Together with Electro Magnetic Applications, Inc., Ansys added EMA3D Charge to its simulation solution portfolio, addressing critical design and safety needs for applications ranging from space exploration to everyday commutes. The new solution enhances predictive accuracy for engineers analyzing charging and discharging events that can lead to catastrophic product failures early in the design cycle, driving faster time-to-market and bottom-line savings. High-fidelity predictions from EMA3D Charge provide engineers with a deeper understanding of electrical charging and discharging phenomena. These insights can have a significant impact on product design, helping engineers determine how electrical components may be harmed ? and to what extent ? by charging and discharging events. Mitigating risks early in the design phase reduces the chances of late-stage redesigns and costly product failures. While the technology within EMA3D Charge has been applied in the electronics and aerospace industry before, the solution is the first to be focused entirely on charging and discharging prediction. Leveraging Ansys SpaceClaim to create an intuitive user interface and workflow, EMA3D Charge combines CAD import, design and simplification, simulation setup and meshing, and result generalization and visualization into one solver technology.