Major shareholders: Alpha Services and Holdings S.A.

UniCredit SpA
9.611 %
226,138,299 9.611 % 419 M €
Reggeborgh Invest BV
9.105 %
214,249,582 9.105 % 397 M €
Alpha Asset Management A.E.D.A.K
0.8535 %
20,083,239 0.8535 % 37 M €
Amundi Asset Management SA (Investment Management)
0.7346 %
17,285,668 0.7346 % 32 M €
NBG Asset Management MFMC
0.1985 %
4,670,500 0.1985 % 9 M €
Eurobank Asset Management M.F.M.C. SA
0.1471 %
3,460,360 0.1471 % 6 M €
Sjunde AP-fonden
0.1465 %
3,445,997 0.1465 % 6 M €
SK Vermögensverwaltung GmbH
0.1451 %
3,413,200 0.1451 % 6 M €
AllianceBernstein Ltd.
0.1446 %
3,402,972 0.1446 % 6 M €
State Street Global Advisors Ltd.
0.1364 %
3,210,515 0.1364 % 6 M €
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Yousif Capital Management LLC
0.001353 %
127,357 0.001353 % 59 094 €
RhumbLine Advisers LP
0.000218 %
20,564 0.000218 % 9 542 €

Breakdown by shareholder type

UniCredit SpA9.61%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Geographical origin of shareholders

Italy 9.62%
Netherlands 9.13%
Greece 1.33%
France 0.78%
United Kingdom 0.42%
Sweden 0.26%
Ireland 0.24%
Germany 0.15%
Estonia 0.09%
Poland 0.09%
United States 0.07%
Australia 0.07%
Czech Republic 0.05%
Norway 0.05%
Luxembourg 0.04%
Hungary 0.04%
Switzerland 0.04%
Belgium 0.03%
Denmark 0.02%
Spain 0.01%
Japan 0.01%
Canada 0.01%

Based on 1000 largest holdings

Logo Alpha Services and Holdings S.A.
Alpha Services and Holdings S.A. is Greece's n°2 largest commercial bank. Net Interest Income breaks down by activity as follows: - corporate banking (42.4%); - retail banking (38.4%); - asset management (1.1%); - other (18%): including activities ensured in South-Eastern Europe. At the end of 2023, the group manages EUR 36.2 billion of current deposits and EUR 48.4 billion of current credits. The products and services are marketed through a network of 396 branches located mainly in Greece (251). Greece accounts for 92.7% of Net Interest Income.
More about the company