Proc edures for Nom ination of Dir ector s of

Asia Cassava Resources Holdings Limited

(the "Com pany" )

Intr oduct ion

Sharehold er(s) of the Com pany (each a "Sh areho lder" )may nomina te person( s), other than a retiring dire ctor of the Com pany ("Di recto r")and the Shareho lder hims elf/hers elf, to be appointed as a Direc tor ("Pr opose dDir ector ").Details of the proce dures for Shareh olders to propose a pers on for elec tion as a Direct or at a gene ral meeti ng (either an ann ual general meeting ("AG M") or extr aordinary general mee ting) of the Compa ny ("M eeting ") are set out below.

Qualific ation

Qualification of the Shareholder:

an existing shareholder of the Company entitled to attend and vote at the Meeting

Qualification of the Proposed


(i) has attained the age of 18 years;

(ii) should possess the necessary work experience and qualification considered fit by the nomination committee of the Company ("Nomination Committee"); and

(iii) should not prohibited by law from being a director.

Proc edure s

1. Submit a written notice duly sig ned by the nominat ing Sharehol der(s), tog ether with the Propos ed Directo r's CV with cont act det ails, a writ ten record of Proposed Dire ctor's willi ngness to be elect ed, copy of ident ificati on docu ments, inform ation and details (incl uding but not limit ed to details as requir ed by rule 13.51( 2) or such other rules of the Rules Governi ng the Listi ng of Securiti es on The Stock Exch ange of Hong Kong Limit ed to be discl osed by the Company) of the Propo sed Direc tor, to the Company to the followi ng address:

Comp any Sec retar y

Asia Cassava Resources Holdings Limited

Unit617, 6/F ., Houston Centre,

63ModyRoad, Tsim Sha Tsui,

Hong Kong

Note: The mini mum len gth of the peri od of such writt en notice shall be seven (7) day s and that the period for lodg ment of such writ ten notice shall commence no earli er tha n the day after the des patch of the notice of the Meeti ng and end no later than seven (7) days prior to the date of the Meeti ng. If such writt en notice is receiv ed less than 12bus iness days prior to the Meet ing, the Compa ny may need to con sider the adjo urnmen t of such Meeti ng in order to allow Sha reholde rs 10 busi ness days noti ce of such propo sal.

2. Acknowle dgement of rece ipt will be prov ided by the Compan y.

3. The Nom ination Com mittee will review and con sider if the Proposed Dire ctor is appropriate to be appoin ted as a Direc tor.

3.1 If the Proposed Dire ctor is consi dered approp riate, the reso lution for the appointment of the Proposed Direc tor will be inser ted to the agen da of the Meeti ng or the adjou rned AGM and an announ cement in relat ion such gen eral meeting will be issu ed by the Compan y.

3.2 If the Proposed Director is considered not appropriate, written notice with reasons will be given to the nominating Shareholder(s).

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