Microsoft, Oracle, Google and Amazon will share a $9 billion contract to build a cloud computing network for the Pentagon, the Department of Defense announced.

"No funds will be obligated at the time of the award; funds will be obliged on individual orders as they are issued," the Department of Defense said in a press release Wednesday.

The Joint Warfighter Cloud Capability program is intended to provide U.S. forces with access to sensitive data across multiple theaters of operation.

"The purpose of this contract is to provide the Department of Defense with enterprise-wide globally available cloud services across all security domains and classification levels, from strategic levels to the tactical edge," the statement continues.

The Pentagon canceled a 2019 contract with Microsoft last July after delays to the program, then called Joint Enterprise Defense Infrastructure (JEDI), lead the Pentagon to seek more up-to-date systems.

At the time, Amazon filed legal complaints alleging that then-president Donald Trump's personal animosity for Amazon's then-CEO Jeff Bezos gave Microsoft an unfair advantage in bidding.

The Pentagon's inspector general didn't find evidence of wrongdoing but couldn't establish the extent of White House influence on the process due to lack of access to witnesses.

The contract has an estimated completion date of June 8, 2028.

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