Business description: Airbnb, Inc.

Airbnb, Inc. specializes in the holding and operation of an online platform dedicated to short period housing rental. Through the platform, individuals and accommodation operators can offer houses, apartments, guest rooms, villas, etc. for rent and thus find tenants.

North America accounts for 53.4% of net sales.

Number of employees: 6,907

Sales by Activity: Airbnb, Inc.

Fiscal Period: December20202021202220232024

Internet Information Providers

3.38B 5.99B 8.4B 9.92B -
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Airbnb, Inc.

Fiscal Period: December20202021202220232024

Asia Pacific

- - 622M 840M -

Latin America

- - 643M 824M -

Europe, The Middle East, and Africa

- - 2.92B 3.62B -

North America

- - 4.21B 4.64B -


1.73B 3B - - -

United States

1.65B 3B - - -
See all geographic segments

Managers: Airbnb, Inc.

Director TitleAgeSince
Corporate Officer/Principal 41 2008-02-29
Chief Executive Officer 42 2008-02-29
Director of Finance/CFO 48 2018-01-31
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer 61 2018-10-31
Chief Operating Officer - 2020-05-14
See AIRBNB, INC. governance

Members of the board: Airbnb, Inc.

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chairman 42 2008-02-29
Director/Board Member 41 2018-02-28
Director/Board Member 43 2008-02-29
Director/Board Member 66 2011-07-31
Director/Board Member 52 2012-10-31
Director/Board Member 73 2018-02-07
Director/Board Member 64 2019-05-15
Director/Board Member 45 2021-12-13
Director/Board Member 59 2023-09-06
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Airbnb, Inc.

Vanguard Fiduciary Trust Co.
8.515 %
36,858,509 8.515 % 4 835 M $
BlackRock Advisors LLC
5.264 %
22,786,011 5.264 % 2 989 M $
17,614,691 4.069 % 2 311 M $
Eaton Vance Management
3.973 %
17,197,041 3.973 % 2 256 M $
Fidelity Management & Research Co. LLC
3.161 %
13,684,206 3.161 % 1 795 M $
BRAM - Bradesco Asset Management SA DTVM
0.000926 %
80,134 0.000926 % 523 206 $
BTG Pactual WM Gestão de Recursos Ltda.
0.000094 %
8,103 0.000094 % 52 906 $
XP Allocation Asset Management Ltda.
0.00004 %
3,491 0.00004 % 22 793 $
62,999,140 32.83 % 8 264 M $
56,712,481 29.55 % 7 439 M $
41,841,034 21.8 % 5 488 M $
Sequoia Capital
11.4 %
21,881,845 11.4 % 2 870 M $
260 0.000135 % 34 104 $
Airbnb Host Endowment LLC
100 %
9,200,000 100 % 1 207 M $
List of AIRBNB, INC. shareholders

Company details: Airbnb, Inc.

Airbnb, Inc.

888 Brannan Street

94103, San Francisco

+(415) 728-0108
address Airbnb, Inc.(ABNB)

Other Internet Services

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
+14.45%+19.59%+8.92%-4.86% 88.12B
+7.42%+10.88%+63.72%+0.59% 513B
+1.43%+4.41%+82.73%+166.94% 446B
-1.08%+6.46%+0.34%+129.60% 169B
-1.56%+2.44%+161.37%+293.43% 132B
+4.70%+10.66%+47.85%+38.25% 100B
+3.76%+9.12%+77.80%+119.73% 85.42B
+1.68%+6.54%+27.34%+78.99% 38.43B
+0.68%-4.13%-10.03%+12.23% 30.16B
-0.56%-2.82%+8.51%+57.30% 26.51B
Average +3.33%+5.81%+46.86%+89.22% 162.94B
Weighted average by Cap. +3.90%+5.15%+63.95%+94.57%
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