
(Incorporated in the Cayman Islands with limited liability)


(Stock Code: 1849)



30 March 2021

Dear Registered Shareholder,

AM Group Holdings Limited (the "Company")

- Notice of publication of the interim report for the six months ended 31 December 2020 (the "Current Corporate Communication")

The English and Chinese versions of the Current Corporate Communication is available on the website of the Company atwww.amgroupholdings.comand the website of Hong Kong Exchanges and Clearing Limited (the "HKEx") You may access the Current Corporate Communication through the websites of the Company and HKEx.

Shareholders who have chosen (or are deemed to have consented) to access the Company's corporate communications* published on the website of the Company in place of receiving printed copies may request for printed copies of the corporate communications to be sent to them. Shareholders who for any reason have difficulty in accessing the Current Corporate Communication posted on the website of the Company will, upon request in writing to the Company c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited, the branch share registrar and the transfer office of the Company in Hong Kong (the "Share Registrar"), at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong or by email, be sent the Current Corporate Communication in printed form free of charge.

If you wish to receive printed version(s) of the Current Corporate Communication, please complete Part A of the Change Request Form on the reverse side of this letter and return it to the Company c/o the Share Registrar by using the freepost mailing label (applicable for posting within Hong Kong only) or by email The Change Request Form may also be downloaded from the website of the Company at or the website of HKEx

You are entitled to change the choice of means of receipt and/or language of the Company's future corporate communications at any time by completing Part B of the Change Request Form on the reverse side of this letter and returning it to the Company c/o the Share Registrar at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong or by email

Should you have any questions in relation to this letter, please call the dial-up hotline at (852) 2980 1333 during business hours (9:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m., Monday to Friday, excluding Hong Kong public holidays).

Yours faithfully,

For and on behalf of AM Group Holdings Limited

Teo Li Lian

Chairlady, Executive Director and Chief Executive Officer


Corporate communications mean any document(s) issued or to be issued by the Company for the information or action of holders of any of its securities, which include but are not limited to (a) directors' report, its annual accounts together with a copy of the auditor's report and, where applicable, its summary financial report; (b) interim report and, where applicable, its summary interim report; (c) a notice of meeting; (d) a listing document; (e) a circular; and (f) a proxy form.

ߧΐЗ೮াٰ؇j Ӹਠࣛ˾છٰϞࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™ - ࿚Ї 2020ϋ12˜31 ˚˟ʬࡈ˜ʘʕಂజѓ€˜͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃ™ʘ೯бஷٝ

͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘʕeߵ˖و͉ʊɪ༱׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१ ʿ࠰ಥʹ׸ʿഐၑהϞࠢʮ̡€˜ ࠰ಥʹ׸ה ™ၣ १ f ტ ɨ̙ீཀ͉ʮ̡ʿ࠰ಥʹ׸הၣ१ᓭᚎ͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃf

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ν ტɨ૧ϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃΙՏ͉dሗ෬Ѽί͉Ռߠࠦʘᜊһ͡ሗڌࣸʘ͠௅dԨԴ͜еඉ൬ඉ੔ᅺᜀ€සቇ͜׵࠰ಥҳ੔ீཀٰ΅ཀ˒೮াஈ੔Ϋ

Ї͉ʮ̡fᜊһ͡ሗڌࣸ͵̙׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१www.amgroupholdings.comא࠰ಥʹ׸הၣ१ ʫɨ༱f

ტɨϞᛆᎇࣛһҷ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃʘϗ՟˙όʿŊאႧԊو͉ʘ፯኿dც෬ᄳ͉Ռߠࠦʘᜊһ͡ሗڌࣸʘɔ௅d್ܝ৔Ϋٰ΅ཀ˒೮াஈЇ࠰ಥެΧɽ༸ ؇183 ໮Υձʕː 54 ᅽאཥඉЇ d˸ஷ͉ٝʮ̡f

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˾ڌ Ӹਠࣛ˾છٰϞࠢʮ̡ ˴ࢩࡒੂБ໨ԫ ੵᘆᇳ ᔫ઼



ʮ̡ஷৃܸ͉ʮ̡೯̈אਗ਼ʚ೯̈˸Զ͉ʮ̡΂ОᗇՎٙܵϞɛਞ๫אમ՟Бਗٙ΂О˖΁dܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵j (a) ໨ԫึజѓeϋܓሪͦஹΝࣨᅰࢪజѓʿ€νቇ͜ৌਕ࿜ࠅజѓi (b)ʕ ಂజѓʿ€νቇ͜ʕಂ࿜ࠅజѓi (c) ึᙄஷѓi (d) ɪ̹˖΁i (e) ஷ Ռiʿ (f) ˾ڌ։΂ڌࣸf

Name and Address of Registered Shareholder(s)




AM Group Holdings Limited (the "Company")


(Stock Code: 1849)

c/o Tricor Investor Services Limited

Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong

Ӹਠࣛ˾છٰϞࠢʮ̡€˜͉ʮ̡™א˜൮ʮ̡™ €ٰ΅˾໮j 1849 ຾ՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡ ࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮Υձʕː 54

Part A


I/We have received the Current Corporate Communication in English/Chinese or have elected (or am/are deemed to have elected) to receive the Current Corporate Communication in electronic form on the Company's website. I/We would like to request the printed version(s) of the Current Corporate Communication in the manner as indicated below: ͉ɛŊшഃʊϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘߵ˖Ŋʕ˖ΙՏ͉אʊ፯኿€א஗ൖމʊ፯኿ϗ՟׵͉ʮ̡ၣ१೮༱͉ٙϣʮ̡ஷৃཥɿو͉f͉ɛŊшഃତ૧॰՟ɨΐהͪ ʘ͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃΙՏ͉j

(Please mark a "" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes ίɨΐՉʕɓࡈ٤ࣸʫྌɪ˜ ™໮)

to receive the printed English version of the Current Corporate Communication; OR ϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘߵ˖ΙՏ͉ iא to receive the printed Chinese version of the Current Corporate Communication; OR ϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃʘʕ˖ΙՏ͉ iא to receive both printed English and Chinese versions of the Current Corporate Communication.


Part B ɔ௅

I/We would like to change the choice of language or means of receipt of all future corporate communications of the Company in the manner as indicated below: ͉ɛŊшഃତ૧һҷ፯኿Ϟᗫ͉ʮ̡˚ܝ̊೯ٙהϞʮ̡ஷৃʘႧԊو͉אϗ՟௄ࢰνɨj

(Please mark a "" in ONLY ONE of the following boxes ίɨΐՉʕɓࡈ٤ࣸʫྌɪ˜ ™໮)

to access all future corporate communications by electronic means through the Company's website instead of receiving printed copies, and to receive a notification of the publication of the corporate communications on the Company's website; OR ீཀ͉ʮ̡ၣ१ ˸ཥɿ˙όπ՟הϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃd˸˾ಁϗ՟ΙՏ͉dԨϗ՟ʮ̡ஷৃʊί͉ʮ̡ၣ१೮༱ʘஷٝiא to receive the printed English version of all future corporate communications only; OR සϗ՟הϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃʘߵ˖ΙՏ͉ iא to receive the printed Chinese version of all future corporate communications only; OR සϗ՟הϞ˚ܝʮ̡ஷৃʘʕ˖ΙՏ͉ iא to receive both printed English and Chinese versions of all future corporate communications.


Shareholder's full name ٰ؇ΌΤj

Signature ᖦ Τj

(Please use ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS ሗ͜ߵ˖ฺ͍෬ᄳ)

Address ή ѧj

(Please use ENGLISH BLOCK LETTERS ሗ͜ߵ˖ฺ͍෬ᄳ)

Contact telephone number ᑌഖཥ༑໮ᇁj

Date ˚ ಂj

Notes ڝ ൗj

1. Please complete all your details clearly. Any Change Request Form that has not been completed clearly or otherwise incorrectly completed will be void at the discretion of the Company.

ሗ ტɨ૶ู෬ѼהϞ༟ࣘf͉ʮ̡ਗ਼Ϟ৤ઋᛆӔ֛΂О͊Ϟ૶ู෬Ѽא෬ᄳʔ͍ᆽʘᜊһ͡ሗڌࣸೌࣖf


If your shares are held in joint names, the Shareholder whose name stands first on the register of members of the Company in respect of the joint holding should sign on this Change Request Form in order to be valid.


3. For the avoidance of doubt, the Company does not accept any special instructions written on this Change Request Form.




"Personal Data" in this statement has the same meaning as "personal data" defined in the Personal Data (Privacy) Ordinance, Cap 486 (the "PDPO"), which may include but not limited to your name, contact telephone number and mailing address.

͉ᑊ׼ʕʘ˜ࡈɛ༟ࣘ™޴ഃ׵ࡈɛ༟ࣘ€ӷᒯૢԷ'€ୋ 486௝€˜ ӷᒯૢԷ '™ה່֛ʘ˜ࡈɛ༟ࣘ™d຅ʕ̙ঐܼ̍Шʔࠢ׵ ტɨʘ֑Τeᑌഖཥ༑໮ᇁʿඉ੔ήѧf


Your supply of Personal Data is on a voluntary basis for the purpose of receiving the Current Corporate Communication in the manner chosen. Your Personal Data will be retained for such period as may be necessary for our verification and record purposes.

ტɨ݊Іᗴ౤Զࡈɛ༟ࣘd˸کܲ ტɨ፯኿ʘ˙όϗ՟͉ϣʮ̡ஷৃf͉ʮ̡ਗ਼ίϞცࠅʘಂගdڭπ ტɨʘࡈɛ༟ࣘЪࣨྼʿা፽͜௄f

  • (iii) You have the right to request access to and/or correction of the respective Personal Data in accordance with the provisions of the PDPO. Any such request for access to and/or correction of the Personal Data should be in writing addressed to the Privacy Compliance Officer of Tricor Investor Services Limited at Level 54, Hopewell Centre, 183 Queen's Road East, Hong Kong or by email

    ტɨϞᛆ࣬ኽӷᒯૢԷ'ʕٙૢಛdݟቡʿŊאࡌҷ ტɨʘࡈɛ༟ࣘf΂О޴ᗫݟቡʿŊאࡌҷࡈɛ༟ࣘʘࠅӋѩ඲˸ࣣࠦ˙όඉ੔Ї࠰ಥެΧɽ༸؇ 183 ໮Υձʕː 54 ᅽאཥඉЇis-enquiries@hk.tricorglobal.comΣՙԳᗇՎ೮াϞࠢʮ̡ٙӷᒯԫਕ˴΂౤̈f

Mailing Label ඉ੔ᅺᜀ

Please cut the mailing label and stick it on an envelope to return this Change Request Form to us.


No postage stamp is required if posted in Hong Kong.



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AM Group Holdings Ltd. published this content on 29 March 2021 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 29 March 2021 08:49:10 UTC.