Arcadis GRI Content Index

As required by the GRI Standards, we provide an index that specifies each of the GRI Standards used and lists all disclosures included in our 2021 Annual Integrated Report. The Arcadis Annual Integrated Report 2021 has been prepared in line with the GRI Standards for Sustainability Reporting: Core option.

Organizational profile



Location, notes, and omissions

102-1 Name of organization

Company addresses (p. 318)

102-2 Activities and services

Our business (p. 12)

102-3 Location of headquarters

Notes to the Consolidated financial statements (p. 209)

102-4 Location of operations

Company addresses (pp. 318-319)

102-5 Ownership and legal form

Corporate Governance report (pp. 161-166)

102-6 Markets served

Our business (p. 12) and Performance by segment (pp. 121-156)

102-7 Scale of the organization

Five-year summary (pp. 311-312)

102-8 Information on employees and other

Non-Financial Reporting People Metrics 2021 (pp. 314-317)




102-9 Supply chain

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88)

102-10 Significant changes to the

Corporate Governance report (p. 161); Renumeration policy changes (p. 190); and Changes in

organization and its supply chain

consolidated interests (p. 217)

102-11 Precautionary principle or approach

Enterprise Risk Management (pp. 167-181)

Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 47-49); About this report (p. 77); Energy

102-12 External initiatives

and emissions (pp. 83-85); Sustainable Procurement (p. 88); Ratings and Recognition (pp. 88-

89); Arcadis EU Taxonomy Disclosure (p. 90); and Sustainability partnerships (pp. 91-92)

102-13 Membership of associations

Sustainability partnerships (pp. 91-92)




Location, notes, and omissions

102-14 Statement from senior decision-

Maximizing Impact - CEO Message (pp. 6-10)




102-15 Key impacts, risks, and

Strategic context (p. 42); Mega trends (p. 43); Stakeholder dialogue (p. 44); Competitive


landscape (p. 51); Connectivity matrix (p. 52); and Enterprise Risk Management (pp. 167-181)

Ethics and integrity



Location, notes, and omissions

102-16 Values, principles, standards, and

Our passion (p. 16); Material themes (p. 45); Health and Safety (p. 69); and Business ethics


norms of behavior

(p. 93)


102-17 Mechanisms for advice and

Arcadis General Business Principles (Link on p. 88); Business ethics (pp. 93-95) and

concerns about ethics

Compliance risk (p. 180)




Location, notes, and omissions


Composition of the Executive Board (p. 185); Composition of the Executive Leadership Team

102-18 Governance structure

(p. 185); Composition of the Supervisory Board (p. 185); Corporate Governance report (p.


186); and Supervisory Board Committee reports (p. 186)

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Arcadis GRI Content Index




Location, notes, and omissions

102-19 Delegating authority

102-20Executive-level responsibility for economic, environmental, and social topics

102-21 Consulting stakeholders on economic, environmental, and social topics

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88); Ratings and Recognition (pp. 88-89); Arcadis EU Taxonomy Disclosure (p. 90)

Governance (p. 186)

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (pp. 44-46)



102-22 Governance structure

102-23 Chair of the highest governance body

102-24 Nominating and selecting the highest governance body

102-25 Conflicts of interest

102-26 Role of highest governance body in setting purpose, values, and strategy

102-27 Collective knowledge of highest governance body

102-28 Evaluating the highest governance body's performance

102-29 Identifying and managing economic,

environmental, andsocial impacts

102-30 Effectiveness of risk management processes

102-31 Review of economic, environmental, and social topics

102-32 Highest governance body's role in sustainability reporting

102-33 Communicating critical concerns

102-34 Nature and total number of critical concerns

102-35 Remuneration policies

102-36 Process for determining remuneration

102-37 Stakeholders' involvement in remuneration

102-38 Annual total compensation ratio

Corporate Governance report (pp. 161-166) and Report by the Supervisory Board (pp. 182- 189)

Corporate Governance report (pp. 161-166) and Report by the Supervisory Board (pp. 182- 189)

Diversity in the Executive Board, Executive Leadership Team and Supervisory Board (p. 163); Diversity Policy for the Supervisory Board (p. 189); and Arcadis Selection Committee Charter (p. 189)

Business ethics (p. 93); Corporate Governance report (pp. 161-166); and Relevant documents on corporate website (pp. 189)

Arcadis Sustainability Committee Charter (p. 189); Governance (p. 186); and Supervisory Board Committee reports (p. 186)

Active participation in organizations such as WBCSD, 50L Home Coalition, Institute for Sustainable Insfrastructure, and UN Global Compact. Sustainability partnerships (pp. 91-92); Governance (p. 93); and Supervisory Board Committee reports (p. 186)

Corporate Governance report (pp. 161-166); Supervisory Board Committee reports (p. 186); and Remuneration report (pp. 190-201)

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44); Strategic Stakeholder interactions (p. 46); Enterprise Risk Management (pp. 167-181); and Arcadis Sustainability Committee Charter (p. 189)

Responsibility for risk management (p. 169)

Responsibility for risk management (p. 169)

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44) and Governance (p. 161- 166)

Monitoring and accountability (p. 94)

Monitoring and accountability (p. 94)

Remuneration report (pp. 190-201) and Operational costs (Note 9) (p. 221)

Remuneration report (pp. 190-201)

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44) and Remuneration report (pp. 190-200)

Supervisory Board report (p. 191-195)

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Stakeholder engagement



Location, notes, and omissions

102-39 Percentage increase in annual total

Supervisory Board report (p. 191-195)

compensation ratio

Our position in the industry value chain (p. 13); Strategic context (p. 42); Interactions that

102-40 List of stakeholder groups

influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44) and Strategic Stakeholder interactions (p.


102-41 Collective bargaining agreements

Human and Labour Rights (pp. 68-69)

General Disclosures

102-42 Identifying and selecting

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44) and Strategic Stakeholder


interactions (p. 46)

102-43 Approach to stakeholder

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44) and Strategic Stakeholder


interactions (p. 46)

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44); Strategic Stakeholder

102-44 Key topics and concerns raised

interactions (p. 46); Supporting the Sustainable Development Goals (pp. 47-49); Enterprise

Risk Management (pp. 167-181); and Capital and Financial Risk Management (pp. 259-269)

Reporting practices



Location, notes, and omissions

102-45 Entities included in the consolidated

Notes to the Consolidated financial statements (p. 209); Investments accounted for using the

financial statements

equity method (p. 226); and Related party transactions (p. 271)

102-46 Defining report content

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (pp. 44-46) and Connectivity matrix

(p. 52)

102-47 List of material topics

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (pp. 44-46) and Connectivity matrix

(p. 52)

102-48 Restatements of information

Notes to the Consolidated financial statements (pp. 212)

102-49 Changes in reporting

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (p. 44); Material themes (p. 45);

and Strategic Stakeholder interactions (p. 46)

General Disclosures

102-50 Reporting period


102-51 Date of most recent report

Five-year summary (pp. 311-312)

102-52 Reporting cycle

Five-year summary (pp. 311-312)

102-53 Contact point for questions

Company addresses (p. 318)

regarding the report

102-54 Claims of reporting in accordance

The Arcadis Annual Integrated Report 2020 has been prepared in line with the GRI Standards

with the GRI Standards

for Sustainability Reporting: Core option. (p.77)

102-55 GRI content index

This table presents the GRI Content Index, which supplements our Annual Integrated Report


102-56 External assurance

Assurance report of the independent auditor (pp. 299-301)




Location, notes, and omissions

103-1 Explanation of the material topic and

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (pp. 44-46) and Connectivity matrix

its Boundary

(pp. 52-53)

General Disclosures

103-2 Management approach and its

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (pp. 44-46) and Connectivity matrix


(pp. 52-53)

103-3 Evaluation of management approach

Interactions that influence us: our focused Material themes (pp. 44-46) and Connectivity matrix

(pp. 52-53)

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Arcadis GRI Content Index

Economic performance



Location, notes, and omissions

201-1 Direct economic value generated and

Financial Statements (pp. 202-271)


201-2 Financial implications and other risks

Value creation (pp. 14-15); Strategic context (pp. 42-51); Mega trends (p. 43); Connectivity


and opportunities due to climate change

matrix (p. 53); and Arcadis TCFD Disclosure (pp. 302-309)


201-3 Defined benefit plan obligations and

Employee Share Purchase Plan (Lovinklaan Foundation) (p. 226) and Provisions for employee

other retirement plans

benefits (pp. 249-254)

201-4 Financial assistance received from

Significant events in the current reporting period (p. 213); Other income (p. 221); and


Accounts payable, accrued expenses and other current liabilities (p. 258)

205-1 Operations assessed for risks related

Connectivity matrix (p. 53); Business ethics (pp. 93-95); and Compliance risk (p. 180)

to corruption

205-2 Communication of anti-corruption

Connectivity matrix (p. 53); Business ethics (pp. 93-95);


Human and Labour Rights (pp. 68-69); Sustainability in Remuneration & Finance (p. 76);

policies and procedures

Business ethics (pp. 93-95), and Compliance risk (p. 180)

205-3 Corruption incidents

Investigated AGBP alleged breaches (p. 3, 53); AGBP alleged breaches (p. 73); and Business

ethics (pp. 93-95)


206-1 Legal actions for anti-competitive

Investigated AGBP alleged breaches (p. 3, 53); AGBP alleged breaches (p. 73); and Business


behavior, anti-trust, and monopoly practices

ethics (pp. 93-95)

Environmental performance



Location, notes, and omissions

302-1 Energy use by source

Emissions and Environmental Management (p. 84-86) and Five-year summary (p. 311-312)


302-3 Energy intensity ratio

Emissions and Environmental Management (p. 84-86) and Five-year summary (p. 311-312)

302-4 Reductions of energy consumption

Impact & Systems (pp. 83-86); Arcadis TCFD Disclosure 2021 (pp. 302-309)

305-1 Direct GHG emissions (Scope 1)

Emissions and Environmental Management (p. 84-86)

305-2 Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 2)

Emissions and Environmental Management (p. 84-86)


305-3 Indirect GHG emissions (Scope 3)

Emissions and Environmental Management (p. 84-86)

305-4 GHG emissions intensity ratio

Emissions and Environmental Management (p. 84-86)

305-5 GHG reductions realized

Impact & Systems (pp. 83-86); Arcadis TCFD Disclosure 2021 (pp. 302-309)


307-1 Environmental violations, fines and/or

Environmental non-compliance (p. 88)




308-1 New suppliers that were screened

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88); Third Party Management Risk (p. 177). Additional

using environmental criteria

information will be provided on this indicator in future reports.


308-2 Negative environmental impacts in

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88); Third Party Management Risk (p. 177). Additional


the supply chain and actions taken

information will be provided on this indicator in future reports.

Social performance



Location, notes, and omissions

401-1 New employee hires

People & Culture (p. 54)


Employee Share Purchase Plan (Lovinklaan Foundation) (p. 226) and Provisions for employee

401-2 Benefits

benefits (pp. 249-254)

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Social performance



Location, notes, and omissions

403-1 Occupational health and safety

Health and Safety (pp. 69-71)

management system

403-2 Hazard identification, risk

Health and Safety (pp. 69-71)

assessment, and incident investigation

403-3 Occupational health services

Health and Safety (pp. 69-71)

403-4 Roles and responsibilities of joint

Occupational Health

management-worker health and safety

Health and Safety (pp. 69-71)

and Safety


403-5 Worker training on occupational

Health and Safety (pp. 69-71)

health and safety

403-6 Promotion of worker health

Health and Safety (pp. 69-71) and Health and Safety risk (p. 177)

403-9Work-related injuries

Connectivity matrix (p. 53); Performance & development (p. 60); Health and Safety (pp. 69-

71); and Performance in 2020 (pp. 122, 133, 143, 151)

404-2 Programs for upgrading employee

People & Culture (pp. 54-67)

Training and

skills and transition assistance programs


404-3 Performance and career

People & Culture (p. 54)

development reviews

Diversity & Equal

405-1 Diversity of employees

Non-Financial Reporting People Metrics 2021 (pp. 314-317)



406-1 Incidents of discrimination

Business ethics (pp. 93-95)

Freedom of

407-1 Measures to support the rights to

Human and Labour Rights (pp. 68-69); Sustainability partnerships (pp. 91-92); and

Association &

exercise freedom of association or

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88)

Collective Bargaining

collective bargaining

Local Communities

413-1 Operations with implemented local

Sustainability partnerships (pp. 91-92) and Community engagement (pp. 92-93)

community engagement

414-1 New suppliers that were screened

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88); Third Party Management Risk (p. 177). Additional

Supplier Social

using social criteria

information will be provided on this indicator in future reports.


414-2 Negative social impacts in the supply

Sustainable Procurement (p. 88); Third Party Management Risk (p. 177). Additional

chain and actions taken

information will be provided on this indicator in future reports.

418-1 Breaches of customer privacy and

Connectivity matrix (p. 53); Investigated AGBP alleged breaches (p. 3, 53); AGBP alleged

Customer Privacy

breaches (p. 73); Business ethics (pp. 93-95); and Privacy (and personal data protection) (p.

losses of customer data


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Arcadis NV published this content on 17 February 2022 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 17 February 2022 12:37:07 UTC.