Air Liquide will invest around EUR 40 million in a new Air Separation Unit (ASU) dedicated to Industrial Merchant activities in Kosi, in the state of Uttar Pradesh, Northern India. This unit will have a production capacity of 350 tonnes per day, with a maximum of 300 tonnes of oxygen. Air Liquide India will build, own and operate this ASU, which is planned to start operating by the end of 2023.

The new plant will support small-and-medium sized customers of liquid and packaged gases in Northern India. It will allow Air Liquide to meet the growing demand of the automotive, metal fabrication, heat treatment, photovoltaic, and electronics industries, as well as local hospitals requiring high-purity medical gases. The new ASU will contribute to Air Liquide's expansion strategy in India, where the Group has been present for more than 30 years.

It already owns and operates 4 ASUs in North & West of India and will finalize in 2022 the construction of a 5th ASU in Nagpur (West India). Air Liquide is committed to continue investing in coming years to accompany the development of India and its growing demand for sustainable solutions.