The supervisory committee of Anhui Expressway Company Limited (the ‘Company') has recently received the resignation letter from Mr. Wu Changming (‘Mr. Wu'), the employee representative supervisor of the Company. Due to the change of work arrangement, Mr. Wu resigned as the Employee Representative Supervisor with effect from 5 January 2022. Mr. Wu has confirmed that he has no disagreement with the board of directors and the Supervisory Committee of the Company in any respect and there are no other matters relating to his resignation that need to be notified to the shareholders of the Company.

Pursuant to the Company Law and the articles of association of the Company, Ms. Li Huairu (‘Ms. Li') has been elected and appointed as the new Employee Representative Supervisor at the employee representative meeting of the Company held on 5 January 2022 to replace Mr. Wu and has also become a member of the Supervisory Committee with effect from 5 January 2022. Ms. Li Huairu has been a member of the Party Committee and secretary of the Disciplinary Committee of the Company since December 2021. Ms. Li will enter into a service contract with the Company, with effect from the date of approval at the employee representative meeting until the end of the term of the current session of the Supervisory Committee.

In line with the remuneration proposals for members of the Supervisory Committee of the ninth session, the Company will not determine and pay supervisor's remuneration to a supervisor who holds another position in the Company. The remuneration to be paid by the Company to the supervisor will be calculated, approved and paid in accordance with his specific position in the Company and based on the remuneration and benefit policy of the Company.