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Relation chart of related listed companies: Archer Aviation Inc.

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Relationship chart for related private companies: Archer Aviation Inc.

Active Relations

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Related private companies: Archer Aviation Inc.

Archer Aviation Operating Corp.

Aerospace & Defense

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Listed companies

Private companies

Activities of related companies

Aerospace & Defense3
Motor Vehicles2
Packaged Software2
Food: Specialty/Candy1
Information Technology Services1
Regional Banks1
Oil Refining/Marketing1
Trucks/Construction/Farm Machinery1
Real Estate Development1

Countries of related companies

United States11
United Kingdom1
Logo Archer Aviation Inc.
Archer Aviation Inc. is an aerospace company. The Company is engaged in designing and developing electric vertical takeoff and landing (eVTOL) aircraft for use in urban air mobility (UAM) networks. The Company’s eVTOL aircraft are designed to be safe, sustainable, and quiet. Its production aircraft, Midnight, is designed around its proprietary 12-tilt-6 aircraft configuration. Midnight is designed to carry four passengers plus a pilot optimized for back-to-back short distance trips of around 20-miles, with minimal charging time between trips. It intends to operate two complementary lines of business: a direct-to-consumer aerial ride share service (Archer UAM) and the sale of its aircraft to other operators (Archer Direct). Midnight is the evolution of its demonstrator eVTOL aircraft, Maker, which through its flight test program has helped validate its proprietary 12-tilt-6 aircraft configuration and certain key enabling technologies.
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