Artificial Intelligence Technology Solutions, Inc. along with Robotic Assistance Devices, Inc. announced plans to launch three GPT-powered tools. Designed to enhance investor relations, sales engagement, and technical troubleshooting, these new applications are expected to improve the speed and quality of interactions between the Company and its stakeholders, clients, and partners. GPT, short for Generative Pre-trained Transformer, is a powerful AI language model developed by OpenAI.

GPT-4, the latest version, is known for its exceptional ability to understand and generate human-like text, making it ideal for a wide range of applications. The Company's three GPT-powered solutions are as follows: Advanced Investor Relations (AIR): This AI-driven platform will transform the way AITX communicates with investors. By leveraging GPT technology, AIR will provide instant, personalized responses to investor queries, improving transparency and engagement.

Sales and Prospect Aid (SPA): SPA will offer an intelligent, AI-assisted platform for RAD's sales team, accelerating the sales process and enhancing customer relationships using existing resources. By providing real-time support and tailored solutions, SPA could empower AITX sales representatives to close deals more efficiently and effectively. Technical Troubleshooting and Support (TTS): TTS is a powerful AI-driven technical assistance platform designed to provide instant, accurate solutions to the technical challenges that RAD's clients may face.

With TTS, the Company aims to minimize downtime and maximize productivity for its clients.