Ambu A/S announced that at the AGM to be held on 4 December 2024, the company proposed a dividend of DKK 0.38 per share of nominally DKK 0.50 so that a dividend in the total amount of DKK 102 million be paid out of the net profit for the year, corresponding to 43% of the group's net profit, whereas the remaining part of the net profit be carried forward to next year.
Real-time Estimate
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5-day change | 1st Jan Change | ||
108.60 DKK | -0.23% | -2.38% | +3.42% |
Dec. 04 | Ambu A/S Approves Election of David Hale as New Member of the Board of Directors | CI |
Dec. 04 | Ambu A/S - Shareholder/Analyst Call |
Quarterly revenue - Rate of surprise
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- AMBU B Stock
- News Ambu A/S
- Ambu A/S Proposes Dividend