Alteryx, Inc. announced a deeper integration with Snowflake, the Data Cloud company, via its newly introduced Snowpark Accelerated Program and Snowflake Partner Connect, which now makes Alteryx directly accessible via Snowflake's platform. The addition of Snowpark and Partner Connect together provides organizations with advanced and extensible cloud analytics, faster data processing and machine learning at scale that executes within the Snowflake Data Cloud. Snowpark: A preview of Alteryx in the Snowpark Accelerated Program, a new developer experience and runtime environment for Java UDFs. Using the customer preview, Alteryx shows how customers gain more flexibility and performance when creating and running analytics and data science in Snowflake. Featured at Snowflake Summit, Jacobson will share the example of sentiment analysis, where millions of customer reviews can be processed in seconds. Snowflake Partner Connect: One-click access to Alteryx from within Snowflake via Snowflake Partner Connect to help users start leveraging the drag-and-drop simplicity of Alteryx Designer to easily access, blend, analyze and automate data science and ML pipelines across data in the Snowflake Data Cloud, Snowflake Data Marketplace and associated sources in minutes. High-performance Analytics Processing: Push-down of Alteryx data preparation, data blending and automated analytics processing into Snowflake's single, integrated platform for high performance, scalability and concurrency of analytics workloads. Fast Data Loader: A scalable Alteryx-to-Snowflake data loader for large-scale analytics and data science initiatives. Snowflake Data Marketplace: The ability to enrich and augment existing sources with immediate access to diverse data via integration with Snowflake Data Marketplace.