Business description: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Arecor Therapeutics plc is a United Kingdom-based globally focused biopharmaceutical company. The Company, by applying its technology platform, Arestat, is developing an internal portfolio of products in diabetes and other indications, as well as working with pharmaceutical and biotechnology companies to deliver therapeutic products. Its portfolio includes AT247 - Ultra-Rapid Acting Insulin and AT278 - Ultra-Concentrated Ultra-Rapid Acting Insulin. Its lead product, AT247, is an Arestat enabled formulation of insulin designed to accelerate insulin absorption post injection, to enable effective management of blood glucose levels for people living with diabetes, particularly around difficult to manage mealtimes. The Company's AT278 is an ultra-concentrated novel formulation of ultra-rapid acting insulin. Its subsidiary, Tetris Pharma Ltd, has a portfolio of injectable products including Ogluo, which is a ready-to-use glucagon for emergency use to treat hypoglycemia.

Number of employees: 50

Sales by Activity: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


748K 1.7M 1.16M 2.4M 4.57M
See all business segments

Geographical breakdown of sales: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Fiscal Period: December20192020202120222023


44.9K - 71K 1.14M 2.89M


- - 940K 784K 556K


- - - 240K 488K


- - - - 332K


- - - - 274K


- - - 135K 30K

Rest of World

380K 962K 71K - -

Rest of Europe

322K 736K 76K 108K -
See all geographic segments

Executive Committee: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Manager TitleAgeSince
Chief Executive Officer 50 2021-04-12
Director of Finance/CFO - 2024-11-17
Chief Tech/Sci/R&D Officer - 2007-07-31
Corporate Officer/Principal - 2023-04-04
Corporate Officer/Principal - -

Composition of the Board of Directors: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Director TitleAgeSince
Director/Board Member 79 2021-04-12
Director/Board Member 50 2021-04-12
Director/Board Member 60 2017-08-31
Chairman 65 2021-04-12
Director/Board Member 67 2021-04-30
Director/Board Member 62 -
Composition of the Board of Directors

Shareholders: Arecor Therapeutics plc

BGF Investment Management Ltd.
9.961 %
3,760,994 9.961 % 3 M p
2,931,002 7.763 % 2 M p
Lombard Odier Asset Management (Europe) Ltd.
5.151 %
1,944,813 5.151 % 1 M p
Oxford Technology Management Ltd.
4.205 %
1,587,776 4.205 % 1 M p
1,565,408 4.146 % 1 M p
List of ARECOR THERAPEUTICS PLC shareholders

Company details: Arecor Therapeutics plc

Arecor Therapeutics Plc

Chesterford Research Park

CB10 1XL, Little Chesterford

+44 1223 426 060
address Arecor Therapeutics plc(AREC)

Other Biotechnology & Medical Research

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Change 5d. change 1-year change 3-years change Capi.($)
0.00%0.00%-65.18%-85.47% 25.96M
+1.07%-0.33%+30.09%-0.20% 48.26B
-1.33%-6.54%-18.93%-14.54% 34.06B
-0.45%-1.71%-0.38%+22.57% 26.71B
+0.04%+7.22%+72.58%+85.37% 16.54B
+1.95%-2.43%-35.57%-19.02% 15.37B
+6.79%+30.84% - - 14.08B
+3.35%+3.51%-62.67%-77.46% 12.7B
-1.24%-5.69%-7.92%-33.76% 10.42B
-0.65%-4.04%-13.14%+139.12% 10.36B
Average +0.95%+1.09%-11.23%+1.85% 18.85B
Weighted average by Cap. +0.76%+0.28%+2.49%+7.58%
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