Norges Bank - ASR Nederland N.V. - Utrecht
Norges Bank - ASR Nederland N.V. - Utrecht

Below you will find information from the register substantial holdings and gross short positions. The information has been provided by the organisation.

Date of transaction27 sep 2023
Person obliged to notifyNorges Bank
Issuing institutionASR Nederland N.V.
Registration Chamber of Commerce30070695
Place of residenceUtrecht
Previous result
Next result
Distribution in numbers
Type of share Number of shares Number of voting rights Capital interest Voting rights Manner of disposal Settlement
Type of shareGewoon aandeel Number of shares6.412.689,00 Number of voting rights6.412.689,00 Capital interestReëel Voting rightsReëel Manner of disposalRechtstreeks Settlement
Distribution in percentages
Type Total holding Directly real Directly potential Indirectly real Indirectly potential
TypeKapitaalbelang Total holding3,03 % Directly real3,03 % Directly potential0,00 % Indirectly real0,00 % Indirectly potential0,00 %
TypeStemrecht Total holding3,03 % Directly real3,03 % Directly potential0,00 % Indirectly real0,00 % Indirectly potential0,00 %

Date last update: 28 September 2023



ASR Nederland NV published this content on 27 September 2023 and is solely responsible for the information contained therein. Distributed by Public, unedited and unaltered, on 28 September 2023 19:07:41 UTC.