - mining and related products 8 170 8 490 19 273
Penalty and treatment charges ( 106) ( 222) ( 408)
Modikwa - ( 1) ( 2)
Nkomati - ( 44) ( 58)
Two Rivers ( 106) ( 177) ( 348)
Fees received 643 767 1 800
4.1 ARM Ferrous
Property, plant and equipment
Khumani mine
A gross impairment loss was recognised in 1H F2022 on property, plant and equipment at Khumani for R88 million before tax.
This relates to a capital project to fill an underground cavity. The impairment loss was accounted for due to
management's assessment of limited future economic benefits associated with the capital spend. ARM's attributable share of the impairment
amounted to R44 million before tax of R12 million (refer note 13).
Tshenolo Iron Ore Mine
An attributable impairment loss was recognised in F2021 on property, plant and equipment for R26 million with no tax effect (refer note 13).
Cato Ridge Works
An impairment loss of R514 million before tax of R144 million was recognised in F2021 on property, plant and equipment.
ARM's attributable share of the impairment amounted to R257 million before tax of R72 million (refer note 13).
Cato Ridge Alloys
An impairment of R97 million with no tax effect was recognised in F2021 on Assmang's equity-accounted investment in
Cato Ridge Alloys. ARM's attributable share of the impairment amounted to R48 million with no tax effect (refer note 13).
An impairment loss of R337 million with no tax effect was recognised in 1H F2021 on Assmang's equity-accounted investment,
Sakura Ferroalloys Sdh Bhd. ARM's attributable share of the impairment loss amounted to R169 million with no tax effect (refer note 13).
Details of the impairments were included in the financial results ended 30 June 2021, which can be found on
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
4.2 ARM Coal
Participative Coal Business (PCB)
At 31 December 2021 previous impairment losses recognised against the investment in PCB was reversed by ARM, due to
- increased export coal commodity prices and
- a decline in PCB loan liabilities resulting from earlier than anticipated PCB loan repayments in 1H F2022.
A discounted cash flow valuation model was prepared to determine the net present value of the investment in PCB.
The recoverable amount of ARM's net investment in PCB amounted to R239 million.
The level 3 valuation recoverable amount of the investment in the PCB cash generating unit was determined based on the
fair value less cost of disposal calculation performed in terms of IFRS. ARM's attributable share of the impairment reversal amounted to
R239 million (nil tax impact).
Tax After tax
Rm Rm
PCB 20.2%: reversal of impairment (refer note 6) - 239
Total attributable to ARM - 239
A pre-tax discount rate of 19.4% was used for the discounted cash flow valuation model together with the following commodity prices
and exchange rates:
F2023 Real F2024 Real Long-term Real
R/US$ 14.93 14.82 14.90
US$/t 98 85 73
4.3 Venture Building Trust
An impairment loss was recognised in F2021 on property, plant and equipment for R9 million with no tax effect (refer note 13).
Details of the impairments were included in the financial results ended 30 June 2021, which can be found on
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
ARM Coal 41 52 40
Glencore South Africa - - -
Total 41 52 40
Opening balance 534 795 795
Loss from associate per statement of profit or loss - (87) (260)
Profit / (loss) for the period 241 (112) (296)
Re-measurement (loss) / gains on loans (241) 25 36
Movement in loans (534) (5) (1)
Reversal of impairment on investment (refer note 4.2) 239 - -
Closing balance 239 703 534
Note 7 - 9
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
This investment relates to ARM Ferrous and comprises Assmang
as a joint venture which includes iron ore and manganese operations.
Opening balance 20,938 17,545 17,545
Net income for the period 2,387 2,784 7,498
Income for the period 2,407 2,801 7,541
Consolidation adjustments (20) (17) (43)
Foreign currency translation reserve 78 (66) (105)
Less dividends received for the period (3,500) (1,500) (4,000)
Closing balance 19,903 18,763 20,938
Refer to notes 2.1; 2.2; 2.3; 2.7; 2.8 and 2.9 for further detail relating to the ARM Ferrous segment.
Harmony ¹ 4,973 5,346 3,940
Opening balance 3,940 5,366 5,366
Fair value in other comprehensive income 1,033 (20) (1,426)
Guardrisk ² 10 27 36
Preference shares 1 1 1
Richards Bay Coal Terminal (RBCT) ³ 220 238 233
Closing balance 5,204 5,612 4,210
¹ This is a level 1 valuation in terms of IFRS 13.
² This is a level 2 valuation in terms of IFRS 13.
Fair value based on the net asset value of the cell captive
³ This is a level 3 valuation in terms of IFRS 13.
The fair value of the RBCT investment was determined by calculating the present value of the future wharfage cost
savings by being a shareholder in RBCT as opposed to the wharfage payable by non-shareholders. The fair value is
most sensitive to wharfage cost. The current RBCT valuation is based on a wharfage cost differential of between
$41/tonne and $47/tonne (1H F2021: R43/tonne) (F2021:between $42/tonne and $48/tonne). If increased by 10% this
would result in a R22 million (1H F2021: R24 million) (F2021: R23 million) increase in the valuation on the RBCT
investment. If decreased by 10% this would result in a R22 million (1H F2021: R24 million) (F2021: R23 million)
decrease in the valuation on the RBCT investment. The valuation is calculated based on the duration of the RBCT
lease agreement with Transnet SOC Limited to 31 December 2038, using a pre-tax
discount rate of 19.4% (1H F2021: 19.4%) (F2021: 19.1%).
Opening balance 233 238 238
Fair value loss ( 13) - ( 5)
Closing balance 220 238 233
The decrease in trade and other receivables is largely as a result of a decrease in revenue during the reporting period.
Trade and other receivables contain provisional pricing features linked to commodity prices and exchange rates,
which have been designated to be measured at fair value through profit or loss because of the embedded derivative.
This is a level 2 valuation in terms of IFRS.
Trade and other receivables include a contract asset from Assmang of R603 million (1H F2021: R577 million)
(F2021: R1 156 million). The contract asset resulted from revised fee arrangements whereby fees
received from Assmang only become payable following receipt by Assmang from the relevant customer.
Note 10
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
Investments in fixed deposits
Current financial assets ¹
- African Rainbow Minerals Limited - 27 -
- ARM Finance Company SA ² 268 165 161
- Two Rivers 31 26 30
- Modikwa 382 105 203
- Nkomati 87 85 59
- Mannequin Captive Cell (Cell AVL 18) (refer note 21) 55 36 61
- Other - 15 9
823 459 523
Non-current financial assets ¹
- ARM Coal 48 43 46
- Modikwa 1 1 1
- Venture Building Trust -0 - 0 1
- Mannequin Captive Cell (Cell AVL 18) (refer note 21) 184 178 145
233 222 193
Total 1 056 681 716
¹ Cash and cash equivalents were invested in fixed deposits with maturities longer than three months to achieve
better returns. When these investments mature, to the extent that amounts are not re-invested
in new investments with maturities of longer than 3 months, they will again form part of cash and
cash equivalents. The carrying amounts of the financial assets shown above approximate their fair value.
² During 1H F2022 ARM Finance Company SA invested R252 million in fixed deposits with maturities longer
than three months. The amount was translated at the 31 December 2021 closing exchange rate resulting in a
foreign currency translation gain of R16 million.
The following guarantees issued are included in financial assets:
- Guarantees issued by Two Rivers to DMRE, Eskom and BP Oil amounting to R31 million (1H F2021 : R26 million)
(F2021 : R30 million).
- Guarantees issued by Modikwa to DMRE and Eskom amounting to R146 million (1H F2021 : R105 million)
(F2021 : R164 million).
- Guarantees issued by Nkomati to DMRE and Eskom amounting to R87 million (1H F2021 : R85 million) (F2021 : R59 million).
Other financial assets include trust funds of Rnil (1H F2021 : R15 million) (F2021 : R9 million).
Note 11 + 12
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
Total cash at bank and on deposit 11 180 6 083 8 865
- African Rainbow Minerals Limited 8 603 5 383 7 739
- ARM BBEE Trust 6 4 4
- ARM Coal 1 7 4
- ARM Finance Company SA 2 83 81
- ARM Platinum Proprietary Limited 827 491 538
- ARM Treasury Investments Proprietary Limited 42 41 42
- Nkomati 79 12 106
- Two Rivers Platinum Proprietary Limited 1 597 38 329
- Other cash at bank and deposit 23 24 22
Total cash set aside for specific use 902 732 806
- Mannequin Cell Captive ¹ 750 672 681
- Rehabilitation trust funds ¹ 64 47 44
- Other cash set aside for specific use ¹ 88 13 81
Total as per statement of financial position 12 082 6 815 9 671
Less - Overdrafts (refer note 12) ( 16) ( 330) ( 16)
Total as per statement of cash flows 12 066 6 485 9 655
Cash at bank and on deposit earns interest at floating rates based on daily bank deposit rates.
¹ Cash set aside for specific use in respect of the group includes:
- Mannequin captive cell is used as part of the group insurance program. The cash held in the cell is invested in highly liquid
investments and is used to settle claims as and when they arise as part of the risk finance retention strategy.
- The trust funds of R15 million (1H F2021: R2 million) (F2021: R6 million)
- African Rainbow Minerals Limited of R35 million (1H F2021: Rnil) (F2021: R35 million)
- Guarantees issued by ARM Coal to DMRE amounting to R45 million (1H F2021:R43 million) (F2021: R44 million).
- Guarantees issued by Two Rivers to DMRE, Eskom and BP oil amounting to Rnil (1H F2021: R4 million) (F2021: Rnil).
- Guarantees issued by Nkomati to DMRE and Eskom amounting to R38 million (1H F2021: R11 million) (F2021: R40 million).
- Guarantees issued by Modikwa to DMRE and Eskom amounting to R19 million (1H F2021: Rnil) (F2021: Rnil).
Long-term borrowings are held as follows:
- Anglo Platinum Limited (partner loan) -0 -0 -0
- ARM BBEE Trust 185 302 217
- ARM Coal Proprietary Limited 437 1 070 707
- African Rainbow Minerals Limited (lease liability) -0 2 -0
- Anglo Platinum Limited (lease liability) 13 33 29
- Two Rivers Platinum Proprietary Limited (lease liability) 160 144 152
795 1 551 1 105
Short-term borrowings are held as follows:
- Anglo Platinum Limited (partner loan) -0 8 -0
- Anglo Platinum Limited (lease liability) 31 20 30
- ARM Coal Proprietary Limited (partner loans) 181 -0 307
- ARM Coal Proprietary Limited (lease liability) -0 2 1
- African Rainbow Minerals Limited (lease liability) 3 4 4
- Nkomati -0 -0 -0
- Two Rivers Platinum Proprietary Limited -0 -0 -0
- Two Rivers Platinum Proprietary Limited (lease liability) -0 88 6
215 122 348
Overdrafts are held as follows:
- African Rainbow Minerals Limited -0 -0 -0
- Nkomati -0 -0 -0
- Two Rivers Platinum Proprietary Limited -0 313 -0
- Other 16 17 16
16 330 16
Total borrowings 1 026 2 003 1 469
Overdrafts and short-term borrowings
- interest bearing 50 452 57
- non-interest bearing 181 -0 307
The carrying amounts of the financial liabilities shown above approximate their fair value.
Note 13-14
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment - Venture Building Trust -0 -0 ( 9)
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets - ARM Coal ( 1) -0 -0
Impairment reversal on investment in 20.2% PCB - ARM Coal ¹ 239 -0 -0
Capital items per statement of profit or loss before taxation effect 238 -0 ( 9)
Impairment loss on investment in Sakura accounted for directly
in joint venture - Assmang -0 ( 169) ( 169)
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment accounted for directly
in joint venture - Assmang ( 44) -0 ( 283)
Impairment loss on investment in Cato Ridge accounted for directly
in joint venture - Assmang -0 -0 ( 48)
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment accounted for directly
in joint venture - Assmang ( 13) ( 2) ( 2)
Capital items before taxation effect 181 ( 171) ( 511)
Taxation accounted for in joint venture - impairment loss of property, plant and
equipment and intangible assets - Assmang 12 -0 72
Taxation accounted for in joint venture - loss on sale of property,
plant and equipment - Assmang 4 -0 1
Total amount adjusted for headline earnings 197 ( 171) ( 438)
¹ Impairment reversal through ARM's 51% investment in ARM Coal of R121 million and ARM's 10% direct investment of R118 million.
Headline earnings (R million) 3 696 5 039 13 064
Headline earnings from continuing operations (R million) 3 696 5 039 13 064
Headline loss from discontinued operation (R million) -0 -0 0
Headline earnings per share (cents) 1 887 2,587 6,688
Headline earnings per share (cents) 1 887 2 587 6,688
Headline earnings per share (cents) -0 -0 -0
Basic earnings per share (cents) 1 988 2 499 6,464
Headline earnings per share (cents) 1 988 2 499 6,464
Headline earnings per share (cents) ERROR:#REF! - ERROR:#REF!
Diluted headline earnings per share (cents) 1 868 2 560 6 621
Diluted headline earnings per share from continuing operations (cents) 1,868 2,560 6,621
Diluted headline loss per share from discontinued operation (cents) - - -
Diluted basic earnings per share (cents) 1 968 2 474 6,399
Diluted basic earnings from continuing operations per share (cents) 1 968 2 474 6,399
Diluted basic loss from discontinued operation per share (cents) ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF! ERROR:#REF!
Number of shares in issue at end of the period (thousands) 224 459 224 410 224,453
Weighted average number of shares (thousands) 195 840 194 810 195,333
Weighted average number of shares used in calculating
diluted earnings per share (thousands) 197 815 196 817 197,314
Net asset value per share (cents) 18,332 15,800 17,908
EBITDA (R million) 3 337 5 089 12,227
EBITDA from continuing operations (R million) 3 337 5 089 12,227
Interim dividend declared (cents per share) 1 200 1 000 1,000
Dividend declared after period end (cents per share) - - 2,000
Reconciliation to headline earnings
Basic earnings attributable to equity holders of ARM 3 893 4 868 12 626
Impairment loss on property, plant and equipment - Venture Building Trust -0 -0 9
Impairment loss of property, plant and equipment in joint venture - Assmang 44 -0 283
Impairment loss on investment in Sakura in joint venture - Assmang -0 169 169
Impairment loss on investment in Cato Ridge accounted for directly in joint venture - Assmang -0 -0 48
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment and intangible assets - ARM Coal 1 -0 -0
Impairment reversal on investment in 20.2% PCB - ARM Coal ¹ ( 239) -0 -0
Loss on sale of property, plant and equipment in joint venture - Assmang 13 2 2
3 712 5 039 13 137
Taxation accounted for in joint venture - impairment loss at Assmang ( 12) - ( 72)
Taxation accounted for in joint venture - loss on disposal of fixed assets at Assmang ( 4) - ( 1)
Headline earnings 3 696 5 039 13 064
¹ Impairment reversal through ARM's 51% investment in ARM Coal of R121 million and ARM's 10% direct investment of R118 million.
Note 15 - 17
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
ARM Coal
Included in other operating income / (expenses) and profit from associate are re-measurements with no tax effect
relating to the GGV and PCB loans. The gain and loss is as a result of a re-measurement of debt between ARM and
Glencore Operations South Africa Proprietary Limited (GOSA) and ARM Coal Proprietary Limited.
The re-measurement adjustments are as follows:
Other operating income gain / expenses (loss) - ARM coal segment 259 (23) 206
Other operating expenses (loss) - ARM Corporate ( 365) (3) (153)
Re-measurement (loss) / gain in other operating (expenses) / income ( 106) (26) 53
Income from associate (re-measurement (loss) / gain) - (refer note 6) ( 241) 25 36
Net ARM Coal re-measurement (loss) / gain ( 347) (1) 89
The re-measurements are as a result of changes in the future repayment cash flows applied to the net present
value calculations. The discount rate used in the calculation of the re-measurement is 10%. A $1 increase in
commodity prices would increase the re-measurement loss by R8 million (1H F2021: R68 million) (F2021: R17 million).
A $1 decrease in commodity prices would decrease the re-measurement loss by R13 million
(1H F2021: R66 million) (F2021: R17 million).
There was no re-measurement in Modikwa for 1H F2022 (1H F2021: R129 million loss) (F2021: R143 million loss)
is partially eliminated against a re-measurement gain in ARM Company of Rnil (1H F2021: R123 million)
(F2021: R137 million).
The re-measurement adjustments are as follows:
Other operating expense (loss) - ARM platinum segment - ( 107) ( 119)
Re-measurement loss - ( 129) ( 143)
Non-controlling interest - 22 24
Other operating income gain - ARM Corporate - 123 137
Net Modikwa re-measurement gain - 16 18
ARM BBEE Trust (loan from Harmony)
The re-measurements are as a result of changes in the future repayment cash flows applied to the net present
value calculations.
F2021 includes a fair value gain of R47 million as a result of the new loans advanced to the ARM BBEE Trust
by Harmony. The fair value at initial recognition is as a result of the difference in the stipulated interest rate the
lender may charge in the future in the new loan agreement and the interest rate the ARM BBEE Trust would have
to pay if the loan was advanced in an open market. The discount rate used in the calculation of the fair value is 9.04%.
Other operating income increase (re-measurement gain on loan) - ARM Corporate segment 1 - -
Net ARM BBEE Trust re-measurement gain 1 - -
The fair value gains are as follows:
Other operating income increase (fair value gain on loan) - ARM Corporate segment - - 47
Net ARM BBEE Trust fair value gain - - 47
The carrying amounts of the financial liabilities approximate their fair value.
Management fees 643 779 1,800
Insurance income 55 42 92
Foreign exchange gains 1 2 1
Royalties received 69 35 173
Loan fair value gain (refer note 15) - - 47
Re-measurement gains (refer note 15) 1 - 53
Other 101 113 212
Total 870 971 2,378
Profit / (loss) (before re-measurement/fair value on loans) 241 ( 112) ( 296)
Re-measurement (refer note 15) ( 241) 25 36
Total - ( 87) ( 260)
note 18 -20
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
South African normal tax - current year 1,073 919 2,411
- mining 883 741 1 880
- non-mining 190 178 531
- prior year -0 -0 ( 6)
Deferred tax - current year 1 446 928
0 0 -
Total taxation 1 074 1 365 3 333
Cash generated from operations before working capital movement 3 789 5 613 13 107
Working capital inflow / (outflow) 1 036 (3 587) (5 305)
Movement in inventories inflow / (outflow) 47 ( 17) 54
Movement in payables and provisions outflow ( 479) ( 420) ( 729)
Movement in receivables inflow / (outflow) 1 468 (3 150) (4 630)
-0 -0 -0
Cash generated from operations (per statement of cash flows) 4 825 2 026 7 802
The Group in the ordinary course of business enters into various sale, purchase, service and lease transactions
with subsidiaries, associated companies, joint ventures and joint operations.
Transactions between the Company, its subsidiaries and joint operations relate to fees,
insurances, dividends, rentals and interest and are regarded as intra-group transactions and eliminated on consolidation.
Amounts accounted in the statement of profit or loss relating to transactions with related parties
Impala Platinum - Sales 3,969 5 341 11 992
Joint operations
Rustenburg Platinum Mines - Sales ¹ 2,160 1 957 4 924
Glencore International AG - Sales 797 387 884
Norilsk Nickel - Sales - 1 165 1 507
Norilsk Nickel - management fees - 17 13
Glencore Operations SA - management fees 72 65 68
Joint venture
Assmang Proprietary Limited
- Management services 638 744 1 770
- Dividends received 3 500 1,500 4 000
Amounts outstanding at year-end (owing to) / receivable by ARM on current account
Joint venture
Assmang - Trade and other receivables 603 577 1 156
Joint operations
Rustenburg Platinum Mines - Trade and other receivables ¹ 1 505 1,267 1 755
Norilsk Nickel - Trade and other payables ( 2) (2) -
Norilsk Nickel - Trade and other receivables - 218 67
Rustenburg Platinum Mines - Short-term borrowings ¹ - ( 8) -
Glencore Operations SA - Long-term borrowings (437) (1,070) (707)
Glencore Operations SA - Short-term borrowings (181) - (307)
Glencore Operations SA - Trade and other receivables 532 257 218
Glencore International AG - Trade and other receivables 142 72 120
Teal Minerals (Barbados) 9 6 8
Impala Platinum - Trade and other receivables 3 258 3,639 4 324
Impala Platinum - dividend paid 391 368 1 219
¹ These transactions and balances for joint operations do not meet the definition of a related party as per
IAS 24 but have been included to provide additional information.
Note 21 - 24
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
Unaudited Reviewed Audited
Six months ended Year ended
31 December 30 June
2021 2020 2021
Rm Rm Rm
Silicosis and tuberculosis class action provision
Long-term provisions
The provision movement is as follows:
Opening balance 146 189 189
Settlement payments -0 ( 24) -0
Interest unwinding 6 9 16
Demographic assumptions changes -0 -0 ( 3)
Administration costs -0 -0 -0
Additional special purpose vehicle trust -0 -0 -0
Transfer from / (to) short-term provisions 30 4 ( 56)
Closing balance 182 178 146
Short-term provisions
The provision movement is as follows:
Opening balance 60 51 51
Settlement payments ( 28) -0 ( 47)
Transfer (to) / from long-term provisions ( 30) ( 4) 56
Closing balance 2 47 60
Total silicosis and tuberculosis class action provision 184 225 206
ARM has a contingency policy in this regard which covers environmental site liability and
silicosis liability with Guardrisk Insurance Company Limited ('Guardrisk'). In turn, Guardrisk
has reinsured the specified risks with Mannequin Insurance PCC Limited - Cell AVL 18,
Guernsey which cell captive is held by ARM.
Following the High Court judgement previously reported, the Tshiamiso Trust was registered
in November 2019. As part of the settlement a guarantee of R304 million was issued by
Guardrisk on behalf of ARM in favour of the Tshiamiso Trust on 13 December 2019.
Details of the provision were discussed in the 30 June 2021 financial results, which can be
found on
Commitments in respect of future capital expenditure which will be funded from operating
cash flows and by utilising debt facilities at entity and corporate levels, are summarised below:
Approved by directors
- contracted for 998 647 677
- not contracted for 203 44 126
Total commitments 1 201 691 803
The Nkomati mine closure may have a potential exposure regarding rehabilitation and management of water post closure.
There are uncertainties regarding the on-going assessment of long-term water management measures, and anticipated
amendments to the existing Water Use License (WUL). Technical studies towards providing an integrated Water Management
Plan are underway. The results of the studies will be used as input towards a risk assessment that is required to apply for an
amended WUL, such as applying for authorised water discharges. The WUL conditions are not yet known and the subsequent
potential water resource impact liability as part of the mine rehabilitation and closure process is uncertain. The obligation will be
recognised when it is probable and can be reliably estimated.
The environmental rehabilitation provision at 31 December 2021 is the best independent estimate and is based on the most reliable
information currently available. It will be re-assessed on an ongoing basis as engineering designs evolve and new information
becomes available, as well as when approvals of a revised Environmental Management Plan and Water Use Licence are secured.
for the six months ended 31 December 2021
ARM Coal
The South African Revenue Services (SARS) disallowed Glencore Operations South Africa (Pty) Ltd (GOSA) diesel rebates
on the basis that the diesel was not considered to be used in the primary production activities in the mining process.
GOSA lost the SARS internal appeal process and took the matter to the High Court. The matter was heard in the High Court, which
ruled in favour of GOSA. SARS however appealed the ruling through the Supreme Court of Appeal (SCA). The dispute was heard on
27 May 2021 and judgement was handed down on 10 August 2021 where the SCA ruled in favour of SARS.
At 30 June 2021, this matter was disclosed as a contingent liability. During the current reporting period, the calculated shortfall of
R8 million has been paid to SARS.
There have been no other significant changes in the contingent liabilities of the Group as disclosed
since 30 June 2021 annual financial statements.
For a detailed disclosure on contingent liabilities refer to ARM's annual financial statements for the
year ended 30 June 2021 available on the group's website (
Change in Tax rate
During the 2022 Budget Speech held on 23 February 2022, it was announced that the corporate income tax rate will be reduced from
28 per cent to 27 per cent for companies with years of assessment ending on or after 31 March 2023. This change will affect recorded
deferred tax assets and liabilities and effective tax rate in the future. The new corporate tax rate of 27 per cent is considered to be substantively
enacted since 23 February 2022. This is considered a non-adjusting subsequent event.
Since the period end ARM received a dividend of R2 000 million from Assmang.
Bokoni Platinum Mines Proprietary Limited
On 20 December 2021, ARM entered into a sale and purchase agreement which provides for a wholly owned subsidiary of
ARM to acquire all of the shares of Bokoni Platinum Mines Proprietary Limited (BPM) from Bokoni Platinum Holdings Proprietary
Limited, in turn owned by Rustenburg Platinum Mines Limited (RPM) a wholly-owned subsidiary of Anglo American Platinum
Limited (AAPL) and Plateau Resources Proprietary Limited (Plateau) a wholly owned subsidiary of Atlatsa Resources
Corporation (Atlatsa) for a consideration of R3.5 billion payable in cash. Since entering into the sale and purchase agreement,
the process to fulfil the conditions precedent, required for completion of the transaction, is ongoing.
No other significant events have occurred subsequent to the reporting date that could materially affect the reported results.


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ARM - African Rainbow Minerals Ltd. published this content on 03 March 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 03 March 2022 08:59:07 UTC.