Artemis Resources Limited reported the discovery of exceptionally high grade gold in veins at the Titan prospect as part of its recent ground reconnaissance program at its Karratha Gold Project, in the Pilbara region of Western Australia. Ground reconnaissance recently completed as a follow up to the previous reported work has delivered further gold occurrences in areas that were previously only lightly explored. This work was designed to map the prospective surface veins and identify additional fertile structures that may contain gold & copper mineralisation.

Not only did the ground team identify and trace several large-scale vein trends, they were also successful in identifying a vein zone with abundant coarse visible gold at the Titan prospect. The Titan prospect is essentially a greenfields discovery as previous work conducted at this location was limited to broad spaced soil sampling and a constrained moving loop transient electromagnetic survey (MLTEM) program without any follow up exploration. Titan is located within the Company's Carlow tenement and approximately 2km from the Carlow project where there is a current JORC 2012 compliantMineral Resource of 374,000oz Au (Au Eq total mineral resource of 704,000 oz AuEq).

Recent work by the Company which focussed on the identification of prospective surface veins has resulted in the discovery of a fertile region around the Titan prospect, including a highly mineralised sub vertical quartz-iron vein zone with abundant visible gold. This work involved taking rock chips from surface and exposing the veining below very shallow cover. The Titan mineralised trend has been tracked for approximately 700m and appears to remain open under shallow cover.

Furthermore, recent field observations suggest it also occurs on a much larger and strike extensive structural zone. Multiple hard rock goldsamples were extracted from the quartz-iron veining with the largest being an estimated 10cm x 4cm. Importantly, these gold samples are not analogous to the conglomerate hosted mineralisation, Witwatersrand style of watermelon seed gold nuggets as per the Purdy's Reward and other previously reported discoveries.

Instead, these gold occurrences originate from a hard rock source which indicates they are potentially looking at large gold structures, at surface with potential to extend along strike and at depth. Sampling work was conducted around the Titan prospect with around 300kg material removed. This material was sorted, crushed, separated, gold extracted and a gold bar weighing 10.4 ounces was subsequently produced.

The potential upside remains large not only for this prospect, but more importantly for tenement wide prospectivity as the Company believes Titan is not a sole occurrence but instead part of a larger gold mineralised system across the Carlow tenement. Further, they believe that the mineralisation extends beyond the Carlow tenement and these trends persist across the Silica Hills and Osborne tenements, leading towards the Lulu Creek prospect which was recently the recipient of a government grant for co-funded drilling. Rock chips samples from Titan were collected and sent to the ALS laboratory in Perth for analysis.

Results received and included the following highlights; 24AR11-004, 005, 008 - >10,000 g/t Au, 24AR07-002 - 6,520 g/t Au, 24AR07-169 - 10.2 g/t Au, 24AR07-192 - 6.1 g/t Au, 24AR07-162 - 5.1 g/t Au, 24AR07-184 - 23.8% Cu, 24AR07-183 - 14.55% Cu. Recent ground reconnaissance programs have been completed with surface samples identifying numerous potential gold mineralisation zones including Carlow, Sing 6-Well and Orpheus. These zones are distinctive trends that have the potential for the discovery of sub-surface gold mineralised zones and have expanded the Company's exploration upside, in a greenfields location, only ~15km from Karratha.

The Carlow project, with its 374,000 oz Au Mineral Resource estimate is an important starting point but the Company is interested in further exploring the prospectivity of the greater tenement package and its inherent mineralisation to identify multiple Carlow type projects or deposits which could be combined with Carlow to form a larger overall system of mineralisation. This recent program continues to demonstrate the prospectivity of the region and in particular the Artemis tenements and they are confident that further work will result in additional exploration success. Heritage and ethnographic surveys have now been completed over Lulu Creek gold and Mt Marie lithium prospects and once the written report has been received, the pathway to drilling will be clear.

As always, they thank the Ngarluma Corporation for their ongoing support and cooperation.