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Relation chart of related listed companies: Arecor Therapeutics plc

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Related listed companies: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Relationship chart for related private companies: Arecor Therapeutics plc

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Related private companies: Arecor Therapeutics plc

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Listed companies

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Pharmaceuticals: Major1
Chemicals: Specialty1

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United Kingdom3
Logo Arecor Therapeutics plc
Arecor Therapeutics plc is a United Kingdom-based globally focused biopharmaceutical company. The Company, by applying its technology platform, Arestat, is developing an internal portfolio of products in diabetes and other indications, as well as working with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to deliver therapeutic products. Its portfolio includes AT247 - Ultra-Rapid Acting Insulin and AT278 - Ultra-Concentrated Ultra-Rapid Acting Insulin. Its lead product, AT247, is an Arestat enabled formulation of insulin designed to accelerate insulin absorption post injection, to enable effective management of blood glucose levels for people living with diabetes, particularly around difficult to manage mealtimes. The Company's AT278 is an ultra-concentrated novel formulation of ultra-rapid acting insulin. Its subsidiary, Tetris Pharma Ltd, has a portfolio of injectable products including Ogluo, which is a ready-to-use glucagon for emergency use to treat hypoglycemia.
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