Australian rare earths company Arafura Resources Limited (ASX: ARU) (Arafura or the Company) is pleased to announce the appointment of Mr Lloyd Jones as a Non-executive Director of the Company with effect from 30 August 2011.
Mr Jones has been involved with the chemical industry for many years and more recently in private equity. He has a long and distinguished career in chemicals at very senior executive management levels. Mr Jones has substantial international experience having worked internationally in Australia, USA, China and Japan, and with responsibility for extensive operations. During his period involved with private equity, he was based in Hong Kong. The wide-ranging nature of Mr Jones’ career means that he has been able to build up a very broad range of business contacts.
Mr Jones joined Alcoa Inc. in 1982 following a period with Wesfarmers CSBP Ltd. His career with Alcoa progressed through operational management of a mine and various chemical and mineral processing facilities to becoming President of the company’s USA smelting operations with responsibility for global manufacturing coordination. His last role with Alcoa was based in Asia as President Alcoa Asia Pacific. Mr Jones then joined Cerberus Capital Management in 2007, a leading global private investment business, where he was President and Managing Director of Cerberus Asia Advisors, responsible for activities in Greater Asia and Australia. He has now returned to Australia to pursue a career in non-executive board positions. He is currently a member of the board of the Myer Family Company.
Mr Jones holds a Bachelor of Engineering degree and MBA from the University of Western Australia. He is a graduate of the Australian Institute of Company Directors and resides in Melbourne.
Arafura Chairman Mr Ian Laurance said, “The Board is delighted to have Mr Lloyd Jones join Arafura. His experience and skills are exactly what the company now needs as it progresses towards becoming a producer of rare earths. His appointment is part of our Board refresh program which is being led by our Deputy Chairman, Mr Ian Kowalick. We look forward to Mr Jones contributing to the success of Arafura in this very important period for the company as we move to create a significant mining and chemical operation in Australia”.
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For further information contact:
Mr Ian Laurance AM Felicity Nuttall
Chairman Professional Public relations
Arafura Resources Ltd T: +61 8 9388 0944
T +61 8 6210 7666 M: + 61 430 184 599
Mr Ian Kowalick
Deputy Chairman
Arafura Resources Ltd
T +61 8 6210 7666